77 Ergebnisse
Review: I See the Philippines Rise, by Carlos P. Romulo
In: Far Eastern survey, Band 15, Heft 17, S. 272-272
I See the Philippines Rise . Carlos P. Romulo
In: Far Eastern survey, Band 15, Heft 17, S. 272-272
Review: The Good Fight, by Manuel Luis Quezon
In: Far Eastern survey, Band 15, Heft 15, S. 240-240
The Good Fight . Manuel Luis Quezon
In: Far Eastern survey, Band 15, Heft 15, S. 240-240
Education in Japan
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 122, Heft 1, S. 111-123
ISSN: 1552-3349
The beggining of the end of gender identification? ; ¿El principio del fin de la identificación por sexo?
In this document we analyze the problems that could be caused by the approbation of the trans law that is being prepared by the government, which draft leaking has caused a huge media hype, as the most controversial provisions, such as the age limit to self-request gender change or the suppression of the medical requirements' fulfillment to change gender's registration mention. Will it be the end of gender identification? ; Tras el revuelo mediático por la filtración del borrador de la Ley trans que prepara el Gobierno, en este documento se analizan los problemas que podrían surgir si el borrador se convirtiese finalmente en ley y las disposiciones más controvertidas como el límite de edad para solicitar el cambio de sexo por sí mismo o la eliminación de cumplir con requisitos médicos para acceder al cambio en la mención registral del sexo. ¿Será el final de la identificación por sexo?
Flexibility of multi-agent system models for rubber agroforest landscapes and social response to emerging reward mechanisms for ecosystem services in Sumatra, Indonesia
Payments for ecosystem services (PES) have been widely recognized as an innovative management approach to address both environment conservation and human welfare while serving as a policy instrument to deal with the ecosystem service (ES) trade-offs resulting from land-use/ cover change (LUCC). However, there is no solid understanding of how PES could affect the synergies and trade-offs among ES. This research focuses on the LUCC and its inherent ES trade-offs in the context of social-ecological systems (SES) that incorporates key feedbacks and processes, and explores the possible impacts of management regimes, i.e., PES schemes (e.g., eco-certification and reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD)). To address the complexity of this research, a multi-agent simulation (MAS) model (LB-LUDAS - Lubuk Beringin - Land Use DynAmics Simulator) was applied in which process-based decision-making sub-models were incorporated in the decision-making mechanism of agents. The model was developed to explore policy scenarios by quantifying the potential ES trade-offs resulting from the agents' land-use choices and preferences. It was first implemented for the rubber agroforest landscape in Jambi Province (Sumatra), Indonesia. Species richness, carbon sequestration, opportunity costs, and decision processes such as PES adoption and future land-use preferences sub-models were incorporated to capture as much as possible the real SES of a rubber agroforest landscape. Three scenarios were simulated over a 20-year period, namely the PES scenario, the scenario land-use preference if supported by financial assistance/subsidies (SUB), and the current trend as the baseline scenario. From the simulations, the key findings show that there was a minimal land-cover change under the PES scenario, where an estimated 22% of the species richness in rubber agroforests could be conserved and 97% of the carbon emissions reduced compared to the baseline scenario. For the SUB scenario, an estimated 6% of the species richness could be conserved and 47% of the carbon emissions reduced. With regard to livelihoods, only under the PES scenario was wealth inequality reduced up to 50%. Regarding the return for land investment, the profitability of a land-use type depends considerably on each scenario; however, rubber agroforests would be highly profitable (20%) if a price premium were to be implemented under an eco-certification scheme. The main conclusions of this study are firstly, that PES schemes for rubber agroforests could offer synergies among carbon emission reduction, biodiversity and livelihoods, thus reducing the trade-offs resulting from possible land-use/cover change, and secondly that the LB-LUDAS model as an integrated and MAS model is a useful tool to capture the ES trade-offs as an emergent property of the dynamic social-ecological systems at the same time serving as a negotiation-support system tool to support the design of land-use policies. The use of process-based decision making in the LB-LUDAS model is recommended in order to incorporate intended decisions of agents in various situations. In this way, the triggers, options and temporal and spatial aspects of agents' reactions are captured in a relatively realistic way. ; Flexibilität von Multi-Agenten-Modellen für Gummi-Agroforste-Landschaften und die soziale Reaktion auf die neu entstehenden Belohnungsmechanismen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen in Sumatra, Indonesien Bezahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen (PES) sind weit verbreitet und anerkannt als ein Managementansatz sowohl für den Umweltschutz als auch für das menschliche Wohlbefinden. Gleichzeitig dienen sie als Politikinstrument zur Behandlung der Folgen (ES trade-offs) durch Veränderungen in der Landnutzung/-bedeckung (LUCC). Es gibt jedoch kein solides Wissen darüber, wie sich PES auf die Synergien und trade-offs zwischen den ES auswirken könnten. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Studie liegt auf den LUCC und ihren inhärenten ES trade-offs im Kontext von sozial-ökologischen Systemen (SES), die wichtige Feedbacks und Prozesse berücksichtigen. Die Studie untersucht die möglichen Auswirkungen von Managementregimen, d.h., PES-Systeme (z.B. Ökozertifizierung und reduzierte Emissionen von Entwaldung und Degradation (REDD)). Um die Komplexität des Themas zu erfassen, wurde ein Multi-Agentensimulationsmodel (MAS; LB-LUDAS - Lubuk Beringin - Land Use DynAmics Simulator) eingesetzt, in dem prozessbasierte Entscheidungs-Submodelle in den Entscheidungsmechanismus der Agenten berücksichtigt werden. Das Modell wurde entwickelt, um verschiedene Szenarien durch die Quantifizierung der potentiellen ES trade-offs, die durch die Wahl bzw. Vorlieben der Agenten hinsichtlich der Landnutzung entstehen, zu untersuchen. Es wurde zuerst für die Landschaften der Gummi-Agroforste in Jambi Provinz (Sumatra), Indonesien, eingesetzt. Sub-Modelle wie Artenvielfalt, Kohlenstoffspeicherung, Opportunitätskosten und Entscheidungsprozesse wie Anwendung von PES und zukünftige Präferenzen wurden berücksichtigt, um so weit wie möglich die tatsächlichen SES von Gummi-Agroforsten zu erfassen. Drei Szenarien wurden über eine Periode von 20 Jahren simuliert nämlich das PES-Szenario, das Szenario Landnutzungspräferenz, wenn mit finanzieller Unterstützung bzw. Subventionen (SUB), sowie der aktuelle Trend als Grundszenario. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Simulationen zeigen eine minimale Veränderung der Landnutzung im PES-Szenario wobei ca. 22% der Artenvielfalt in den Gummi-Agroforsten erhalten und die Kohlenstoffemissionen um 97% reduziert werden konnten verglichen mit dem Grundszenario. Bei dem SUB-Szenario konnten ca. 6% der Artenvielfalt erhalten und die Kohlenstoffemissionen um 47% reduziert werden. Hinsichtlich der Lebensgrundlagen wurden nur beim PES-Szenario die Wohlstandsungleichheit um bis zu 50% reduziert. Bei den Renditen für Investitionen in Land hängt Wirtschaftlichkeit sehr stark vom Landnutzungstyp ab; Gummi-Agroforste wären jedoch sehr profitabel (20%) bei einem Preisaufschlag in einem Ökozertifizierungsprogramm. Die wichtigsten Schlussfolgerungen dieser Untersuchung sind erstens, dass PES-Programme für Gummi-Agroforste zu Synergien zwischen Reduzierung von Kohlenstoffemissionen und Biodiversität sowie Lebensgrundlagen führen und damit die trade-offs reduzieren, die durch mögliche Veränderungen in der Landnutzung/-bedeckung entstehen können und zweitens, dass das LB-LUDAS-Modell als integriertes sowie als MAS-Modell ein nützliches Instrument darstellt, um die ES trade-offs als eine zu Tage tretende Eigenschaft der dynamischen sozialen-ökologischen Systemen zu erfassen. Gleichzeitig dient das Modell als Instrument zur Unterstützung von Verhandlungen bei der Planung von Landnutzungsmaßnahmen. Der Einsatz prozessbasierter Entscheidungen im LB-LUDAS-Modell um geplante Entscheidungen von Agenten in verschiedenen Situationen zu berücksichtigen, wird empfohlen. Auf diese Art können die Auslöser, die Optionen sowie die zeitlichen und räumlichen Aspekte der Reaktionen der Agenten auf relativ realistische Weise erfasst werden.
Modelos de elección: programas y experiencias de libertad de elección en Estados Unidos
This paper tries to show, through many examples, the great variety of possible forms to carry to the practice an ambiguos and so extensive concep as school choice in education. Other interest on this article is the classification of the school choices programs and the synthesis of each type of programs carred out in the United States, the country that harder has supported the different models of school choice. The objective is to offer an useful instrument for everbody who wishes to deepen more in these analyses, besides to clarify the terminological field what makes difficult the understanding of this issues. This systematization can help to clarify the heterogenous models of election and to associate each one with different intentions in the educational systems. ; Este artículo muestra, a través de experiencias educativas reales, la gran variedad de posibilidades que existen para llevar a la práctica un concepto tan amplio y ambiguo como la libertad de elección en educación. Otro de los intereses de estas páginas es presentar una clasificación de los modelos de programas de elección a partir de una pequeña representación de experiencias de cada tipo llevadas a cabo en Estados Unidos, el país que más ha impulsado los distintos sistemas de elección. El objetivo es ofrecer un instrumento útil para cualquiera que desse profundizar más en estos análisis, además de clarificar el campo terminológico que tanto dificulta la comprensión de esta temática. Esta sistematización puede ayudar a clarificar los heterogéneos modelos de elección con diferentes propósitos de los sistemas educativos.
La libertad de elección en educación, ¿finalidad o instrumento de las reformas educativas?
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationships between school choice as an instrument or as an objective of the educational reforms and their success in the creation of diversity in the educational system. The diversity is the most important factor in the school choice. In order to analyze these relationships, the cases of Canada, Chile and New Zealand, and its implications in the structure, autonomy, and management of their educative systems, will be studied. This international approach tries to be representative enough of the different contexts that have lead to promote the school choice in education with very different objectives and methodologies.
Understanding the Gender Dimension of the Food-Energy-Land Security Nexus in Rural Ethiopia: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach
In: SSHO-D-20-00120
Working paper
The impact of a reform: Limitation of autonomy, narrowing of freedom, and erosion of participation ; El impacto de una reforma: Limitación de la autonomía, estrechamiento de la libertad y erosión de la participación ; O impacto de uma reforma: Limitação da autonomia, estreitamento da liberdade, e de...
Educational systems across the world are applying measures addressed to the improvement of education quality. These measures have as a consequence, the shaping of a rhetoric that works as a framework for the interpretation of educational agents' action. The article deals with the analysis of the impact of global educational policies on the notions of educational agents'−teachers and parents−autonomy, freedom and participation, within the Madrilenian educational system. To this end, it takes as a context the meaning given to these notions within the Spanish educational system, through the analysis of its evolution over the national education laws. Next, it presents the reform applied to the Madrilenian educational system through facing the policy makers' speeches and the educational legislation that they have enacted. The results show that the impact of the reform leads to the limitation of teachers' autonomy, the erosion of parents' participation and the narrowing of parents' freedom. ; Los sistemas educativos de todo el mundo están implantando medidas dirigidas a la mejora de la calidad de la educación. Estas medidas conllevan la configuración de una retórica que sirve de marco para la interpretación de la acción de los agentes educativos. El artículo aborda el estudio de la configuración del significado de los conceptos de autonomía, libertad y participación de los agentes educativos −profesorado y familias− en el sistema educativo madrileño. Para ello, se toma como contexto el significado que se atribuye a estas nociones en el sistema educativo español, mediante el análisis de su evolución en los textos de las legislaciones que lo regulan. A continuación, se presenta la reforma implantada en el sistema educativo madrileño, mediante la confrontación de los discursos de los principales agentes políticos y de la legislación educativa que han desarrollado. El impacto de la reforma implantada en el sistema educativo madrileño se conceptualiza en términos de limitación de la autonomía del profesorado, y erosión de la participación y estrechamiento de la libertad de las familias. ; Os sistemas educacionais de todo o mundo estão implementando medidas destinadas à melhora da qualidade da educação. Essas medidas acarretam a configuração de uma retórica que serve de base para a interpretação da ação dos agentes educativos. O artigo aborda o estudo da configuração do significado dos conceitos de autonomia, liberdade e participação dos agentes educativos −professores e famílias− no sistema educacional de Madri. Para tanto, toma-se, como contexto, o significado que é atribuído a essas noções no sistema educacional espanhol, através da análise da sua evolução nos textos das leis que o regulam. A seguir, apresenta-se a reforma implementada no sistema educacional de Madri, por meio do confronto de discursos dos principais agentes políticos e das leis que eles promulgaram. O impacto da reforma implementada no sistema educacional de Madri é conceitualizado em termos de limitação da autonomia dos professores, desgaste da participação e estreitamento da liberdade das famílias.
Corporate social responsibility: Current state and future opportunities in the forest sector
In: Corporate social responsibility and environmental management, Band 31, Heft 4, S. 3194-3209
ISSN: 1535-3966
AbstractCorporate social responsibility (CSR) remains a critical topic for the forestry sector due to increasing societal expectations about the sustainable use of forests. This paper presents an updated review of the history, current state, and future opportunities for CSR in the forest sector. Drawing from cases of CSR in practice, the review focuses on CSR's role in firms' performance and reputation capital. As opposed to popular theoretical conceptualisations, firms' choice of CSR criteria, indicators, and implementation tools remain heavily weighted toward environmental concerns. Our findings suggest that CSR benefits a firm's reputation, but the review is less categorical on CSR's more direct or tangible effects in the short‐ or longer term. The review thus identifies progress in the field but concludes that opportunities exist to exploit CSR in the forestry sector more thoroughly.
The influence of team cultural value orientations on norms of conduct in hybrid teams: Implications for team cohesion and performance
In: Group processes & intergroup relations: GPIR, Band 26, Heft 7, S. 1436-1456
ISSN: 1461-7188
We advance team composition research by adopting a team-norms perspective to examine the effects of team members' cultural value orientations—collectivism and uncertainty avoidance orientation—on team functioning and performance in hybrid teams (i.e., teams combining face-to-face and mediated communication). Using data collected at three points in time from a sample of self-managing project teams, results support our proposed theoretical model. Team members' mean level of collectivism and uncertainty avoidance both positively relate to norms of conduct in a team. In addition, team norms indirectly influence team performance through cohesion when team virtuality and team task knowledge are both high, with team virtuality moderating the team norms–cohesion relationship, and team task knowledge moderating the team cohesion–performance relationship. Our findings suggest that characteristics of contemporary teams—team cultural value orientation and team virtuality—have important implications for how norms for acceptable conduct develop and their consequences for team performance.