12 Ergebnisse
Working paper
La risa de la muchacha tracia y la astucia de tales
In: Revista internacional de filosofía política, Heft 24, S. 173-178
ISSN: 1132-9432
In Palabras de filosofos. Oralidad, escritura y memoria en la filosofia Antigua (Words of the Philosophers. Orality, Writing, & Memory in Ancient Philosophy), Sergio Perez treats the understanding of philosophy in the ancient Greek world. It is argued that in his emphasis on the importance of orality in philosophical tradition that he sets out to denaturalize contemporary beliefs about this theoretical activity. Perez is able to critique modern academic philosophy from his standpoint, & his method in doing this is one of the principle contributions of this book. Perez laments the disconnection between theory & life, between knowledge & virtue, in modern philosophers. M. Pflum
Algunas reflexiones sobre la posmodernidad
In: Islas: revista de la Universidad Central de Las Villas, Sta Clara, Cuba, Heft 109, S. 137-144
ISSN: 0047-1542
Analyst Coverage and Managerial Learning from Prices
Banks' Efficiency Ratio Disclosure
SEC Regulation and Non-GAAP Income Statements
Working paper
Public Spending Policies and Budgetary Balances: Evidence from Spanish Municipalities
In: Lex localis: revija za lokalno samoupravo ; journal of local self-government ; Zeitschrift für lokale Selbstverwaltung, Band 13, Heft 4, S. 973
ISSN: 1581-5374
Unlike the frequent research that analyzes the effects of various demographic, economic and political factors on fiscal deficits of governments, this research focuses on studying whether certain structures of public spending policies are associated with situations of fiscal imbalances. Using a panel data model with endogenous variables and taking into account various socio- economic factors as instruments, the authors have observed that the spending policies of Basic public services, social protection and social promotion, preferential services, and promotion of economic activity have different significant effects on the position of the budgetary balance in the Spanish municipal governments. Adapted from the source document.
Financial analysis on social media and disclosure processing costs: Evidence from Seeking Alpha
In: Gomez, E., F. Heflin, R. Moon, and J. Warren. 2024. Financial analysis on social media and disclosure processing costs: evidence from Seeking Alpha. The Accounting Review, forthcoming.
Working paper
Working paper
Analysts' Role in Shaping Non-GAAP Reporting: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
In: Review of Accounting Studies, Forthcoming