Open Access BASE2014



Family is dependent to social system, in many respects , but showing dependency, and degree of effectiveness of family from society and social system is necessary . This paper has investigated family as social group that our laws have not defined it clearly and its legal personality are not allowed. But in contemporary society, state's influence was causing changes in privacy .In this paper, relying on literature of sociology in relation family and government and put base on the Habermas theory , and relying on experience to analyze effect rules on current situation in contemporary family. Using existing documents and comments sociologists in this field was study guide. With studies done in different fields function, family were identified: independent nature family in the past. But now family as a private sphere with fading of roles and functions, with government entering into family privacy, it being dependent on other Institutions, especially political institution and changed its nature, thus family defined by rules and it is state family. Necessary maintenance and entity families privacy and its independence, creating a public sphere in society, as the interface areas between the family and political institution. By creating this area, and family with political institution and laws to coordinate action, families entity was preserved.




European Scientific Institute, ESI



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