Hymenoptera evolved structures on the legs which are able to remove particles from their antennae through grooming behaviour. The antenna cleaner (strigil) consists of an apical and modified protibial spur (calcar, composed of a trunk and a velum) and a modified basitarsus including a fine comb made up of setae and a notched inner surface. In "Terebrantia", the non-aculeate Apocrita, large comparative studies of strigil are scarce, especially within lineages. Here, we studied in detail this structure in Cynipoidea, a group of wasps including parasitoids (Ibaliidae, Liopteridae and Figitidae), gall-inducers (Cynipidae) and gall-inquilines (Cynipidae), through a SEM analysis. We found some traits quite conserved across species and lineages. For example, the shape of protibia is almost invariably broadening towards apex, and one single, straight rather than curved, dorso-apical socketed spur on apical margin of protibia occurs in almost all species. Other characters roughly differentiate families. For example, thick and long setae on the protibia are arranged in one row especially in Figitidae, Ibaliidae and Liopteridae, while they more often occur in more than one rows in Cynipidae, which was the family with the shortest calcar. Figitidae have shorter basitarsal notch, but had longer and denser setae on the notch, compared with Cynipidae and Ibaliidae. Further characters were extremely variable across and within lineages. The observed morphological variation did not seem to reflect the phylogeny of Cynipoidea, and a role of life-history traits on such variation was not suggested, at least with the methodological approach used here. ; CP was funded by a SYNTHESYS grant (ES-TAF 5333) from the European Union. JLNA was supported in part by research projects CGL2015-66571-P from MINECO/FEDER-UE and Encomienda de Gestión from MAPAMA to Agencia Estatal CSIC (16MNES003). ; Peer reviewed
14 paginas, 4 figuras y 4 tables ; [EN] Sawfly composition and seasonal rhythms in an acidofilous mixed forest were studied in Artikutza (Navarra, Spain) by means of six Malaise traps operating continously during two seasonal cycles. The species assemblage consisted in 43 species of which more than half were represented only by females. Recording of as many species related to trees and shrubs as to herbs, particularly edge plants, reflect the influence of glades in the assemblage composition. One year of sampling was not enough to record all species, two to three traps are needed to record 50-75% of species respectively in each cycle. Late May and early July were the two periods of greater species richness and abundance with a great proportion of univoltine species in the former and polivoltine species in the second one ; [IT] La composizione e i ritmi stagionali di imenotteri sinfili, in una foresta acidofila mista in Artikutza (Navarra, Spagna), sono stati oggetto di uno studio basato su campionamenti per mezzo di sei trappole Malaise che hanno operato in maniera continua perdue cicli stagionali. La raccolta di esemplari ha permesso di collezionare individui appartenenti a 43 specie, delle quali più della metà rappresentate solo da individui di sesso femminile. La raccolta di un elevato numero di specie legate ad alberi, arbusti e piante erbacee, in particolare a essenze presenti nelle siepi, riflette l'influsso delle radure nella composizione della raccolta. Un anno di campionamenti non è stato sufficiente per registrare tutte le specie, dato che due o tre trappole sono necessarie per raccogliere 50-75% delle specie, rispettivamente in ogni ciclo. La fine di Maggio e l'inizio di Luglio sono slat) i due periodi di maggiore ricchezza ed abbondanza di specie, con una proporzione maggiore di specie univoltine nel primo periodo e di specie polivoltine nel secondo ; This study was funded by the Department of Education, University and Research of the Basque Government. J.L. Nieves-Aldrey was partially funded from DGES (PGC, PB97-1241) ; Peer reviewed
19 páginas, 3 tables. ; [EN] Overall data of the inventory of Hymenoptera from the Biogeological Station of "El Ventorrillo" are presented. The studied site is located at an altitude of 1450 m, on the south face of the Sierra de Guadarrama (Central Spain), about 60 km NW from Madrid. Between 1988 and 1991 an insect biodiversity inventory was carried out using three sampling methods: Malaise traps, yellow pan traps and sweep nets. Out of the more than 1,000,000 insects trapped, increasing the collections of the MNCN, about 600,000 were sorted to order. We found 83,688 individuals of Hymenoptera (representing 13,8% and the second more abundant group in the samples, after Diptera (450,000 individuals and 77,5% of total). Forty nine families, 518 genera and 1310 species de Hymenoptera has been identified until now. The overall richness of Hymenoptera from El Ventorrillo is estimated in 2700 species and about 13,000 the number of insect species from the study site. An appendix is provided with the list of identified species and its overall abundance in the samples. As results of the inventory, ten new species for science have been described, and several more new species are not yet described; additionally, at least 33 genera and more than 170 species were recorded for the first time for Iberia. The abundance of Hymenoptera, as measured by Malaise trap catches, was very high, comparatively to other published data, reaching a peak of 916 individuals per trap day at the most productive trap and sampling period. The more abundant families were, in decreasing order, Braconidae, Ichneumonidae, Mymaridae, Scelionidae, Apidae and Pteromalidae, represented by numbers of individuals between 12,000, for Braconidae, to near 6000 for Pteromalidae. Among the identified families, the more species rich at the study area were in decreasing order: Pteromalidae (290), Ichneumonidae (217), Sphecidae (107) and Eulophidae (101 species). The richness of the 29 remaining families at the area of study was estimated extrapolating overall regional richness data from Spain. The hymenopteran numbers from the inventory are compared with other local richness data from Spain and other surveys from Europe and America. The comparatively high abundance and richness figures at El Ventorrillo are emphasized. Results of the inventory, not yet completed, indicate a very high entomological diversity at the surveyed site, a small relatively well preserved area less than 0.5 Km2, that probably is representative of other similar habitats in the Sierra of Guadarrama. This area is, however, under potential menace of alteration by the growing human and urban pressure of the vicinity of Madrid. We urge the politics and nature managers to protect this rich biodiversity spot. We hope that this work can help to support the recent proposal of creation of the National Park of the Sierra of Guadarrama. ; [ES] Se presentan los resultados globales del inventario de Hymenoptera llevado a cabo en el área de la Estación Biogeológica de El Ventorrillo, un área natural enclavada a 1450 metros de altitud en el sector central madrileño de la Sierra de Guadarrama. Con un programa de muestreo basado fundamentalmente en el uso de trampas Malaise, y adicionalmente trampas bandeja coloreadas y redes de barrido, llevado a cabo entre los años 1988 y 1991, se colectaron más de 1.000.000 de ejemplares de insectos que han sido ingresados en las colecciones del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid. Cerca de 600.000 ejemplares de insectos fueron separados hasta el nivel de orden, de los cuales 83.668 (un 13.8%) correspondieron al orden Hymenoptera, siendo después de Diptera (450.000 ejemplares, un 77,5% del total) el orden de insectos más numeroso en los muestreos. En las muestras colectadas se han identificado hasta la fecha 49 familias 518 géneros y 1310 especies de Hymenoptera; la riqueza total de himenópteros en las muestras colectadas se estima en más de 2700 especies, y la del conjunto de insectos en el inventario del área estudiada se estima en unas 13.000 especies. La lista de especies identificadas de himenópteros, junto a la cifra del total de ejemplares colectado de cada una, se adjunta en un apéndice final del trabajo. Entre los resultados del inventario se han descrito 10 especies nuevas para la ciencia y otras se han identificadas como tales, si bien aún no han sido formalmente descritas; se han citado numerosas novedades para la fauna europea y peninsular, entre las que se cuentan al menos 33 géneros y más de 170 especies nuevas para la fauna de la Península Ibérica. La abundancia relativa de himenópteros en el área, medida por las capturas de trampas Malaise, demostró ser muy alta, con relación a los datos de la literatura, alcanzándose un máximo de 916 ejemplares por día en la trampa y periodo más productivos. Las familias más abundantes en el inventario resultaron ser, en orden decreciente de abundancia, Braconidae, Ichneumonidae, Mymaridae, Scelionidae, Apidae y Pteromalidae, representadas por un número de ejemplares que va de los cerca de 12.000, en el caso de Braconidae, a los casi 6000 individuos de la familia Pteromalidae. La familia con mayor número de especies entre las identificadas fue Pteromalidae, con 290, seguida de Ichneumonidae con 217 y Sphecidae y Eulophidae con 107 y 101 especies, respectivamente. Los resultados del inventario se comparan con los de otros similares llevados a cabo en España, Europa y América; se constatan los altos valores de abundancia y riqueza de himenópteros del inventario de El Ventorrillo con relación a los comparados. Los resultados del inventario, aún no completamente finalizado, ponen de manifiesto la extraordinaria diversidad entomológica del entorno de la Sierra de Guadarrama en el que se enclava la estación biológica, no obstante la reducida extensión del área muestreada, un habitat que probablemente es representativo de otros similares en el sector central de la Sierra de Guadarrama. Toda la zona está, sin embargo, bajo la potencial amenaza de impacto ambiental por la creciente presión humana y urbanística de la cercana urbe de Madrid. Se insta a los responsables de la conservación del Medio Ambiente en la Comunidad de Madrid a tomar medidas para garantizar la protección de este singular enclave de biodiversidad, y de su entorno, en la sierra madrileña. En este sentido, esperamos que este trabajo contribuya a apoyar la reciente propuesta de creación del Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama. ; El trabajo fue financiado con fondos de la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid, proyecto C188/91, así como, parcialmente, con fondos de la DGES PB97-1241, y REN2002-03518 concedidos a J.L.N.A. ; Peer reviewed
Agroforestry understood as the combination of a woody component (forest tree, shrub, fruit tree) with an agricultural use of the understory is not clearly identified as such by the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Despite the protection and promotion of the woody component in different parts of the CAP political text, the identification of agroforestry is not clear, although it can be recognised in the description of some landscape features, such as isolated trees and different types of hedgerows. Moreover, it is important to identify the extent of such woody components promoted by the CAP in agricultural lands to validate the impact of current and future measures. This paper aims at the characterisation of the current extent of landscape features all over Europe by analysing the Rural Development Program (RDP) measures within the CAP 2007–2013 and 2014–2020 that promote said features in Europe to increase the ecosystem service delivery. Isolated trees and hedgerows are protected unsatisfactorily through the Cross-compliance and Greening of CAP Pillar I. In contrast, Agri-environment measures associated to Pillar II are used in most European countries to protect both isolated trees and hedgerows and to promote them as boundary elements. The promotion of hedgerows and isolated trees mainly related to silvoarable and silvopastoral agroforestry practices is aimed at the promotion of the ecosystem services (such as water protection and biodiversity) and improvement in resilience (such as adaptation to climate change) they provide; therefore, the agroforestry environment benefits are indeed recognised. Landscape features comprising woody perennials should be associated with agroforestry when present in arable and permanent grasslands.