The article deals with conceptual ideas and orientators of Northern American model of adult education. It is substantiated, that Nothern American model of adult education is based on the following philosophical directions: liberalism, progressivism, behaviorism, humanism, radicalism, constructivism. Liberalism has ancient roots and comes from the fact that since man is the real source of progress in society, it is necessary to ensure his rights and freedoms, providing equal access to education regardless of social status and well-being. The basic principle of liberal education is singled out, in particular, to develop a personality that is consonant with the purpose of a liberal education in ancient times - the education of citizens who can become active participants in a democratic society. It is proved that non-formal adult education should be continuous, focus on the development of intellectual abilities, be accessible to all sections of the population, and its content must meet their needs. It was found out that the historical roots of the philosophy of progressivism associated with progressive political movement in society and education. Its basis is the concept of interaction between education and society, empirical theory of education democratization of education. It was found out that behavioral direction, whose founder was John Watson, appeared in the USA in the early XX century. Based on the theory of Pavlov's conditioned reflexes, his supporters (J. Watson, B. Sninner E. Thorndike) examined personality as a set of behavioral responses to stimuli of the environment. It is identified that the purpose of adult education - behavior modification adult-oriented changes in humans. It was proved, that unlike behaviorists, representatives of humanistic direction (J. Brown, Johnson, Maslow, M. Knowles, K. Rogers, etc.) considered man independent, active, open to change and self-actualization person. It was stressed, that the founders of the radical trend, based on theories of anarchism, marxism, socialism, ...
Nowadays adult education is viewed as a means of fulfillment of educational needs of adults, their perfection and self-development and as a means of civil society formation, for it helps to form socially active citizens. Main concepts of active citizenship are "participation", "democratic society". Movement for civil rights is key social phenomenon in the USA and Canada. Education for active citizenship is viewed as education, teaching, informative and practical activity, aimed at supplying those who study with knowledge, skills, understanding, formation of models of behavior and attitude in the sphere of democratic rights and duties protection as members of society. Key assignments of education for active citizenship are: provision of citizens with knowledge that are necessary for active participation in life of society, conducting of dialogue and conflict solving, finding of compromise, understanding of rights and duties of people, norms of behavior in society. Development of informal adult education depends on several factors, but the main factor is efficacy and quality of professional teaching of andragogs. There are different specialists such as teachers, psychologists, workers of centers of Adult education, social and rehabilitation centers, administrators, leaders of social organizations work with adults. There is no single classification of andragogs among American and Canadian scientists, but all andragogs are subdivided into two groups: specialists who have diploma in adult education and specialists who have experience in adult education. Key features of andragogs are independence, active position, ability to take risks, ability to work for long hours, respect, kindness and humanity to people, desire for self-perfection and self-criticism. Key functions of anragogs are systematized. Functions of planning, organizing and providing education for adults that presupposes singling out of educational needs and opportunities of adults, proving necessity of program for adults, working out of an educational ...
Сучасна освіта дорослих розглядається як засіб реалізації освітніх потреб дорослих, їх вдосконалення та саморозвитку та як засіб формування громадянського суспільства, оскільки вона сприяє вихованню соціально активних громадян. Ключовими категоріями активного громадянства є «участь» та «демократичне суспільство». Рух за громадянські права є ключовим соціальним феноменом у США і Канаді.Проаналізовано сутність освіти для активного громадянства. Освіта для активного громадянства розглядається як освіта, навчання, інформаційна та практична діяльність, націлена на забезпечення тих, хто навчається знаннями, вміннями, розумінням, формуванням моделей поведінки у сфері демократичних прав та обов'язків громадян суспільства. Ключовими завданнями освіти для активного громадянства є забезпечення громадян знаннями, що є необхідними для активної участі у житті суспільства, проведення діалогу та розв'язання конфліктів, пошук компромісу, розуміння прав і обов'язків громадян, норм поведінки у суспільстві.Розвиток неформальної освіти дорослих залежить від багатьох факторів, але ключовим фактором є якість підготовки фахівців-андрагогів. Встановлено відсутність уніфікованої класифікації андрагогів у США і Канаді. Однак, андрагоги поділяються на дві групи: дипломовані спеціалісти з освіти дорослих та спеціалісти які мають досвід роботи у галузі освіти дорослих.Характерними рисами андрагогів є незалежність, активна позиція, здатність ризикувати, здатність працювати тривалий проміжок часу, повага, доброта, гуманність, потреба у самовдосконаленні та самокритиці.Систематизовано ключові функції андрагогів ; Образование взрослых рассматривается как средство реализации образовательных потребностей взрослых, их усовершенствования и саморазвития и как средство формирования гражданского общества, поскольку оно способствует воспитанию социально активных граждан. Ключевыми категориями активного гражданства есть «участие» и «демократическое общество». Движение за гражданские права есть ключевым социальным феноменом в США и Америке.Проанализировано сущность образования для активного гражданства. Образование для активного гражданства рассматривается как образование, обучение, информационная и практическая деятельность, нацелена на обеспечение тех., кто учится знаниями, умениями, пониманием, формирование моделей поведения в сфере демократических прав и обязанностей граждан общества. Ключевыми заданими образования для активного гражданства есть обеспечение граждан знаниями, которые необходимы для активного участия в жизни общества, проведение диалога и решение конфликтов, поиск компромисса, понимание прав и обязанностей граждан, норм поведения в обществе.Развитие неформального образования взрослых зависит от многих факторов, но ключевыми факторами есть качество подготовки специалистов-андрагогов. Установлено отсутствие унифицированной класификации андрагогов в США и Канаде. Однако, андрагоги делятся на две группы: дипломированые специалисты по образованию взрослых и специалисты, которые имеют опыт работы в сфер образования взрослых.Характерными чертами андрагогов есть независимость. активная позиция, способность рисковать, способность работать долгий промежуток времени, уважение, доброта, гуманизм, потребность в саморазвитии и самокрититке. Систематизировано ключевые функции андрагогов ; Nowadays adult education is viewed as a means of fulfillment of educational needs of adults, their perfection and self-development and as a means of civil society formation, for it helps to form socially active citizens. Main concepts of active citizenship are "participation", "democratic society". Movement for civil rights is key social phenomenon in the USA and Canada.Education for active citizenship is viewed as education, teaching, informative and practical activity, aimed at supplying those who study with knowledge, skills, understanding, formation of models of behavior and attitude in the sphere of democratic rights and duties protection as members of society. Key assignments of education for active citizenship are: provision of citizens with knowledge that are necessary for active participation in life of society, conducting of dialogue and conflict solving, finding of compromise, understanding of rights and duties of people, norms of behavior in society. Development of informal adult education depends on several factors, but the main factor is efficacy and quality of professional teaching of andragogs.There are different specialists such as teachers, psychologists, workers of centers of Adult education, social and rehabilitation centers, administrators, leaders of social organizations work with adults.There is no single classification of andragogs among American and Canadian scientists, but all andragogs are subdivided into two groups: specialists who have diploma in adult education and specialists who have experience in adult education.Key features of andragogs are independence, active position, ability to take risks, ability to work for long hours, respect, kindness and humanity to people, desire for self-perfection and self-criticism.Key functions of anragogs are systematized. Functions of planning, organizing and providing education for adults that presupposes singling out of educational needs and opportunities of adults, proving necessity of program for adults, working out of an educational plan, selection and structuring of an educational content, selection of forms and methods of education, analysis of results, perfection of a program, planning of self-development and self-perfection
У статті систематизовано напрями діяльності канадських і американських асоціацій, які суттєво впливають на розвиток освіти дорослих. Виявлено, що «парасольковою» організацією в США є Американська асоціація освіти дорослих і неперервної освіти, а в Канаді – Канадська асоціація з досліджень освіти дорослих, які беруть активну участь у розробці законодавчого, організаційного, змістового забезпечення системи освіти дорослих; суттєвий вплив на розвиток освіти дорослих у США і Канаді мають міжнародні організації, зокрема ЮНЕСКО та Міжнародна рада з освіти дорослих, які визначають тенденції та пріоритети розвитку, слугують орієнтиром у розробці національних стратегій розвитку освіти дорослих. ; The article deals with Canadian and American associations that influence the development of adult education in the United States of America and Canada. It is found out that the Association of Adult Education works in the United States of America and Canada. The United States of America has the full spectrum of associations that influence positively on adult education development. Comparative analysis provides us an opportunity to state the following. American Association of Adult Education, American Librarian Association, American Community of Study and Development, National Scientific Fund, National Educational Association, American Association of Adult Education, Adult Education Fund, Center of Liberal Adult Education, Association of Pensioners, National Association of Folk and Continuing Education influence considerably on adult education development in the United States of America. Association of Adult Education of Canada, Canadian Association for University and Continuing Education, Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, the International Council for Adult Education, National Film Board, Canadian Association of Directors of Extension University Education and Summer Schools provide adult education development in Canada.It was proved that "umbrella" organization in the USA is American Association of Adult and Continuous Education, and in Canada – Canadian Association for Adult Education Research, which take an active part in the development of legislative, organizational, financial provision of adult education system.It is shown that international organizations, in particular, UNESCO and the International Council on Adult Education, have a great influence on adult education development in the USA and Canada. These organizations emphasize the importance of adult education quality and the necessity to conduct international research in this field, professional training, and constant improvement of qualification of teachers of adults, monitoring and evaluation of educational results, determine trends and priorities of development, serve as an indicator in developing national strategies of adult education development.
Сучасна освіта дорослих розглядається як засіб реалізації освітніх потреб дорослих, їх вдосконалення та саморозвитку та як засіб формування громадянського суспільства, оскільки вона сприяє вихованню соціально активних громадян. Ключовими категоріями активного громадянства є «участь» та «демократичне суспільство». Рух за громадянські права є ключовим соціальним феноменом у США і Канаді.Проаналізовано сутність освіти для активного громадянства. Освіта для активного громадянства розглядається як освіта, навчання, інформаційна та практична діяльність, націлена на забезпечення тих, хто навчається знаннями, вміннями, розумінням, формуванням моделей поведінки у сфері демократичних прав та обов'язків громадян суспільства. Ключовими завданнями освіти для активного громадянства є забезпечення громадян знаннями, що є необхідними для активної участі у житті суспільства, проведення діалогу та розв'язання конфліктів, пошук компромісу, розуміння прав і обов'язків громадян, норм поведінки у суспільстві.Розвиток неформальної освіти дорослих залежить від багатьох факторів, але ключовим фактором є якість підготовки фахівців-андрагогів. Встановлено відсутність уніфікованої класифікації андрагогів у США і Канаді. Однак, андрагоги поділяються на дві групи: дипломовані спеціалісти з освіти дорослих та спеціалісти які мають досвід роботи у галузі освіти дорослих.Характерними рисами андрагогів є незалежність, активна позиція, здатність ризикувати, здатність працювати тривалий проміжок часу, повага, доброта, гуманність, потреба у самовдосконаленні та самокритиці.Систематизовано ключові функції андрагогів ; Образование взрослых рассматривается как средство реализации образовательных потребностей взрослых, их усовершенствования и саморазвития и как средство формирования гражданского общества, поскольку оно способствует воспитанию социально активных граждан. Ключевыми категориями активного гражданства есть «участие» и «демократическое общество». Движение за гражданские права есть ключевым социальным феноменом в США и Америке.Проанализировано сущность образования для активного гражданства. Образование для активного гражданства рассматривается как образование, обучение, информационная и практическая деятельность, нацелена на обеспечение тех., кто учится знаниями, умениями, пониманием, формирование моделей поведения в сфере демократических прав и обязанностей граждан общества. Ключевыми заданими образования для активного гражданства есть обеспечение граждан знаниями, которые необходимы для активного участия в жизни общества, проведение диалога и решение конфликтов, поиск компромисса, понимание прав и обязанностей граждан, норм поведения в обществе.Развитие неформального образования взрослых зависит от многих факторов, но ключевыми факторами есть качество подготовки специалистов-андрагогов. Установлено отсутствие унифицированной класификации андрагогов в США и Канаде. Однако, андрагоги делятся на две группы: дипломированые специалисты по образованию взрослых и специалисты, которые имеют опыт работы в сфер образования взрослых.Характерными чертами андрагогов есть независимость. активная позиция, способность рисковать, способность работать долгий промежуток времени, уважение, доброта, гуманизм, потребность в саморазвитии и самокрититке. Систематизировано ключевые функции андрагогов ; Nowadays adult education is viewed as a means of fulfillment of educational needs of adults, their perfection and self-development and as a means of civil society formation, for it helps to form socially active citizens. Main concepts of active citizenship are "participation", "democratic society". Movement for civil rights is key social phenomenon in the USA and Canada.Education for active citizenship is viewed as education, teaching, informative and practical activity, aimed at supplying those who study with knowledge, skills, understanding, formation of models of behavior and attitude in the sphere of democratic rights and duties protection as members of society. Key assignments of education for active citizenship are: provision of citizens with knowledge that are necessary for active participation in life of society, conducting of dialogue and conflict solving, finding of compromise, understanding of rights and duties of people, norms of behavior in society. Development of informal adult education depends on several factors, but the main factor is efficacy and quality of professional teaching of andragogs.There are different specialists such as teachers, psychologists, workers of centers of Adult education, social and rehabilitation centers, administrators, leaders of social organizations work with adults.There is no single classification of andragogs among American and Canadian scientists, but all andragogs are subdivided into two groups: specialists who have diploma in adult education and specialists who have experience in adult education.Key features of andragogs are independence, active position, ability to take risks, ability to work for long hours, respect, kindness and humanity to people, desire for self-perfection and self-criticism.Key functions of anragogs are systematized. Functions of planning, organizing and providing education for adults that presupposes singling out of educational needs and opportunities of adults, proving necessity of program for adults, working out of an educational plan, selection and structuring of an educational content, selection of forms and methods of education, analysis of results, perfection of a program, planning of self-development and self-perfection
У статті систематизовано напрями діяльності канадських і американських асоціацій, які суттєво впливають на розвиток освіти дорослих. Виявлено, що «парасольковою» організацією в США є Американська асоціація освіти дорослих і неперервної освіти, а в Канаді – Канадська асоціація з досліджень освіти дорослих, які беруть активну участь у розробці законодавчого, організаційного, змістового забезпечення системи освіти дорослих; суттєвий вплив на розвиток освіти дорослих у США і Канаді мають міжнародні організації, зокрема ЮНЕСКО та Міжнародна рада з освіти дорослих, які визначають тенденції та пріоритети розвитку, слугують орієнтиром у розробці національних стратегій розвитку освіти дорослих. ; The article deals with Canadian and American associations that influence the development of adult education in the United States of America and Canada. It is found out that the Association of Adult Education works in the United States of America and Canada. The United States of America has the full spectrum of associations that influence positively on adult education development. Comparative analysis provides us an opportunity to state the following. American Association of Adult Education, American Librarian Association, American Community of Study and Development, National Scientific Fund, National Educational Association, American Association of Adult Education, Adult Education Fund, Center of Liberal Adult Education, Association of Pensioners, National Association of Folk and Continuing Education influence considerably on adult education development in the United States of America. Association of Adult Education of Canada, Canadian Association for University and Continuing Education, Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, the International Council for Adult Education, National Film Board, Canadian Association of Directors of Extension University Education and Summer Schools provide adult education development in Canada.It was proved that "umbrella" organization in the USA is American Association of Adult and Continuous Education, and in Canada – Canadian Association for Adult Education Research, which take an active part in the development of legislative, organizational, financial provision of adult education system.It is shown that international organizations, in particular, UNESCO and the International Council on Adult Education, have a great influence on adult education development in the USA and Canada. These organizations emphasize the importance of adult education quality and the necessity to conduct international research in this field, professional training, and constant improvement of qualification of teachers of adults, monitoring and evaluation of educational results, determine trends and priorities of development, serve as an indicator in developing national strategies of adult education development.
The article deals with conceptual ideas and orientators of Northern American model of adult education. It is substantiated, that Nothern American model of adult education is based on the following philosophical directions: liberalism, progressivism, behaviorism, humanism, radicalism, constructivism. Liberalism has ancient roots and comes from the fact that since man is the real source of progress in society, it is necessary to ensure his rights and freedoms, providing equal access to education regardless of social status and well-being. The basic principle of liberal education is singled out, in particular, to develop a personality that is consonant with the purpose of a liberal education in ancient times - the education of citizens who can become active participants in a democratic society. It is proved that non-formal adult education should be continuous, focus on the development of intellectual abilities, be accessible to all sections of the population, and its content must meet their needs. It was found out that the historical roots of the philosophy of progressivism associated with progressive political movement in society and education. Its basis is the concept of interaction between education and society, empirical theory of education democratization of education. It was found out that behavioral direction, whose founder was John Watson, appeared in the USA in the early XX century. Based on the theory of Pavlov's conditioned reflexes, his supporters (J. Watson, B. Sninner E. Thorndike) examined personality as a set of behavioral responses to stimuli of the environment. It is identified that the purpose of adult education - behavior modification adult-oriented changes in humans. It was proved, that unlike behaviorists, representatives of humanistic direction (J. Brown, Johnson, Maslow, M. Knowles, K. Rogers, etc.) considered man independent, active, open to change and self-actualization person. It was stressed, that the founders of the radical trend, based on theories of anarchism, marxism, socialism, considering education in general and adult education, in particular, as an important mechanism to achieve radical changes in society. It updates the social role of non-formal adult education, because it requires critical thinking and personal participation in these changes. It was found out, that according to philosophy of constructivism person is unique in his/her vision of the world, beliefs, outlook because he/she is able to construct his/her personal understanding of reality. A teacher is not just a transmitter of knowledge,he/she serves as the consultant, moderator, facilitator. The analysis of scientific literature showed that adult education in the USA has evolved with the development of society, and has a long history and some traditions, mainly seen as informal adult education, aimed at self-improvement of adult to meet his/her educational needs; mechanism of civil society formation.
The article is devoted to the research of peculiarities of adult education development in Ukraine beginning from the 19th century and ending in the early 21st century. To work out the recommendation for successful functioning of adult education in Ukraine, the author refers to four assumptions: ontology, epistemology, methodology and methods.At the stage of onthology the author systematized first providers of adult education in Ukraine. Five types of schools for adults functioned at the beginning of the 20th century, namely schools for adults, including Sunday and evening schools, training, which was aimed at overcoming illiteracy, repetitive applications of general courses. Sunday school for adults became not only a place of literacy acquisition but created conditions for the development of the democratic movement, awareness, preservation of national cultural values. On the epistemological stage, the researcher traced changes in the functions of adult education in different historical periods, as adult education was gradually replaced by political education. At the beginning of the 20th century, we traced broadening of the functions of adult education, for the purpose of education, engaged in adult education was not only literacy but also the exercise of political education.At the stage of methodology, the author analysed the influence of the inter-national community on the development of adult education at the beginning of the 21st century. Ukrainian Coordinating Unit «Adult Education of Ukraine» operates under the support of UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning (UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning) and brings together public, private organizations to help adults with low income, especially people of the third age in learning and self-improvement every year since 2000.At the stage of methods, the recommendations for adult education development in Ukraine, taking into account Canadian and American experience, were worked out, for these are highly developed countries with a system of vast educational opportunities for adults.
The article is devoted to the research of peculiarities of adult education development in Ukraine beginning from the 19th century and ending in the early 21st century. To work out the recommendation for successful functioning of adult education in Ukraine, the author refers to four assumptions: ontology, epistemology, methodology and methods.At the stage of onthology the author systematized first providers of adult education in Ukraine. Five types of schools for adults functioned at the beginning of the 20th century, namely schools for adults, including Sunday and evening schools, training, which was aimed at overcoming illiteracy, repetitive applications of general courses. Sunday school for adults became not only a place of literacy acquisition but created conditions for the development of the democratic movement, awareness, preservation of national cultural values. On the epistemological stage, the researcher traced changes in the functions of adult education in different historical periods, as adult education was gradually replaced by political education. At the beginning of the 20th century, we traced broadening of the functions of adult education, for the purpose of education, engaged in adult education was not only literacy but also the exercise of political education.At the stage of methodology, the author analysed the influence of the inter-national community on the development of adult education at the beginning of the 21st century. Ukrainian Coordinating Unit «Adult Education of Ukraine» operates under the support of UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning (UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning) and brings together public, private organizations to help adults with low income, especially people of the third age in learning and self-improvement every year since 2000.At the stage of methods, the recommendations for adult education development in Ukraine, taking into account Canadian and American experience, were worked out, for these are highly developed countries with a system of vast educational opportunities for adults.
Introduction. During the last decades the politics of gender equality in society and in educational sphere, in particular, has become one of the key directions in Turkey and the USA. It is proved that society cannot be democratically if there are any forms of discrimination, taking into account gender discrimination. Scientific conferences that are devoted to the problems of gender equality in the sphere of higher education that are conducted in Turkey and the USA prove special importance of this problem. At the beginning of the XXI century vital interest raised in Ukrainian Pedagogic to unstandardized methods, forms and techniques of teaching. It is connected with the needs of society development, fulfillment of every personality educational needs and with enactment of certain acts that regulate functioning of educational institutions and provide integration of Ukraine in UNESCO educational programs for creation of educational links with foreign countries in the field of education. Women's education is fundamentally traditional, for it was created certain centuries ago and innovative, because it is based on the methodology of gender and personalized approaches. National Academy of Science, National Research Foundation, and Ford's Fund are the main establishments, which order gender studies.Purpose. The aim of our article is to analyze gender approach in procedural characteristics of education in the USA and Turkey. The main assignments of the article are to characterize banking model of teaching and active model of teaching; trace differences between interdisciplinary and traditional disciplinary specialization of educational process; single out principles of gender education. Results. Nowadays gender education is the main form of constructive interaction of different educational directions. Problems of educational content and methods of teaching are viewed in this constructive interaction. Education is not finished by acquiring certain knowledge. It is reflexive, for it is finished due to understanding of action process, vision and assessment of its forms. Changing of different subjects approaches of teaching is important aspect of gender education in high school. Usage of innovative techniques is necessary, for gender education is aimed not only at providing students with knowledge, but also at destroying stereotypes of their thinking and behavior. In developed countries enactment of gender approach in education is viewed as broadening of life experience for development of every personality individual talents, obliteration of sex stereotypes in teachers' thinking. One of the important ways of gender education fulfillment is development of women's educational establishments system.J. Klein and S. Sjolander analyzed principles, which are methodological basis of gender approach enactment in education. Having made comparative analysis of J. Klein and S. Sjolander works we can trace differences and uniformities in educators' vision. Both J. Klein and S. Sjolander stressed that basic principles of educational process in the borders of gender approach are principles of interdisciplinary, democracy, participation and context. J. Klein stressed that usage of students' experience as an educational source and orientation at investigation are additional factors that reinforce efficacy of educational process. At the same time S. Sjolander stated that efficacy of educational process can be raised due to usage of such principles as collaborative teaching and socialization.As a result we single out the following principles that are basic methodological features of gender approach fulfillment in the USA and Turkey. Principle of triangle that is combination of several teaching forms such as groups with raised conscience, collaborative writing, lectures and visual techniques that helps to raise educational process efficacy due to diversification and enacting of cognitive activity of every student. Collaborative teaching, which presupposes interaction of educational process participators not in the format of teacher-student, but giving every student power that depends on contribution and interest in knowledge. This principle helps to form individual learning way and correct it due to achieved results. Interdisciplinary orientation of educational process which presupposes learning of every educational topic in interdisciplinary context. Due to this principles students can trace interdisciplinary links, that help to learn educational material more fundamentally. Democracy is the basis of good psychological climate creation that helps to raise efficacy of educational process. Participation principle helps to form individual learning style. Principle of context presupposes creation of knowledge that is relevant to experience of those who study and is an effective way of reinforcing inner motivation of those who study. Desocialisation presupposes critical approach to dominating educational conceptions and moving to dialogue that is a necessary element in formation of analytical skills. Orientation at research presupposes that teacher studies students and students investigate educational material. Mentioned principle helps to learn educational material actively and raise teacher's pedagogical skills.Conclusion. Conducted research showed that during the last decades the politics of gender equality in society and in educational sphere, in particular, has become one of the key directions in Turkey and the USA. Nowadays gender education is the main form of constructive interaction of different educational directions. Changing of different subjects approaches of teaching is important aspect of gender education in high school. Usage of innovative techniques is necessary, for gender education is aimed not only at providing students with knowledge, but also at destroying stereotypes of their thinking and behavior. In the USA and Turkey enactment of gender approach in education is viewed as broadening of life experience for development of every personality individual talents, obliteration of sex stereotypes in teachers' thinking. Basic principles of gender education are collaborative learning, interdisciplinary orientation, democracy, participatory, context and orientation at research. Application of ten-stage model of interdisciplinary principle realization helps not only trace interdisciplinary links and personalize learning process, but also perfect teaching style and make adequate correction of individual learning way. Basic parts of active learning model are concrete experience, mirror observation, abstract conceptualization and active experiment. Kolb's model of active learning is one of the important ways of every student cognition activation, development of his critical and creative skills.
Objective: The article defines features of formation and development of corporate universities in the USA and Canada.
Methodology: The article analyzes the dependence of successful functioning of the corporate universities on the choice of adequate training technologies; explores the essence and potentials of project-based learning as action learning which is focused on personnel development, business development and effective management of changes.
Findings: There is a close relationship between the performance of the functions of the corporate university and the forms, methods, learning technologies that are used in the learning process. Project-based learning is widely used in corporate universities in the United States and Canada; it provides an opportunity to gain managerial experience in real time, solves an important task of personnel development – formation of the ability to learn.
Value Added: The results of the research give ground to conclude that the corporate university in the US and Canada is a structural unit of a company, which performs certain functions that promote business efficiency.
Recommendations: The project topic should be related to current or future changes in the company. The solution of the problem should include diagnosing of the problem, analysis, recommendations, implementation phase, as also cooperation with members of the company.
The radical transformations caused by the rapid development of information and communication technologies in the mid-1990s prompted the transition to the knowledge society which identified the key role of knowledge as the most important and valuable capital of organizations and had a decisive impact on the development of corporate training. In our study, we aimed to analyze the training methods used in American companies in the knowledge society, particularly, their feasibility, features, benefits and possible limitations. The results of our study show that, at present, e-learning is considerably more widely used in American companies than instructor-led classroom training. Most organizations use blended learning which implies the combination of e-learning methods and instructor-led learning methods. A powerful stimulus for the wide implementation of e-learning methods was produced by the COVID-19 pandemic when the use of educational technologies made it possible for the companies not only to continue training and development of their employees but also to implement tactical and strategic practices which will have long-term implications for the future of the training industry. The most widely used e-learning methods in American companies are virtual classroom/webcast, online or computer-based methods, social learning, augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence. In spite of certain limitations of e-learning methods, they have a number of important benefits which allow companies to expand access to training, save costs, increase adaptability and flexibility of learning programs, etc., and thus satisfy their needs in qualified employees.