
14 Ergebnisse



Open Access#41648

Plenum responsum ad famosum et proditorium libellum inscriptum, (Declaratio Communium Angliæ congregatorum in Parlamento, explicans rationes, propter quas nuper statuerint non ampliùs agere cum Rege) . : ex Anglico in Latinum fideliter translatum. ; Full answer to an infamous and traitorous pamphlet...


Open Access#51648

A full ansvver to an infamous and trayterous pamphlet, entituled, A declaration of the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, expressing their reasons and grounds of passing the late resolutions touching no further addresse or application to be made to the King




Open Access#81648

An ansvver to a pamphlet, entit'led, a declaration of the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, expressing their reasons and grounds of passing the late resolutions touching no further addresse of application to be made to the King


Open Access#111648

The royall apologie: or, An ansvver to the declaration of the House of Commons, the 11. of February, 1647. In which they expresse the reasons for their resolutions for making no more addresses, nor receiving any from His Majesty


Open Access#131643

Tvvo speeches made in the House of Peeres, on Munday the 19th. of December, for, and against accomodation. The one by the Earl of Pembroke, the other by the Lord Brooke. The latter printed by the desire of the House of Commons