Open Access BASE2005

Development of a Beta 0.12, 88 MHz, Quarter Wave Resonator and its Cryomodule for the SPIRAL2 Project


SPIRAL2 is a radioactive beams facility, composed of a superconducting linac driver, delivering deuterons with an energy up to 40 MeV (5 mA) and heavy ions with an energy of 14.5 MeV/u (1 mA). This facility is now fully approved by the French government. The first prototype of beta 0.12 quarter-wave resonator has been recently fabricated by Zanon company and tested at IPN Orsay. The details on its fabrication and the results of the RF and mechanical tests at 4K will be presented. Then, we will show the design of the cryomodule-B, dedicated to the high energy section of the linac, which is now ready to be ordered. Finally, the last studies of the R&D program, such as the last optimizations of the geometry, the new developments of the tuning system and the design of the helium vessel, are described.

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