Arabic language is one of the international languages in the world today. This language has contrib- uted immensely to the development of human lives such as economy, education, politics, sociology and a host of others. The language has been used in the past to bring light of knowledge from other tribes and cultures such as Greco and Persian knowledge through translation. Today, it seems that the language is dwindling in our society in terms of speaking, writing and learning. There are many meth- ods to be used to improve in learning the language to regain its glory. The method suggested in this paper to teach the language effectively is team collaboration approach. The major findings to resusci- tate the learning/teaching of Arabic as a language to become a more interesting language to learn in the society include learning outcome and improve the behaviour. There will be quality control and as- sured evaluation reports being produced as evidence of best value. More hands of professionals on the field will be involved.
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