Open Access BASE2012

Civic Virtue and the Sovereignty of Evil ; Građanska vrlina i suverenitet zla


The author explains the main categories and arguments introduced in his forthcoming book Civic Virtue and the Sovereignty of Evil: Political Ethics in Uncertain Times. He offers a dualist account of public morality, contrasting aspirational with preventive politics and suggesting that the latter is often not given enough weight in contemporary political theory. He continues with introducing the idea of sovereignty of evil and clarifying its role in constituting preventive civic virtues. The author concludes by arguing that making sense of practices of civic virtue in conditions of conflict and insecurity should be in terms of the preventive austerity ethic. ; Autor pojašnjava glavne kategorije i argumente koje zagovara u svojoj knjizi Civic Virtue and the Sovereignty of Evil: Political Ethics in Uncertain Times (knjiga izlazi u drugoj polovici 2012). Autor nudi dvojno razumijevanje javnog moraliteta, uspoređujući aspiracijsku s preventivnom politikom i argumentirajući da je preventivna politika često zanemarivana u suvremenoj političkoj teoriji. Nastavlja uvodeći ideju suvereniteta zla i pojašnjavajući njenu ulogu u konstituiranju preventivnih građanskih vrlina. Autor zaključuje tvrdeći kako se smisleno prakticiranje građanskih vrlina u uvjetima sukoba i nesigurnosti treba voditi preventivnom etikom.




Croatian Political Science Association

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