Open Access BASE2020

Factors of illegal behavior influencing globalisation


The purpose of the article is to identify the factors of illegal behaviour arising from globalization. It is argued that these factors are directly related to the contradictions of social development, ideological confrontation and economic, political, social inequality of the countries of the world, and therefore to a different degree of their participation in globalization processes. The following research methods were used: formal-logical, systematic, structurally functional, legalistic method and the method of comparison. It is concluded that the globalizing factors of illegal behaviour are the social contradictions that are generated or stimulated by globalization. Globalization leads to inequality, injustice, destruction of many well-established forms of existence, erosion of traditional values of society, forms a state of uncertainty and uncertainty of the person in the face of possible challenges. The result of such confrontation may be a deformation of legal consciousness and unlawful conduct. The spread of crime becomes a response to political, economic and cultural expansion, on the one hand, and to the progressive stratification of the very rich and the very poor, not only at the national level but also at the interstate level, on the other hand. Crime is one of the factors that affect social activity, violate human rights and lead to the independent search for any way to realize the legitimate interests. The holistic approach to neutralizing the globalizing factors of unlawful behaviour requires social policies aimed at eradicating the causes of offenses. The desired results can be achieved only through the joint efforts of politicians, the public and scientists.




Amazonia Investiga



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