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2159451 Ergebnisse
Appraising the social security program
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, S. 1-189
ISSN: 0002-7162
Contents: Security for the unemployed; Security for the aged; Security for children; The nation's health and security for the handicapped; Problems of administration and the Social security act; Financing social security.
Social Work Reclaimed: Innovative Frameworks for Child and Family Social Work Practice
In: The British journal of social work, Band 42, Heft 3, S. 585-587
ISSN: 1468-263X
Social Policy for Social Welfare Professionals: Tools for Understanding, Analysis and Engagement
In: The British journal of social work, Band 41, Heft 8, S. 1611-1612
ISSN: 1468-263X
Redes y sistemas de bibliotecas La biblioteca núcleo de puerto cabezas (continuación) ; Library networks and library systems kernel port heads (continued)
Comunidad es un conjunto de personas que conviven en determinado lugar geográfico y con una serie de características comunes entre sí.En ella juega un papel muy decisivo la Biblioteca Escolar ya que esta depende las posibles y futuras influencias que se den relacionados con los aspectos económicos, sociales, políticos, culturales y psicológicos proyectados al bienestar comunal.En el caso del país de Nicaragua todos y cada uno de los que habrán de ejercer funciones bibliotecarias, son conscientes del rol que desempeñaran. Si en un tiempo, su verdadera misión, no fue posible realizarla o llevarla a cabo ya que no convenía a los intereses de la clase explotadora y que más bien le era mejor mantenerla sumergida en un letargo, ahora, con el cambio realizado, con las puertas que antes se mantenían cerradas y que ahora que abren de par en par; mostrándonos los verdaderos objetivos que ella persigue, sus finalidades, así como para brindar los reconocimientos antes prohibidos, viene a ser para todos aquellos consecuentes con el proceso revolucionario en que se vive, como un punto estratégico en la nueva educación. ; Community is a group of people living in particular geographical place and a number of common characteristics between them. It plays a decisive role the school library as this depends on the potential and future influences that are given regarding the economic, social, political, cultural and psychological well-being planned community. In the case of Nicaragua the country each and every one of those who will exercise library functions are aware of the role they should play. If at one time, his real mission was not possible to do or to carry out and that did not suit the interests of the exploiting class and rather it was best to keep it submerged in a lethargy, now with the change, with the doors that were kept shut and now that wide open, showing the true objectives it pursues its objectives and to provide surveys previously forbidden, it becomes for those consistent with the revolutionary process in which lives, as a strategic point in the new education.
Tunisian trade routes : Post revolution geography of a network of globalized marketplaces ; Routes tunisiennes de l'échange marchand : géographie post-révolution d'un réseau de marchés mondialisés
This thesis focuses on the making of globalized trade routes in Tunisia, based on the study of the supply of marketplaces that are specialized in the so-called "parallel trade". These marketplaces are located at the end of transnational trade routes which import everyday consumer products in the country. First, it proceeds on the basis that transnational trade economy in Tunisia is organized as a labile network. This network articulates marketplaces, including those located in Central Tunis and in Ben Gardane, two trading hubs that have emerged from local and territorialized processes. Starting from these places makes it possible to highlight the professional trajectories of their tradesmen, and to demonstrate how the latter have developed their business relationships. The thesis thus reveals a network of marketplaces that shapes transnational import into the country, through Tunisian ports and border regions. The thesis then examines the effects of the Tunisian Revolution on this markets network, more closely at the level of customs barrier bypass devices used by the flow of goods. The political change in 2011 thus reveals the participation of former President Ben Ali's regime in trade economy, yet presented as informal economy. Moreover, with the regime's collapse, trade relationships, commercial activities and trade routes have been reshaped, thereby pointing out that "parallel trade" has become a governance issue in Tunisia during the period of democratic transition. Finally, the thesis considers the formal analysis of these networks. It thus aims to lay the foundations for a geography of social and spatial networks by taking into account, on the one hand, the actors' social relationships and their role into the organization of commercial relations, and on the other hand, the identification and analysis of marketplaces networks. ; Cette thèse s'intéresse à la fabrique des routes marchandes mondialisées en Tunisie, à partir de l'étude des approvisionnements des marchés du commerce dit « parallèle », installés aux débouchés de routes transnationales d'échange de biens banals. Elle explore d'abord le postulat d'une organisation réticulaire et labile de l'économie marchande transnationale en Tunisie. Ce réseau articule des places marchandes, notamment celles situées au centre de Tunis et à Ben Gardane, qui forment des nœuds d'échange nés de processus locaux et territorialisés. Partir de ces lieux permet de mettre en évidence les trajectoires professionnelles des commerçants, modestes à l'origine, et de démontrer comment ces derniers sont parvenus à développer leurs relations d'affaires. La thèse met ainsi à jour un réseau de marchés qui structure l'importation transnationale dans le pays, via ses ports et ses régions frontalières. La thèse examine ensuite les effets de la révolution tunisienne sur ce réseau de marchés, en particulier au niveau des dispositifs de contournement des barrières douanières que les flux de marchandises empruntent. Le changement politique survenu en 2011 agit comme un révélateur des implications du régime de l'ancien président Ben Ali dans une économie marchande pourtant présentée comme « parallèle ». Plus encore, sous l'effet de l'effondrement du régime, les relations marchandes, les activités, et les itinéraires empruntés se recomposent, montrant ainsi que le « commerce parallèle » est devenu un enjeu de gouvernance dans la Tunisie en transition. Enfin, la thèse entreprend une réflexion sur l'analyse formelle de ces réseaux. L'enjeu est alors de poser les jalons d'une géographie des réseaux sociaux et spatiaux, à travers la prise en compte des relations sociales des acteurs dans la structuration des relations commerciales, et l'identification et l'analyse de réseaux de marchés.