Hecker kam am 11. April 1848 nach Konstanz. Konstanz und der Seekreis waren eine Hochburg der Liberalen und Demokraten. Am 8. April 1848 ließ Karl Mathy Joseph Fickler, den Herausgeber der »Seeblätter«, verhaften. Nach der Verhaftung Ficklers waren Friedrich Hecker und Gustav Struve nach Konstanz gereist. Hecker verfasste im Gasthaus »Zum Badischen Hof« (Hussenstraße 13) einen Aufruf an das Volk. Er endete mit den Worten: »Sieg oder Tod für die deutsche Republik! Konstanz im April 1848. Der provisorische Volksausschuss«.
Umschlag -- Titel -- Impressum -- Inhalt -- Matthias Bormuth: Einleitung -- Hans Magnus Enzensberger: Die Vorlesung. Zu einem Gemälde des Herrn Johannes Grützke -- Karl Jaspers -- Karl Jaspers: Ein Selbstporträt (1966/67) -- Hannah Arendt: Nachruf auf Karl Jaspers -- Yusuf Örnek: Karl Jaspers und Hannah Arendt. Geschichte einer Freundschaft -- Rolf Hochhuth: Lebensfreundlichkeit: Karl Jaspers -- Matthias Bormuth: »Glück heißt: ein Mindestmaß an Freiheit.« Rolf Hochhuth im Portrait -- Martina Roesner: Von Jerusalem nach Athen und zurück. Das Verhältnis von Offenbarungsglauben und Vernunftdenken bei Martin Heidegger und Karl Jaspers -- Konrad Hammann: »Heidegger müßte auch entmythologisiertwerden …«. Rudolf Bultmann und Martin Heidegger: Stadien einer Freundschaft -- Viktor von Weizsäcker -- Viktor von Weizsäcker: Das Antilogische -- Rainer-M. E. Jacobi: Viktor von Weizsäckers Beitrag zur Festschrift für Karl Jaspers (1943) -- Dieter Janz: »… auf einem ziemlich schwachbemannten Schiffchen«. Viktor von Weizsäckers frühe Briefe an Paul Vogel (1930-1940) -- Sebastian Kleinschmidt: Schmerz als Erlebnis und Erfahrung. Deutungen bei Ernst Jünger und Viktor von Weizsäcker -- Portraits -- Michael Krüger: »Suhrkamp war meine Universität«. Erinnerungen eines Verlegers -- Wolfgang Schopf: »Lesen, um zu lernen.« Peter Suhrkamp und die Idee der Bildung. Eine Textcollage -- Hermann Haarmann: »Sie wollen mir doch nicht Ihren besten Autor, Herrn Brecht, wegnehmen.« Ein Gespräch mit Matthias Bormuth -- Hermann Haarmann: Zwischen Moskau und New York. Exil-Briefe an Bertolt Brecht -- Michael Lahr: »Theater ist alles und überall.« Erwin Piscators Dramatic Workshop an der New School -- Domenico Conte: Im Brunnen der Vergangenheit. Thomas Mann und die Geschichte -- Thomas Sparr: »… Doktor Faustus war uns wichtiger …«. Der junge Ivan Nagel
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In: Höper , D , Grützke , J , Brinkmann , A , Mossong , J , Matamoros , S , Ellis , R J , Deneke , C , Tausch , S H , Cuesta , I , Monzón , S , Juliá , M , Petersen , T N , Hendriksen , R S , Pamp , S J , Leijon , M , Hakhverdyan , M , Walsh , A M , Cotter , P D , Chandrasekaran , L , Tay , M Y F , Schlundt , J , Sala , C , De Cesare , A , Nitsche , A , Beer , M & Wylezich , C 2020 , ' Proficiency Testing of Metagenomics-Based Detection of Food-Borne Pathogens Using a Complex Artificial Sequencing Dataset ' , Frontiers in Microbiology , vol. 11 , 575377 . https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.575377
Metagenomics-based high-throughput sequencing (HTS) enables comprehensive detection of all species comprised in a sample with a single assay and is becoming a standard method for outbreak investigation. However, unlike real-time PCR or serological assays, HTS datasets generated for pathogen detection do not easily provide yes/no answers. Rather, results of the taxonomic read assignment need to be assessed by trained personnel to gain information thereof. Proficiency tests are important instruments of validation, harmonization, and standardization. Within the European Union funded project COMPARE [COllaborative Management Platform for detection and Analyses of (Re-) emerging and foodborne outbreaks in Europe], we conducted a proficiency test to scrutinize the ability to assess diagnostic metagenomics data. An artificial dataset resembling shotgun sequencing of RNA from a sample of contaminated trout was provided to 12 participants with the request to provide a table with per-read taxonomic assignments at species level and a report with a summary and assessment of their findings, considering different categories like pathogen, background, or contaminations. Analysis of the read assignment tables showed that the software used reliably classified the reads taxonomically overall. However, usage of incomplete reference databases or inappropriate data pre-processing caused difficulties. From the combination of the participants' reports with their read assignments, we conclude that, although most species were detected, a number of important taxa were not or not correctly categorized. This implies that knowledge of and awareness for potentially dangerous species and contaminations need to be improved, hence, capacity building for the interpretation of diagnostic metagenomics datasets is necessary.
Metagenomics-based high-throughput sequencing (HTS) enables comprehensive detection of all species comprised in a sample with a single assay and is becoming a standard method for outbreak investigation. However, unlike real-time PCR or serological assays, HTS datasets generated for pathogen detection do not easily provide yes/no answers. Rather, results of the taxonomic read assignment need to be assessed by trained personnel to gain information thereof. Proficiency tests are important instruments of validation, harmonization, and standardization. Within the European Union funded project COMPARE [COllaborative Management Platform for detection and Analyses of (Re-) emerging and foodborne outbreaks in Europe], we conducted a proficiency test to scrutinize the ability to assess diagnostic metagenomics data. An artificial dataset resembling shotgun sequencing of RNA from a sample of contaminated trout was provided to 12 participants with the request to provide a table with per-read taxonomic assignments at species level and a report with a summary and assessment of their findings, considering different categories like pathogen, background, or contaminations. Analysis of the read assignment tables showed that the software used reliably classified the reads taxonomically overall. However, usage of incomplete reference databases or inappropriate data pre-processing caused difficulties. From the combination of the participants' reports with their read assignments, we conclude that, although most species were detected, a number of important taxa were not or not correctly categorized. This implies that knowledge of and awareness for potentially dangerous species and contaminations need to be improved, hence, capacity building for the interpretation of diagnostic metagenomics datasets is necessary.
Metagenomics-based high-throughput sequencing (HTS) enables comprehensive detection of all species comprised in a sample with a single assay and is becoming a standard method for outbreak investigation. However, unlike real-time PCR or serological assays, HTS datasets generated for pathogen detection do not easily provide yes/no answers. Rather, results of the taxonomic read assignment need to be assessed by trained personnel to gain information thereof. Proficiency tests are important instruments of validation, harmonization, and standardization. Within the European Union funded project COMPARE [COllaborative Management Platform for detection and Analyses of (Re-) emerging and foodborne outbreaks in Europe], we conducted a proficiency test to scrutinize the ability to assess diagnostic metagenomics data. An artificial dataset resembling shotgun sequencing of RNA from a sample of contaminated trout was provided to 12 participants with the request to provide a table with per-read taxonomic assignments at species level and a report with a summary and assessment of their findings, considering different categories like pathogen, background, or contaminations. Analysis of the read assignment tables showed that the software used reliably classified the reads taxonomically overall. However, usage of incomplete reference databases or inappropriate data pre-processing caused difficulties. From the combination of the participants' reports with their read assignments, we conclude that, although most species were detected, a number of important taxa were not or not correctly categorized. This implies that knowledge of and awareness for potentially dangerous species and contaminations need to be improved, hence, capacity building for the interpretation of diagnostic metagenomics datasets is necessary. ; This research was supported by the EU funded project COMPARE (Grant Agreement No. 643476). JG was supported bya grant of the within theframework of the project Ess-B.A.R. (FKZ 13N13982). ; Sí
Metagenomics-based high-throughput sequencing (HTS) enables comprehensive detection of all species comprised in a sample with a single assay and is becoming a standard method for outbreak investigation. However, unlike real-time PCR or serological assays, HTS datasets generated for pathogen detection do not easily provide yes/no answers. Rather, results of the taxonomic read assignment need to be assessed by trained personnel to gain information thereof. Proficiency tests are important instruments of validation, harmonization, and standardization. Within the European Union funded project COMPARE [COllaborative Management Platform for detection and Analyses of (Re-) emerging and foodborne outbreaks in Europe], we conducted a proficiency test to scrutinize the ability to assess diagnostic metagenomics data. An artificial dataset resembling shotgun sequencing of RNA from a sample of contaminated trout was provided to 12 participants with the request to provide a table with per-read taxonomic assignments at species level and a report with a summary and assessment of their findings, considering different categories like pathogen, background, or contaminations. Analysis of the read assignment tables showed that the software used reliably classified the reads taxonomically overall. However, usage of incomplete reference databases or inappropriate data pre-processing caused difficulties. From the combination of the participants' reports with their read assignments, we conclude that, although most species were detected, a number of important taxa were not or not correctly categorized. This implies that knowledge of and awareness for potentially dangerous species and contaminations need to be improved, hence, capacity building for the interpretation of diagnostic metagenomics datasets is necessary.