Globalization and the Sustainability of Cities in the Asia Pacific Region
Intro -- Contents -- List of tables and Figures -- Preface -- Introduction -- Overview chapters -- Globalization and urban transformations in the Asia Pacific region -- FDI in Asia in boom and bust: Sustainability of cities and economies in Asia -- International migration, urbanization, and globalization in the Asia Pacific region: A preliminary framework for policy analy -- Case studies: The post-industrial capital exporters -- The impacts of globalization and issues of metropolitan planning in Tokyo -- Globalization and the sustainability of cities in the Asia Pacific region: The case of Seoul -- Urban population in Taiwan and the growth of the Taipei metropolitan area -- The entrepot borderless cities -- Increasing globalization and the growth of the Hong Kong extended metropolitan region -- Singapore: Global city and service hub -- The industrial cities -- Globalization and the sustainable development of Shanghai -- Globalization and the sustainability of Jabotabek, Indonesia -- The extended Bangkok region: Globalization and sustainability -- The amenity cities -- Globalization and the sustainability of cities in the Asia PaciAEc region: The case of Sydney -- From village on the edge of the rainforest to Cascadia: Issues in the emergence of a liveable subglobal world city -- Conclusion -- Globalization and the sustainability of cities in the Asia PaciAEc region -- Acronyms -- List of contributors -- Index.