Open Access BASE2019



The scientific article reveals the main content of the philosophical discussions that unfold in the first half of the 20th century among Russian theoreticians connected with the evaluation of the consequences of the cultural revolution for the further development of human society and the world cultural process. Supporters of the cultural revolution, this process are considering as a civilizational breakthrough, which qualitatively changes both the person himself and society as a whole. Considering the cultural revolution as a civilizational breakthrough, as a struggle between two antagonistic worlds, M.I. Bukharin argued that this struggle permeates all spheres of social life, science, art, philosophy, destroys the old way of life, changes all customary and traditional relations. He believes that the material struggle of classes turns into a great struggle between two cultures, two worldviews, into a great struggle of ideologies. A. Lunacharsky, reflecting on the creative potential of man, notes that during revolutionary processes a person perceives himself not a cog in the social mechanism, but a creator who has endless possibilities and strives for personal integral development. Opponents of the cultural revolution interpret the offensive of the revolution as a civilizational breakthrough that will lead humanity to barbarity and destruction of the spiritual heritage created by mankind in previous centuries. N. Berdyaev defended the public superiority of culture. He believed that it is culture that determines the goals of society, the higher the qualitative level of culture, the higher the value and quality of society. Philosopher was skeptical of attempts to create a new proletarian educational and cultural space and noted that a new culture can not be created without a hereditary connection with the past culture, without respect for the cultural heritage of ancestors. G. Lelevich very critically evaluated the activities of the Bolsheviks in education and culture. He believed that behind any cultural process, according to Marxists, is the struggle of classes, parties, ideologies, which determines the social dynamics of culture, the value hierarchy of cultural forms, the individual positions of cultural figures. Thus, cultural analysis is transformed into a social and political analysis of culture and cultural activities, leads to the search for class enemies or allies in culture, determines the political orientation of cultural figures Through the prism of these discussions, one can see the process of the formation of a new scale of values by destroying the value foundations of bourgeois society, the formation of ideological control over culture, which deprives it of the freedom of creativity and self-expression. The analysis of philosophical views and reflections on the civilizational consequences of the so-called cultural revolution reveals a whole palette of different assessments of cultural processes from progressive and necessary to threatening and destructive, allows us to see the alternatives of these positions, to rethink the consequences of the cultural revolution from the point of view of changes in the civilizational paradigm of world cultural processes.Keywords: cultural revolution, civilizational breakthrough, cultural heritage, values, culture, art. ; У науковій статті розкривається основний зміст філософських дискусій, які розгорнулися у першій половині ХХ століття серед російських теоретиків і були пов'язані з оцінкою наслідків культурної революції для подальшого розвитку людського суспільства та світового культурного процесу. Прибічниками культурної революції цей процес розглядається як цивілізиційний прорив, який якісно змінить як саму людину, так й суспільство у цілому. Противники культурної революції трактують наступ революції як цивілізаційний злам, який приведе людство до варварства та руйнування духовної спадщини, яка була створена людством у попередні століття. Через призму цих дискусій можна побачити процес формування нової шкали цінностей шляхом руйнації ціннісних засад буржуазного суспільства, встановлення ідеологічного контролю над культурою, що позбавляє її свободи творчості та самовираження. Аналіз філософських поглядів і міркувань щодо цивілізаційних наслідків так званої «культурної революції» розкриває цілу палітру різних оцінок культурних процесів від прогресивних й необхідних до загрозливих й руйнівних і дозволяє побачити альтернативність цих позицій, осмислити наслідки «культурної революції» з точки зору змін у цивілізаційній парадигмі світових культурних процесів.Ключові слова: культурна революція, цивілізаційний прорив, культурна спадщина, цінності, культура, мистецтво. В научной статье раскрывается основное содержание философских дискуссий, которые разворачиваются в первой половине ХХ столетия среди российских теоретиков, связанных с оценкой последствий культурной революции для дальнейшего развития человеческого общества и мирового культурного процесса. Сторонниками культурной революции этот процесс рассматривается как цивилизационный прорыв, который качественно меняет как самого человека, так и общество в целом. Противники культурной революции трактуют наступление революции как цивилизационный перелом, который приведет человечество к варварству и уничтожению духовного наследия, созданного человечеством за предыдущие столетия. Через призму этих дискуссий можно увидеть процесс формирования новой шкалы ценностей путем разрушения ценностных основ буржуазного общества, становления идеологического контроля над культурой, что лишает ее свободы творчества и самовыражения. Анализ философских взглядов и размышлений о цивилизационных последствиях так называемой культурной революции раскрывают целую палитру различных оценок культурных процессов от прогрессивных и необходимых до угрожающих и разрушительных, позволяет увидеть альтернативность этих позиций, переосмыслить последствия культурной революции с точки зрения изменений в цивилизационной парадигме мировых культурных процессов.Ключевые слова: культурная революция, цивилизационный прорыв, культурное наследие, ценности, культура, искусство. The scientific article reveals the main content of the philosophical discussions that unfold in the first half of the 20th century among Russian theoreticians connected with the evaluation of the consequences of the cultural revolution for the further development of human society and the world cultural process. Supporters of the cultural revolution, this process are considering as a civilizational breakthrough, which qualitatively changes both the person himself and society as a whole. Considering the cultural revolution as a civilizational breakthrough, as a struggle between two antagonistic worlds, M.I. Bukharin argued that this struggle permeates all spheres of social life, science, art, philosophy, destroys the old way of life, changes all customary and traditional relations. He believes that the material struggle of classes turns into a great struggle between two cultures, two worldviews, into a great struggle of ideologies. A. Lunacharsky, reflecting on the creative potential of man, notes that during revolutionary processes a person perceives himself not a cog in the social mechanism, but a creator who has endless possibilities and strives for personal integral development. Opponents of the cultural revolution interpret the offensive of the revolution as a civilizational breakthrough that will lead humanity to barbarity and destruction of the spiritual heritage created by mankind in previous centuries. N. Berdyaev defended the public superiority of culture. He believed that it is culture that determines the goals of society, the higher the qualitative level of culture, the higher the value and quality of society. Philosopher was skeptical of attempts to create a new proletarian educational and cultural space and noted that a new culture can not be created without a hereditary connection with the past culture, without respect for the cultural heritage of ancestors. G. Lelevich very critically evaluated the activities of the Bolsheviks in education and culture. He believed that behind any cultural process, according to Marxists, is the struggle of classes, parties, ideologies, which determines the social dynamics of culture, the value hierarchy of cultural forms, the individual positions of cultural figures. Thus, cultural analysis is transformed into a social and political analysis of culture and cultural activities, leads to the search for class enemies or allies in culture, determines the political orientation of cultural figures Through the prism of these discussions, one can see the process of the formation of a new scale of values by destroying the value foundations of bourgeois society, the formation of ideological control over culture, which deprives it of the freedom of creativity and self-expression. The analysis of philosophical views and reflections on the civilizational consequences of the so-called cultural revolution reveals a whole palette of different assessments of cultural processes from progressive and necessary to threatening and destructive, allows us to see the alternatives of these positions, to rethink the consequences of the cultural revolution from the point of view of changes in the civilizational paradigm of world cultural processes.Keywords: cultural revolution, civilizational breakthrough, cultural heritage, values, culture, art.




Vìsnik HarkìvsʹKogo NacìonalʹNogo Pedagogìčnogo Unìversitetu ìmenì G.S. Skovorodi. Fìlosofìâ; Вісник ХНПУ імені Г. С. Сковороди "Філософія



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