Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Marketplace entrepreneurs, Mobility Infrastructure & Linkages -- Chapter 3: Onitsha: The Largest market in Nigeria - One of the largest in West Africa -- Chapter 4: Challenges Facing Urban Marketplace Traders -- Chapter 5: Attributes Impacting Out-of-Stall Business Contacts -- Chapter 6: A Geography of Contacts in a Large Urban Marketplace -- Chapter 7: Sustainability of Marketplace Institution -- Chapter 8: Strategies for Improving Urban Development – Addressing the Paradox.
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Traffic calming is becoming an important public works traffic management tool for improving neighborhood livability in many U.S. jurisdictions. However, most published works on traffic calming focus on devices used, along with engineering design and standards or financing. In this study, the roles of engineers and planners in the delivery of traffic calming public works projects are examined. To better understand these roles, some characteristics of those public agencies involved with traffic calming are also discussed. Engineers play significant roles in the delivery of traffic calming public works services, from project ranking, design, and public involvement/outreach to project construction. Planners, on the other hand, contribute to such services in only about a third of surveyed jurisdictions, where they spend a substantial amount of their time on citizen involvement. Public agencies should encourage engineers and planners to collaborate in the delivery of traffic calming to maximize staff contributions and service to the public.