Open Access BASE2021

[Hepatitis C in a psychiatric setting: A forgotten reservoir?] ; Hépatite C en milieu psychiatrique : un réservoir oublié ?


International audience ; Hepatitis C is a transmissible hepatic and extra-hepatic disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). HCV develops into a chronic infection among approximately 70% of the contaminated subjects. Chronic HCV infection is estimated to affect between 0.5% and 1 % of the general population in France, which causes an important burden of disease, in particular due to the occurrence of cirrhosis and liver cancer. New antiviral drugs now allow to cure more than 95% of patients in just a few weeks of treatment with very limited safety issues. This therapeutic revolution has led the World Health Organization and many national governments to aim for an elimination of HCV, which has been defined as a 90%-reduction of the incidence rate, and a 65%-reduction in the number of HCV-related deaths on the basis of the 2015 figures. In this respect, the French Ministry of Health has recently decided to extend the ability to prescribe the new antiviral drugs to any physician. However, the elimination campaign of HCV will also need to correctly identify, screen, and treat the main target populations. If people who inject drugs (PWIDs) certainly constitute the most important population concerned by the challenge of HCV elimination, more hidden reservoirs in which HCV transmission can insidiously evolve should be identified and specifically targeted as well. Inpatient psychiatric populations might constitute one of these hidden reservoirs. International data suggest that chronic HCV infection affects approximately 5% of psychiatric inpatients in Europe. This very high prevalence estimate can in part be due to the very frequent psychiatric disorders found among the current or former PWIDs. However, a part of the seropositive patients does not report a history of drug use, and other factors could contribute to the increased risk of contamination in this population including atypical routes of transmission related to institutional promiscuity. Exploring the general profile and risk-behaviors of the psychiatric ...

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