Fundamentals of Strategic Weapons: Offense and Defense Systems
In: Springer eBook Collection
Table of Contents (Part Two) -- 1. Strategic Systems and War Games -- 1.1. U.S. Strategic Systems -- 1.2. The Game -- 1.3. Game Strategies -- 1.4. Systems Evaluation -- References -- 2. ABM Defense -- 2.1. Safeguard System -- 2.2. Radar Operations -- 2.3. Computer Operations -- 2.4. Interceptor Operations -- References -- 3. ABM System Design and Performance -- 3.1. System Requirements -- 3.2. The Radar Design Problem -- 3.3. Error Analysis -- 3.4. Smoothing of Position and Velocity Data -- 3.5. Noise Reduction -- 3.6. Error Model -- 3.7. Design Procedure -- References -- 4. ABM System Survivability Analysis -- 4.1. Survivability with respect to ECM -- 4.2. Survivability with respect to Nuclear Bomb Effects -- 4.3. Survivability with respect to Chemical, Biological Radiological Warfare, and Sabotage (CBR&S) -- 4.4. Summary -- References -- 5. Radar Counter-Counter-Measures -- 5.1. Effects of Jamming -- 5.2. ECCM Design -- 5.3. ECCM Techniques -- References -- 6. Bomber Defense -- 6.1. U.S. Bomber Defenses -- 6.2. Russian Bomber Defense -- 6.3. Multipurpose Weapons -- References -- 7. Surveillance and Reconnaisance -- 7.1. Advanced Surveillance -- 7.2. Treaty Verification -- References -- 8. Command Control and Communications -- 8.1. Warning -- 8.2. Command and Control -- 8.3. Communications -- References -- Appendices. Electromagnetic Propagation Effects -- A1. Attenuation of RF Waves by Absorption -- A2. Attenuation of RF Waves by Precipitation -- A3. Refraction of RF Waves by the Ionosphere.