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419 Ergebnisse
Is there an inevitable global violent clash unfolding between the world's largest religions: Islam and Christianity? Do religions cause violent conflicts, or are there other factors at play? How can we make sense of increasing reports of violence between Christian and Muslim ethnic communities across the world? By seeking to answer such questions about the relationship between religion and violence in today's world, Ziya Meral challenges popular theories and offers an alternative explanation, grounded on insights inferred from real cases of ethno-religious violence in Africa and the Middle East. The relationship between religion and violence runs deep and both are intrinsic to the human story. Violence leads to and shapes religion, while religion acts to enable violence as well as providing responses that contain and prevent it. However, with religious violence being one of the most serious challenges facing the modern world, Meral shows that we need to de-globalise our analysis and focus on individual conflicts, instead of attempting to provide single answers to complex questions.-- Publisher's description
World Affairs Online
In: DIIS Reports / Danish Institute for International Studies 2009,05
Currently, the prospects for Turkey's EU membership do not look very bright. With key chapters for negotiation already suspended, the government is likely to resume a loose Europeanization agenda. The counterpart of this in the foreign-policy realm is an approach based on 'soft Euro-asianism'. An attempt is also being made to development friendly relationships with all neighboring countries, coupled with a mediating role in regional conflicts, but without the EU providing the main axis for foreign policy. The present report investigates the continuities and ruptures in Turkish foreign policy during the post-2002 AKP era. It attempts to identify the underlying reasons for the decline in enthusiasm for EU membership following the golden age of Europeanization and reforms during the early years of the AKP government. The report also points to internal and external political developments which may help to reverse the current drift away from Europeanization.
In: Bilge yayınları 97
In: Tarih kültür dizisi : 7 5
In: Bilge yayınları 88
In: Tarih kültür dizisi 6
In: Bilge yayınları 88
In: Tarih kültür dizisi 6
In: EUI working papers., RSC 48 (2001)
World Affairs Online
In: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Döner Sermaye Işletmesi yayınları 73
In: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Döner Sermaye Işletmesi yayınları no. 44
In: World Bank comparative macroeconomic studies
World Affairs Online
In: Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi yayınları 374