Open Access BASE2017

The sensory gardens as the new direction for ecological entrepreneurship development


Mother Nature teaches us that we don't expect from her more than we gave her. In that case humans have an obligation to correct harmonic relationship with nature that they violated because of the megalopolis processes such as industrialization, urbanization and pollution. One of paramount problems of modern landscape architecture and green economy is to maximize preservation or to create a new natural zones and complexes in city space. Because of the technological development, the health status of the population in cities is getting worse every year, especially in psychological and emotional terms. human population needs new ideas how to live with nature and ecological entrepreneurship is a concept that is not interested only in making profit but also takes care about environment. Ecological entrepreneurship is relatively new term and some authors uses different terms such as "green entrepreneurship" or "environmental entrepreneurship" or "ecological entrepreneurship". Anderson (1998) said that both entrepreneurship and environmentalism are based on a perception of value. The attitudes which inform environmental concern create areas of value that can be exploited entrepreneurially. "Environmental Entrepreneurs" not only recognize opportunity, but construct real organizations to capture and fix change in society. According to The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), SMEs participate actively in the emerging green industries, such as renewable energy production, smart metering, building refurbishment, cleaner cars, wind and solar installations, and battery development. For example, in the European Union (EU) entrepreneurship is highly important because 99.8% of Europe's private companies are SMEs. In 2014 EU adopted "The Green Action Plan (GAP)" with the aim to help small and medium-sized enterprises to take advantage of resource efficiency improvements. "Ecological entrepreneurship is a reward – based approach to addressing environmental problems, rather than a punitive approach, and may prove more successful at changing attitudes and practices in the long run."( One of the ways of achieving this balance is the development and the use of sensory garden. Sensory garden is a specially organized natural territory where a favourable condition for a close communication with the natural environment is created. John Dewey in his work Experience and Nature (1925) said that "we cannot separate organic life and mind from physical nature without also separating nature from life and mind. The separation has reached the point where intelligent persons are asking whether the end is to be a catastrophe, the subjection of man to the industrial and military machines he has created." Since ancient times, philosophers and Aesculapius of the whole world showed interest in the nonconventional ways of improvement, promoting a quicker restoration of a mental and physical condition of the patient. It was considered that the nature, with her elements, such as: plants, sunlight, water, sand, birds chirping, animals and her many other components, are very effective as therapeutic addition to a traditional method of treatment. The history of emergence of sensory gardens leaves by times of the Roman Empire. People used garden therapy since ancient times. The term "sensory gardens" began to use in science in the mid-seventies. Today sensory gardens are one of the perspective directions of development of landscaping. Unique sensory gardens are created on each continent of Earth and the quantity of them constantly grows. The word "Sensorics" in translation from Latin means the "perception" which is performed by means of sense of organs. The person obtains information from the outside world by means of five main sense organs: eyes (sight), ears (hearing), language (taste), nose (sense of smell), skin (touch, tactile feelings) and it becomes more active when it beholds the nature or has a rest in a garden because the nature and a surrounding landscape, inevitably cause emotions. The aim of this paper is to explore the meaning of the sensory gardens and how they can be used as a new concept of ecological entrepreneurship.




Faculty of business economics and entrepreneurship

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