Репрезентация образа Дональда Трампа в современной документальной прозе ; Linguistic Representation of Donald Trump's Image in Modern Non-Fiction Literature
Статья посвящена репрезентации образа Дональда Трампа в современной документальной прозе на примере произведения Г. Миллера "Кандидат: Трамп, Россия и подрыв американской демократии". ; The article deals with representation of Donald Trump's image in the modern documentary prose on the example of the work by G. Miller "he Apprentice: Trump, Russia and the Subversion of American Democracy". This publication is a compilation of interviews, articles and appeals in mass media, and testimonies of witnesses and direct participants of events and covers a long stretch of time - literally from the birth of D. Trump, depicting the development of Trump as a businessman and the facts related to Trump's election campaign and the first third of his presidency.