Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as percepções de estudantes de turmas de primeiros anos do ensino médio sobre o continente africano e ao mesmo tempo problematizar e refletir a importância da implementação da lei 10.639/2003 e suas diretrizes nas escolas dialogando com a perspectiva decolonial como possibilidade de ensino da história da África.
Discussions on personal bankruptcy regulations are usually focused on the controversial effects of leniency on society, economy, financial markets, entrepreneurship, and labour supply. However, the methodology of measuring leniency has been limited to one-time legislative changes or some elements of the US personal bankruptcy system. In contrast, we create a composite index of personal bankruptcy legislations. We calculate the composite index for 25 EU countries and the US as a benchmark, validate the results, and rank the countries according to the leniency of their personal bankruptcy systems. We analyse the index scores by region, law origin, and the age of the regime. We conclude that the systems show high heterogeneity and cannot be clustered by region or legal origin assumed based on former studies. However, there is a strong association between leniency and the age of legislation. Results indicate that personal bankruptcy policies in the EU are usually launched as creditor-friendly and are later shifted to a more lenient direction.
Abstract This article is grounded on the critic social theory, and analyzes the content presented in the Brazilian National Plans of Education (2001-2010 and 2014-2024) and the Education Development Plan (2007) regarding the relationship between education and work. Documentary research aimed to identify the political perspectives that establish this relationship in a context of crisis of capitalism and regression of rights around the world and, particularly, in Brazil. The results show that updating and strengthening education is essential to prepare the workforce in line with the new needs of the sphere of production, a relation that is often disguised by the discourse and defense of citizenship, law, and humanistic values.
The occurrences of capital flight continue to be of great concern for many developing countries and Namibia is not an exception to this. This study aimed at examining the effect of fiscal policy on capital flight in Namibia for the period, 2009-2018. To assess this, the Auto-Regressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) bound test to cointegration technique was employed. The finding revealed that there is a long-run relationship between the selected macroeconomic factors and capital flight. In particular in the long-run government expenditure and its interaction with debt stock are found to positively affect capital flight. In the short-run however, past capital flight, previous period tax rates, previous external debt, current debt stock, previous inflation rate, as well as previous financial deepening were found to bear a positive effect on capital flight. Estimate of capital flight using the residual approach shows that Namibia lost about N$ 42 billion in 9 years through capital flight. This means on average Namibia lost close to N$ 5 billion in capital flight. These empirical findings, call for serious policy interventions in order to minimize and contain the issue of capital flight in the country.
Abstract This article is grounded on the critic social theory, and analyzes the content presented in the Brazilian National Plans of Education (2001-2010 and 2014-2024) and the Education Development Plan (2007) regarding the relationship between education and work. Documentary research aimed to identify the political perspectives that establish this relationship in a context of crisis of capitalism and regression of rights around the world and, particularly, in Brazil. The results show that updating and strengthening education is essential to prepare the workforce in line with the new needs of the sphere of production, a relation that is often disguised by the discourse and defense of citizenship, law, and humanistic values.
Este texto tiene como objetivo presentar y discutir algunos aspectos históricos y actuales de la adopción de políticas de evaluación/regulación de la educación superior en Brasil, tanto en el grado como en el posgrado. Muestra cómo este proceso se desarrolló en dos etapas: la primera, en la que predominan los elementos de una evaluación diagnóstica y formativa, y la segunda –en que se fortalece y consolida en las últimas dos décadas, desde finales de 1990– su carácter instrumental de regulación y control en el contexto del Estado Evaluador. El texto busca mostrar los lazos estrechos, especialmente en esta segunda fase, con el contexto económico y político derivado del ajuste neoliberal de la producción y de la reforma gerencial del Estado. Para ello, se presentan algunos datos históricos y estructurales de la educación superior en el país, para después, teniendo como telón de fondo esa coyuntura económico-política, analizar las características principales de la política de evaluación/regulación e indicar algunos de sus retos para el futuro. ; This paper aims to present and discuss some historical and current aspects of the evaluation/regulation policy of higher education in Brazil, in undergraduate and graduate programs. It shows how the evaluation processes occured in two stages. In the first one, which occurred between 1976 and 1996, elements of diagnostic and formative evaluation were predominant; in the second stage, which has been from the late 1990s, in the context of the Evaluative State, the regulation and control processes are the objective. We intend to show the close ties, especially in this second phase, with the economic and political context caused by the neoliberal adjustment. Therefore, the analysis will present some historical and structural Brazilian higher education data in order to diagnose the main features of this evaluation/regulation policy. It will also indicate some important challenges for the future, given Brazil's current economic and political situation. ; Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Grupo FORCE (HUM-386)
In: Christoffersen , L & Vinding , N V 2013 , ' Challenged Pragmatism : Conflicts of Law and Religion in the Danish Labour market ' , International Journal of Discrimination and the Law , vol. 13 , no. 2-3 .
Artiklen analyserer anti-diskrimineringsreglerne vedr religion i den danske lovgivning og diskuterer på grundlag af relevante domme, afgørelser fra ligebehandlingsnævnet og citater fra kvalitative interviews de opståede konflikter, der falder i to hovedkategorier: konflikter på det private og offentlige sekulære arbejdsmarked vedrørende arbejdstagernes ønske om inclusion i forhold til religiøs praksis eller arbejdsgivernes ønske om eksklusion af religiøs holdning eller praksis samt konflikter på det religiøse og semi-religiøse arbejdsmarked (f.eks. folkekirkelige organisationer der driver velfærdsinstitutioner) vedrørende krav til loyalitet over for virksomhedens normgrundlag og etos. Forfatterne vurderer, at der er flere konflikter på vej, før området har fundet sit leje. ; Against the backdrop of a well-regulated and pragmatic Danish labour market, the question of reasonable accommodation is discussed on the basis of current legislation, recent legal cases and substantial interview material drawn from the RELIGARE sociolegal research done in Denmark. Employees of religious faith have made religious claims and thereby challenged a secular understanding of the Danish labour market. This raises the question of the extent to which the religion of the individual can be accepted in the general public sphere. At the same time, religious ethos organisations have argued for the protection of their organisational identity and sought to employ and dismiss personnel according to the norms of the religious ethos, raising the question of how far 'reasonable accommodation' extends. Both the individual and the collective cluster cases ultimately raise questions concerning where to draw the line between accommodating religion and restricting freedom on the basis of professionalism, job functions or other reasons. On the basis of empirical findings, this article concludes that the pragmatic approach is supporting a renewed religious identity of faith-based organisations, but also warns against hijacking rights of individual employees.
In: Vinding , N V & Christoffersen , L 2012 , Danish Regulation of Religion, State of Affairs and Qualitative Reflections . vol. 1 , 1 edn , Det Teologiske Fakultet , København .
Der er tale om en gennemarbejdet analyse af 18 danske eliteinterviews om mulige konflikter i spørgsmål om religiøse normers betydning for familie, arbejdsmarked, religion i det offentlige rum og statens forhold til kirke og trossamfund. Ikke overraskende viser rapporten ikke alene en stigende bevidsthed om den indflydelse, religiøse normer har på de nævnte forhold, men også en stigende forskel i tilgang til sådanne grundlæggende spørgsmål. Derigennem understøtter denne rapport anden nylig forskning i danske religionsforhold. Der er dog en række fund, som har overrasket os som forskere. Rapporten viser således klart, at sekulariseringen i det danske samfund i disse år kobles med en stærkere konfessionalisering, ikke mindst omkring folkekirken, der synes at ændre karakter fra en fælles offentlig institution i samfundet til en kirke blandt andre kirker og trossamfund. En sådan tendens vil, hvis den bekræftes i andre analyser, kunne få stærk indflydelse på folkekirkens politiske og retlige stilling og faktiske funktion. I forhold til religion i det offentlige rum viser rapporten tilsvarende, at der er en klar tendens til at tage afsæt i en fælles sekularitet og på det grundlag ønske om inklusion i forhold til ikke alene folkekirken, men også øvrige trossamfund på langt mere lige vilkår, end det tidligere har været tilfældet. Samtidig med, at der således særdeles synligt viser sig en paradoks polarisering, synes den danske pragmatisme langt om længe at slå igennem i forhold til religionsområdet, men på en mere inkluderende måde end tidligere. I forhold til en lang række spørgsmål om religion og familieforhold, og herunder ikke mindst spørgsmål om retlige konstruktioner af ægteskab, forældremyndighed med videre, viser rapporten derimod, at vi kun er ved begyndelsen af en fælles drøftelse, og at der fortsat er behov ikke alene for at finde løsninger, men for at identificere problemer. Her er det slående, at ikke mindst de mange, som ikke selv tilhører religiøse mindretal, i stort omfang mangler sprog til at erkende og forstå problemstillingerne. Endeligt viser denne rapport, at spørgsmålene om religion på arbejdsmarkedet endnu ikke har fundet deres leje. Hidtidige normer i Danmark har været, at religion alene kunne anses for at være et relevant kriterium på arbejdsmarkedet, hvis det var af afgørende betydning i forhold til en konkret stillingsbesættelse på det klart religiøse arbejdsmarked, mens det klart sekulære arbejdsmarked har haft juridisk opbakning til at afvise alle religiøse ønsker fra ansatte. Denne rapport viser, at der i praksis ønskes en langt mere pragmatisk holdning til alment forståelige ønsker om religiøs praksis, der kan kombineres med at indgå i fællesskabet på en arbejdsplads, og den viser samtidig – i lighed med nylige afgørelser fra Ligebehandlingsnævnet – at der er plads til større religiøse loyalitetskrav på det blandet religiøst-sekulære arbejdsmarked, end hidtil antaget. Der synes at være en tendens til religiøs branding på vej, som ikke er blevet set tidligere. Det er imidlertid et felt, hvor man fortsat må forvente nogen udvikling, før der foreligger en endelig afklaring.
In: Bentzen , J B & Smith , V 2009 ' Wine production in Denmark : Do the characteristics of the vineyards affect the chances for awards? ' Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Department of Economics , Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University .
By the end of the former century there were less than 10 commercial vintners producing wine in Denmark. There was widespread acceptance of the view that commercial production of wine in the most northern parts of Europe was impossible. However, the number of commercial wine growers in Denmark grew to more than 60 at the end of year 2009 and the Association of Danish Winegrowers now counts more than 1400 members. Denmark can no longer be seen as a non-wine producing country! Formally, the transformation of Denmark to a wine producing country took place in year 2000 when Denmark was accepted as a commercial wine producing nation within the European Union. Based on a remarkably detailed micro data set this paper first gives a description of wine production in Denmark and thereafter we address the question whether vineyard characteristics are important for the quality of the wine and/or whether individual characteristics of the wine grower are important. Using a hedonic model the focus is especially on the importance of general factors like the type of soil, slope, geography, grape variety etc. in relation to the awards obtained by the respective vineyards.
"Get ready to be at the forefront of the future of urban development! As cities continue to rapidly grow, the demand for sustainable and efficient infrastructure becomes more urgent. That's where What Every Engineer Should Know About Smart Cities comes in, offering a comprehensive guide to the concepts and technologies driving the transformation of our cities. Delve into the world of smart cities and discover how information and communication technologies are revolutionizing urban environments. With clear definitions and a focus on real-world applications, this book explores the benefits and challenges of smart cities, and highlights interdisciplinary topics such as smart buildings, autonomous cars, and urban emergency management systems. This book is not just a theoretical exploration of smart cities. It goes beyond that by providing an in-depth look at the key technologies that are essential to creating smart cities. From the Internet of Things and blockchain to digital twins and modeling and simulations, readers will gain a solid understanding of the foundational technologies that make smart cities possible. With detailed discussions and real-world examples of smart mobility, smart health, smart education, and smart agribusiness, readers will gain a deep understanding of the requirements and characteristics that engineers need to contribute to the development of smart cities. Whether you're an engineer looking to expand your knowledge, a city planner seeking to understand the latest trends, or simply someone interested in the future of urban living, What Every Engineer Should Know About Smart Cities is the ultimate guide to unlocking the potential of smart cities for sustainable urban development and improved quality of life"--
O objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar as características socioeconômicas, a importância e os desafios atuais da agricultura familiar no Haiti, aprofundando a análise na seção comunal de Fond'oies, município de Léogâne. Para a elaboração do trabalho foi utilizada revisão bibliográfica, análise de dados secundários e aplicação de questionário a 20 famílias de agricultores de Fond'oies, selecionados aleatoriamente. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que a agricultura familiar haitiana, apesar de ser um segmento estratégico para alcançar a estabilidade social, a segurança alimentar e o crescimento econômico, tem enfrentado historicamente restrições que limitam o seu potencial e a sua importância. Isso também pode ser visto em Fond'oies, dado que os agricultores enfrentam vários desafios, como a carência de serviços básicos, baixa escolaridade, vulnerabilidade econômica, ausência de políticas agrícolas efetivas e integrais, catástrofes ambientais, entre outros. Este grupo enfrenta dificuldades tão profundas e enraizadas que a sua importância e a relevância acabam sendo enfraquecidas.