In: Maleki Nia, N., Asgari Alouj, H. & Sarafraz Pireivatlou, A. (2012). EVA Approach versus BCG Approach: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), Archives Des Sciences 65(9). Available at SSRN:
In: van Dalen , H P & Henkens , C J I M 2012 , ' What is on a demographer's mind? A worldwide survey ' , Demographic Research , vol. 26 , 16 , pp. 363-408 .
BACKGROUND Over the years, the community of demographers has grown in numbers and research interests, and has become increasingly interdisciplinary. The question is whether this process of growth and diversity has led to a fragmented community of demographers. OBJECTIVE We examine whether or not demographers are characterized by a high level of consensus in approach and outlook. We focus on two issues. The first relates to the level of consensus among demographers on what they perceive to be the most urgent population issues, and what their opinions are about population and fertility developments. The second issue focuses on the question of whether or not there is a common approach or research style among demographers. METHODS We gain insight into the opinions and attitudes of 970 demographers on the basis of an internet survey among IUSSP members, carried out in 2009. RESULTS There is a high level of consensus on what is considered the most important population issue: 'population aging'. With respect to population policy, demographers are greatly divided. There is, however, a high level of consensus on what makes a demographer successful: being highly empirical. Demography seems to be a well integrated discipline, as applied researchers take note of what pure researchers publish and vice versa. Demography has scientific leaders who form a unifying power within the discipline. CONCLUSIONS The core of the discipline of demography is to be found in an openness to insights from different disciplines, a commitment to data and empirical research, and well integrated spheres of applied and pure research. ; BACKGROUND Over the years, the community of demographers has grown in numbers and research interests, and has become increasingly interdisciplinary. The question is whether this process of growth and diversity has led to a fragmented community of demographers. OBJECTIVE We examine whether or not demographers are characterized by a high level of consensus in approach and outlook. We focus on two issues. The first relates to thelevel of consensus among demographers on what they perceive to be the most urgent population issues, and what their opinions are about population and fertility developments. The second issue focuses on the question of whether or not there is acommon approach or research style among demographers. METHODS We gain insight into the opinions and attitudes of 970 demographers on the basis of aninternet survey among IUSSP members, carried out in 2009. RESULTS There is a high level of consensus on what is considered the most important population issue: 'population aging'. With respect to population policy, demographers are greatly divided. There is, however, a high level of consensus on what makes a demographersuccessful: being highly empirical. Demography seems to be a well integrated discipline, as applied researchers take note of what pure researchers publish and viceversa. Demography has scientific leaders who form a unifying power within thediscipline. CONCLUSIONS The core of the discipline of demography is to be found in an openness to insights from different disciplines, a commitment to data and empirical research, and well integrated spheres of applied and pure research.
In: Betsill , M M , Pattberg , P H & Dellas , E D 2011 , ' Editorial ' , International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics , vol. 11 , no. 1 , pp. 1-6 .
In: Löffler , M , Peichl , A , Pestel , N , Schneider , H & Siegloch , S 2011 , ' Einfach ist nicht immer gerecht: Eine Mikrosimulationsstudie der Kirchhof-Reform für die Einkommensteuer ' , Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung , vol. 80 , no. 4 , pp. 147–160 .
In this contribution we analyze Paul Kirchhof's income tax policy proposal with regard to conflicting goals of tax revenue, distributional effects and efficiency considerations. While effects on labor supply are moderate, the tax policy proposal reduces government budget revenue by 20 billion euros. Moreover, it has a considerable effect on income inequality. Despite broadening the tax base only the income distribution's top decile benefits from the proposed flat tax rate. Due to these problematic effects we conclude that the Kirchhof proposal is not politically enforceable.
In this study we examine linguistic variation and its dependence on both social and geographic factors. We follow dialectometry in applying a quantitative methodology and focusing on dialect distances, and social dialectology in the choice of factors we examine in building a model to predict word pronunciation distances from the standard Dutch language to 424 Dutch dialects. We combine linear mixed-effects regression modeling with generalized additive modeling to predict the pronunciation distance of 559 words. Although geographical position is the dominant predictor, several other factors emerged as significant. The model predicts a greater distance from the standard for smaller communities, for communities with a higher average age, for nouns (as contrasted with verbs and adjectives), for more frequent words, and for words with relatively many vowels. The impact of the demographic variables, however, varied from word to word. For a majority of words, larger, richer and younger communities are moving towards the standard. For a smaller minority of words, larger, richer and younger communities emerge as driving a change away from the standard. Similarly, the strength of the effects of word frequency and word category varied geographically. The peripheral areas of the Netherlands showed a greater distance from the standard for nouns (as opposed to verbs and adjectives) as well as for high-frequency words, compared to the more central areas. Our findings indicate that changes in pronunciation have been spreading (in particular for low-frequency words) from the Hollandic center of economic power to the peripheral areas of the country, meeting resistance that is stronger wherever, for well-documented historical reasons, the political influence of Holland was reduced. Our results are also consistent with the theory of lexical diffusion, in that distances from the Hollandic norm vary systematically and predictably on a word by word basis.
In: Aicken , C , Roberts , H & Arai , L 2010 , ' Mapping service activity: the example of childhood obesity schemes in England ' , BMC Public Health , vol. 10 , no. 1 , 310 .
Background: Childhood obesity is high on the policy agenda of wealthier nations, and many interventions have been developed to address it. This work describes an overview of schemes for obese and overweight children and young people in England, and the 'mapping' approach we used. Methods: Our search strategy, inclusion criteria and coding frame had to be suitable for describing a potentially large number of schemes within a short timeframe. Data were collected from key informants, scheme publicity and reports, and via a web-survey. To be included, schemes had to be based in England, follow a structured programme lasting at least two weeks, promote healthy weight, and be delivered exclusively to overweight and/or obese children and young people (age range 4-18). Data were entered into a coding frame recording similar information for each scheme, including any underpinning research evidence, evaluation or monitoring reports. Priority questions were identified in consultation with colleagues from the Department of Health and the Cross Government Obesity Unit. Results: Fifty-one schemes were identified. Some operated in multiple areas, and by using estimates of the number of schemes provided by multi-site scheme leads, we found that between 314 and 375 local programmes were running at any time. Uncertainty is largely due to the largest scheme provider undergoing rapid expansion at the time of the mapping exercise and therefore able to provide only an estimate of the number of programmes running. Many schemes were similar in their approach, had been recently established and were following NICE guidelines on interventions to promote healthy weight. Rigorous evaluation was rare. Conclusions: Our methods enabled us to produce a rapid overview of service activity across a wide geographic area and a range of organisations and sectors. In order to develop the evidence base for childhood obesity interventions, rigorous evaluation of these schemes is required. This overview can serve as a starting point for evaluations of interventions to address obesity. More generally, a rapid and systematic approach of this type is transferable to other types of service activity in health and social care, and may be a tool to inform public health planning.
In: Koning , J & Dahles , H 2009 , ' Spiritual Power. Ethnic Chinese Managers and the Rise of Charismatic Christianity ' , Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies , vol. 27 , no. 1 , pp. 5-37 .
This article explores the conversion of ethnic Chinese managers in Indonesia and Malaysia to charismatic Christianity, a movement characterized by experiential spirituality, healing, and prophesying. The spiritual turn among ethnic Chinese managers is positioned against literature on spirituality in organizations and the acclaimed need for managers and business leaders to bring spirituality to work in order to enhance efficiency and employee well-being under the present Zeitgeist of growing global competition and organizational change. An important missing link, however, in this rather instrumentalist literature is a contextual-ized approach to the inner meanings of religion-based spirituality in the lives of the managers involved. By analyzing the experiences as narrated by converted managers in Indonesia and Malaysia against the background of their cultural, political, social and economic context—in this case the ethno-religious power relations at national levels—this article takes the analysis beyond the goal-ori-ented leadership literature. Additionally, it applies a comparative approach to show that the spiritual turn may have divergent meanings to actors in different contexts. The outcomes of the research illustrate that religion-based spirituality among ethnic Chinese managers in Indonesia and Malaysia is empowering at the managerial level but also, although differently constituted, at the ethnic level.
In: Nijkamp , P & Ouwersloot , H 1997 ' Social and spatial ubiquity of information and communication technology: a policy perspective ' Research Memorandum , no. 1997-26 , Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam , Amsterdam .
In this paper, we analyze some fundamental impacts of the process of informatization. Inparticular, we address socio-economic and spatial impacts and discuss possible consequences for policy. Our objective is to discuss issues concerningthe desirability, necessity and possibility of government responses to the process of informatization. After a general introduction, we turn to a moredetailed discussion of three highly relevant areas for policy: market structures, urban networks and media use. Finally we discuss the options forpolicy, as well as the need to regulate the informatization process
In: Stokman , F N & Zeggelink , E P H 1996 , ' Is Politics Power Or Policy Driven? A Comparative Analysis Of Dynamic Access Models In Policy Networks ' , The Journal of Mathematical Sociology , vol. 21 , no. 1 .
In policy networks actors use access relations to influence preferences of other actors. Establishment and shifts of access relations and their consequences for outcomes of decisions are the main focal points in this paper. Unlike most policy network studies, we therefore do not take the network and its relations as given and constant. Instead we device computer simulation models to account for the dynamics in policy networks. We compare different models and investigate the resulting network structures and predicted outcomes of decisions. The choice among the alternative models is made by their correspondence with empirical network structures and actual outcomes of decisions. In our models, we assume that all relevant actors aim at policy outcomes as close as possible to their own preferences. Policy outcomes are determined by the preferences cSf the final decision makers at the moment of the vote. In general, only a small fraction of the actors takes .part in the final vote. Most actors have therefore to rely on access relations for directly or indirectly shaping the preferences of the final decision makers. For this purpose actors make access requests to other actors. An access relation is assumed to be established if such a request is accepted by the othcr actor. Access relations require time and resources. Actors are therefore assumed to be restricted in the number of access requests they can make and the number of requests they can accept. Moreover, due to incomplete information and simultaneous actions by other actors, actors have to make simplifying assumptions in the selection of their "best" requests and learn by experience. We device two base models that correspond to two basic views on the nature of political processes. In the first view politics is seen as power driven. Corresponding to this view, actors aim at access relations with the most powerful actors in the field. They estimate their likelihood of success by comparing their own resources with those of the target actors. Power also determines the order in which actors accept requests. In the second view, policy matters and actors roughly estimate the effects access relations might have on the outcome of decisions. Actors select requests to "bolster" Their own preference as much as possible. We will show that these base models and some intermediate ones result in fundamentally different network structures and predicted outcomes. Moreover, we will show that the policy driven models do fundamentally better than the power driven models.
In: Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen Band 113
Frontmatter -- Inhalt -- 1. Verstößt es gegen die guten Sitten, wenn der ordentliche Richter in einer vor ihm anhängigen, dann in das schiedsgerichtliche Verfahren übergeleiteten Sache sich zum Schiedsrichter bestellen läßt -- 2. Umstellung des Aktienkapitals in Goldmark. Gültigkeit der zweiten Durchführungsverordnung zur Goldbilanzverordnung. Umwandlung von Vorzugsaktien in Stammaktien. Verstoß gegen die guten Sitten -- 3. Zur Frage der Beweisführung im Urkundenprozeß -- 4. Strafrechtliches Verfahren wegen Preiswuchers. Amtspflichtverletzung von Justizbeamten bei Beschlagnahme und Veräußerung von Waren. Aufwertung des nach Freisprechung herauszugebenden Erlöses. Rechtsweg -- 5. Wie gestaltet sich nach der 3. Steuernotverordnung und dem Auswertungsgesetz die Haftung der Reichsbahngesellschaft für Pensionsansprüche, die ein Bediensteter einer später vom Staat übernommenen Privatbahn gegen deren Betriebskasse erworben hatte -- 6. In welcher Weise hat die Aufwertung einer abgetretenen Forderung nach allgemeinen Grundsätzen zu erfolgen -- 7. Inwiefern kann darin, daß ein Arbeitgeber seine Angestellten veranlaßt, aus einer Berufsvereinigung auszutreten, eine unerlaubte Handlung liegen, die einen Unterlassungsanspruch für die Berufsvereinigung begründet -- 8. 1. Über die Zuständigkeit der deutschen Gerichte zur Ehescheidung und das von ihnen anzuwendende Recht, wenn der ans einem früher russischen, jetzt zur Republik Litauen gehörigen Kreise stammende Ehemann im Laufe des Rechtsstreits staatenlos geworden ist. 2. Entbehrt der Scheidungsspruch eines deutschen Rabbinatskollegiums der bürgerlichen Wirksamkeit auch gegenüber Ausländern, deren Heimatrecht die Ehescheidungen einer Religionsgesellschaft überläßt -- 9. Darlehen, das im Inland einem im Ausland wohnenden Ausländer gegeben worden ist; Anwendung des Auswertungsgesetzes -- 10. Pflichtteilsanspruch. Beginn der Frist für die in 8 2306 BGB. vorgesehene Ausschlagung des Erbteils. Pflichtteilsanspruch kann nicht gleichzeitig gegen die Vorerben und die Nacherben geltend gemacht werden -- 11. Kanu gegenüber einer beim Landgericht erhobenen Räumungsklage die Einrede der sachlichen Unzuständigkeit darauf gestutzt werden, daß der Vertrag der Parteien kein Pacht-, sondern ein Mietvertrag sei -- 12. Schadensersatzklage wegen Geldentwertung nach rechtskräftigem Papiermarkurteil. Zahlungsverzug wird durch Verhängung der Geschastsaussicht nicht ausgeschlossen -- 13. Sicherungsübereignung eines Warenlagers -- 14. Rentenansprüche aus unerlaubter Handlung und aus dem Haftpflichtgesetz -- 15. Ruß die Entscheidung des auf Festsetzung eines Hilfslohnes angegangenen Strandamtes auch dann binnen 14 Tagen mittels gerichtlicher Klage angefochten werden, wenn sich das Strandamt für unzuständig erklärt hat -- 16. Vertrag zwischen dem Verleger und dem Herausgeber eines Werkes. Inwieweit hat er nach Erfüllung noch Nachwirkungen auf Unterlassung von Wettbewerb -- 17. 1. Ist der Anspruch der pensionierten Kolonialbeamten ans Tropenzulage durch die Personal-Abbau-Verordnung beseitigt worden? 2. Besteht ein klagbarer Anspruch ans Aufwertung der Tropenzulage -- 18. Teilung des Oberschlesischen Knappschaftsvereins. Wer ist Schuldner der Pensionsansprüche früherer Angestellter -- 19. Zum Begriffe der Stillegung eines Betriebs im Sinnt des § 96 Abs. 2 Nr. 2 des Betriebsrategesetze- vom 4. Februar 1920 -- 20. Aufwertung von Erbpachtzinsen, welche nach dem Durchschnittsroggen- Preis eines bestimmten Zeitraums berechnet sind. Aufwertung von Reallasten des Reichs- und des Landesrecht-, sowie von persönlichen durch Reallast gesicherten Forderungen -- 21. 1. Liegt der Staatsanwaltschaft die Amtspflicht ob, die Richtigkeit der von ihr erlassenen öffentlichen Bekanntmachungen nachzuprüfen und für Beseitigung etwa darin vorkommender Fehler zu sorgen? 2. Erstreckt sich die Haftung des Staates für Amtspflichtverletzungen von Beamten auch auf Schaden, der sein Vermögensschaden ist -- 22. Verstößt es gegen das Gesetz, wenn die adeligen Namen bei weiblichen Personen in der weiblichen Form (Gräfin, Freiin, Freifrau usw.) gebraucht und wenn sie bei Männern dekliniert werden -- 23. Wann ist die Erteilung der Erlaubnis zur Benutzung einer Erfindung (Zwangslizenz) im öffentlichen Interesse geboten? Nachträgliches Angebot von Vergütung und Sicherheitsleistung -- 24. Katholischer Orden als nicht rechtsfähiger Verein. Ausschließung von Mitgliedern; Rechtsweg. Kein Anspruch des ausgeschiedenen Mitglieds auf Anteil am Vermögen des Ordens -- 25. Geldentwertung; wie lange war die Mark noch Wertmesser? Berechnung von Schadensersatz wegen Nichterfüllung für die Zeit bis Mitte August 1922 -- 26. 1. Wird die unerlaubte Entfernung eine- Beamte« vom Amt dadurch allein zu einer erlaubten, daß seine vorläufige Amtsenthebung angeordnet wird? 2. Hat der vom Dienst vorläufig enthobene, im Ungehorsam beharrende Beamte Anspruch aus die Hälfte seines zuletzt bezogenen Dienstetukommens -- 27. Gesellschaft m. b. H. Kündigung. Übertragung von Geschäftsanteilen. Formerfordernis -- 28. Feuerversicherung. Wirkung der Zusage vorläufiger Deckung -- 29. Aktienrecht. Klage auf Anfechtung von Generalversammlungsbeschlüssen oder auf Richtigkeit von solchen. Aufwertung rückständiger Einlagen auf Aktien bei Umstellung des Aktienkapitals auf Goldmark -- 30. Können Inhaber von Räumen, die sie auf Grund eines nichtigen Mietvertrags innehaben, Mieterschutz verlangen -- 31. Gewerkschaft als Eigentümerin eines landwirtschaftlichen Grundstücks. Übertragung der Pure. Inwieweit greifen die Vorschriften über den Verkehr mit landwirtschaftlichen Grundstücken ein -- 32. Muß die Revision, wenn sie mehrere selbständige Beschwerdepunkte treffen soll, mit Bezug aus jeden einzelnen von ihnen nicht nur durch einen Revisionsantrag, sondern auch durch Angabe der Revifionsgründe begründet werden -- 33. Kann eine Zwangsinnung einem Arbeitgeberverbande, der zum Teil aus Zwangsinnungmitgliedern besteht, den Abschluß von Tarifverträgen mit Wirkung für diejenigen seiner Mitglieder untersagen, welche zugleich der Zwangsinung angehören -- 34. Verlagsvertrag, bei welchem die Vergütung für den Verfasser schon bet Erscheinen der Auflage in Hundertreilen des Ladenpreise- bezahlt ist. Keine nachträgliche Erhöhung der Vergütung bei Erhebung von Teuerungs und Balutazuschlägen -- 35. 1. Über die Zulässigkeit des Rechtswegs für Ansprüche einer Gemeinde gegen die preußische Landesschulkasse aus Auftrag oder Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag. 2. In welcher Weise durfte die einer preußischen Volksschullehrer- Ruhegehaltskasse angeschlossene mittlere Schule nach ihrer Umwandlung in eine höhere Lehranstalt mit ihren bisherigen Lehrkräften jener Raffe augeschlossen bleiben -- 36. Aktiengesellschaft. Schaffung von Schutzaktien. Wann verstößt die Bildung von Schutzaktien gegen die guten Sitten? Anfechtung-klage -- 37. Tarifvertrag. Wieweit erstreckt sich die au- ihm zu folgernde Friedenspflicht? Schadensersatzansprüche von Einzelmitgliedern einer Bertragspartei gegen den tarchbrüchigen Vertragsteil -- 38. Aufwertung einer im Januar 1926 erfolgten Markzahlung. Anspruch aus Gesellschaftsvertrag als Vermögensanlage -- 39. 1. Inwieweit find' die Gerichte befugt, über öffentlichrechtliche Vorfragen zu entscheiden? 2. Ist das der Justizverwaltung nach Art. 104 Abs. 3 RBerf. zustehende Recht, bei einer Veränderung in der Einrichtung der Gerichte unfreiwillige Versetzungen von Richtern der ordentlichen Gerichtsbarkeit zu verfügen, zeitlich beschränkt? 3. Ist den §8 272b, 348 bis 350 ZPO. die Bedeutung einer Änderung in der Einrichtung der Landgerichte beizumessen -- 40. Nach welchen Grundsätzen ist die Firma der Zweigniederlassung einer Gesellschaft m. b. H. zu bilden? Wann ist ein die Eigenschaft der Zweigniederlassung als solcher kennzeichnender Zusatz notwendig -- 41. 1. Zur Auslegung von § 45 Ads. 3 des Reichsbeamtengesetzes. 2. Zum Begriff des Beamten im Sinne der Ruhegehaltsvorschriften dieses Gesetzes -- 42. Wann ist eine Eintragung im Grundbuch ihrem Inhalt nach unzulässig? Eintrag von Teilbeträgen als Einzelhypotheken auf verschiedenen Grundstücken -- 43. Wann liegt eine den Pflichtteilsberechtigten beeinträchtigende Verfügung im Sinne des § 2332 Abs. 1 BGB.
Die folgenden Links führen aus den jeweiligen lokalen Bibliotheken zum Volltext:
From gunboats to BITs : the evolution of modern international investment law / O. Thomas Johnson, Jr. and Jonathan Gimblett -- Report on manufactures (1791)(excerpt) / Alexander Hamilton -- The defence (1795)(Nos. XIII (excerpt), XIV, XV, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, and XXXVI) / Alexander Hamilton -- Third annual message (1903)(excerpt) / Theodore Roosevelt -- The basis of protection to citizens residing abroad / Elihu Root -- Address before the Pan American Conference on Arbitration and Conciliation (1928) / Calvin Coolidge -- The Hull Formula (1938) / exchange of letters between Cordell Hull and the Mexican government -- Special message to the Congress recommending point 4 legislation (1949) / Harry. S. Truman -- Annual address (World Bank) (1963)(excerpt) / George D. Woods --Statement announcing United States policy on economic assistance and investment security in developing nations (1972) / Richard M. Nixon -- Fourth annual report to the Congress on United States Foreign Policy (1973) / Richard M. Nixon -- Statement on international investment policy (1983) / Ronald Reagan -- Statement on international trade and investment policy (2007) / George W. Bush -- Statement by the president on United States commitment to open investment policy (2011) / Barack Obama -- U.S. Inbound foreign direct investment (2011) / Executive Office of the President, Council of Economic Advisers -- The definitive Treaty of Peace (1783) / the Government of the United States of America -- Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the United States (Jay Treaty) (concluded 1794; entered into force 1796) / the government of the United States of America and Great Britain -- Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights (1923)(excerpts) / the government of the United States of America and Germany -- Treaty of Commerce and Navigation (1953) / the government of the United States of America and Japan -- Treaty with Argentina concerning the reciprocal encouragement and protection of investment (including message of the President of the United States transmitting the treaty to the Senate) / the government of the United States of America and Argentina -- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (1994)(excerpts and Chapter 11) / the government of Canada, the government of the United Mexican States and the government of the United States of America -- U.S. Model Bilateral Investment Treaty (2004) / the government of the United States of America -- United States-Peru Trade Promotion Treaty (environmental and labor side agreements) (signed 2006; entered into force 2009) / the government of the United States of America and Peru -- U.S. Model Bilateral Investment Treaty (2012) / the government of the United States of America -- Limitations on coercive protection / Edwin Borchard -- The "minimum standard" of the treatment of aliens / Edwin Borchard -- Property-protection provisions in United States commercial treaties / Robert R. Wilson -- Treaties for the encouragement and protection of foreign investment : present United States practice / Herman Walker, Jr. -- Responsibility of states for injuries to the economic interests of aliens / Louis B. Sohn and R.R. Baxter -- What constitutes a taking of property under international law?/ G.C. Christie -- "Constructive takings" under international law : a modest foray into the problem of "creeping expropriation" / Burns H. Weston -- The charter of economic rights and duties of states and the deprivation of foreign-owned wealth / Burns H. Weston -- The breakdown of the control mechanism in ICSID arbitration / W. Michael Reisman -- Arbitration without privity / Jan Paulsson -- Investment liberalization and economic development : the role of bilateral investment treaties / Kenneth J. Vandevelde -- Why LDCs sign treaties that hurt them : explaining the popularity of bilateral investment treaties / Andrew T. Guzman -- The once and future foreign investment regime / Jose E. Alvarez -- Public vs. private enforcement of international economic law : of standing and remedy / Alan O. Sykes -- Do BITs really work : an evaluation of bilateral investment treaties and their grand bargain / Jeswald W. Salacuse & Nicholas P. Sullivan -- Empirically evaluating claims about investment treaty arbitration / Susan D. Franck -- Investor-state arbitration as governance : fair and equitable treatment, proportionality, and the emerging global administrative law / Benedict Kingsbury and Stephan Schill
1 Introduction.- 2 Ethical decision-making: a review of the empirical literature; Robert C Ford and Woodrow D Richardson.- 3 Toward the development of a multidimensional scale for improving evaluations of business ethics; R Eric Reidenbach and Donald P Robin -- 4 Corporate social responsibility theories: mapping the territory; Elisabet Garriga and Domenec N Mele -- 5 A behavioral model of ethical and unethical decision-making; Michael Bommer, Clarence Gratto, Jerry Gravander and Mark Tuttle -- 6 The effects of culture on ethical decision-making: an application of Hofstedes typology; Scott J Vitell, Saviour L Nwachukwu and James H Barnes -- 7 Moral reasoning and business ethics: implications for research, education and management; Linda Klebe Trevino -- 8 Organizational dissidence: the case of whistle-blowing; Janet P Near and Marcia P Miceli -- 9 The social desirability response bias in ethics research; Donna M Randall and Maria F Fernandes -- 10 Methodology in business ethics research: a review and critical assessment; Donna M Randall and Annetta M Gibson -- 11 A review of the empirical decision-making literature: 1996-2003; Michael J O'Fallon and Kenneth D Butterfield -- 12 Judging the morality of business practices: the influence of personal moral philosophies; Donelson R Forsyth -- 13 A review of empirical studies assessing ethical decision-making in business; Terry W Loe, Linda Ferrell and Phylis Mansfield -- 14 A study of the effect of age and gender upon student business ethics; Durwood Ruegger and Earnest W King -- 15 Some initial steps toward improving the measurement of ethical evaluations of marketing activities; R Eric Reidenbach and Donald P Robin -- 16 Differences in ethical perceptions between male and female managers: myth or reality; Jeaneen M Kidwell, Robert E Stevens and Art L Bethke -- 17 Business ethics: a literature review with a focus on marketing ethics; John Tasalikis and David J Fritzsche -- 18 An integrative model for understanding and managing ethical behavior in business organizations; W Edward Stead, Dan L Worrell and Jean Garner Stead -- 19 Concerns of college students regarding business ethics, Richard F Beltramini; Robert A Peterson and George Kozmetsky -- 20 Gender differences in proclivity for unethical behavior; Michael Betz, Lenahan O'Connell and Jon M Shepard -- 21 Predicting unethical behavior: a comparison of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior; Man Kit Chang -- 22 Consumer ethics: an investigation of the ethical beliefs of elderly consumers; Scott J Vitell, James R Lumpkin and Mohammed YA Rawwas -- 23 The role of moral intensity in moral judgments: an empirical investigation, Sara A Morris and Robert A Mcdonald -- 24 Will the ethics of business change: a survey of future executives; Thomas M Jones and Frederick H Gautschi -- 25 Situational ethics: an empirical study of differentiators of student attitudes; Charles W McNichols and Thomas W Zimmerer -- 26 The relationship between corporate social performance and organizational size, financial performance and environmental performance; Peter A Stanwick and Sarah A Stanwick -- 27 Business codes of multinational firms: what do they say?; Muel Kaptein -- 28 Consumer ethics: an empirical investigation of factors influencing ethical judgments of the final consumer; Scott J Vitell and James Muncy -- 29 The morality of software piracy: a cross-cultural analysis; William R Swinyard, Heikki Rinne and Au Keng Kau -- 30 The association between corporate social responsibility and financial performance: the paradox of social cost; Moses L Pava and Joshua Krausz -- 31 Corporate ethics practices in the mid-1990's: an empirical study of the Fortune 1000; Gary R Weaver, Linda Klebe Trevino and Philip L Cochran -- 32 Concepts and definitions of CSR and corporate sustainability: between agency and communion; Marcel van Marrewijk -- 33 An experimental examination of the effects of individual and situational factors on unethical behavioral intentions in the workplace; Gwen E Jones and Michael J Kavanagh -- 34 Pinto fires and personal ethics: a script analysis of missed opportunities; Dennis A Gioia.-35 Invited reflections on the Journal of Business Ethics -- Index
Die folgenden Links führen aus den jeweiligen lokalen Bibliotheken zum Volltext:
1. Agency / Edward J. McKenna and Diane C. Zannoni -- 2. Australia / J.E. King -- 3. Austrian school of economics / Stephen D. Parsons -- 4. Babylonian mode of thought / Sheila C. Dow -- 5. Balance-of-payments-constrained economic growth / John S.L. McCombie -- 6. Banking / Gillian Hewitson -- 7. Bastard Keynesianism / John Lodewijks -- 8. Behavioural economics / Therese Jefferson and J.E. King -- 9. Brazil / Luiz Fernando de Paula and Fernando Ferrari-Filho -- 10. Bretton Woods / Matías Vernengo -- 11. Budget deficits / Joëlle Leclaire -- 12. Business cycles / Peter Skott -- 13. Cambridge economic tradition / G.C. Harcourt -- 14. Capital theory / Ben Fine -- 15. Central banks / Fernando J. Cardim de Carvalho -- 16. Chartalism / Sergio Rossi -- 17. Choice under uncertainty / Victoria Chick and Sheila C. Dow -- 18. Circuit theory / Riccardo Realfonzo -- 19. Competition / Nina Shapiro -- 20. Consumer debt / Robert H. Scott, III -- 21. Consumer theory / Marc Lavoie -- 22. Consumption / David Bunting -- 23. Conventions / David Dequech -- 24. Credit rationing / Martin H. Wolfson -- 25. Critical realism / Andrew Brown -- 26. Development finance / Rogério Studart -- 27. Econometrics / Paul Downward -- 28. Economic development / Stephanie Blankenburg and Gabriel Palma -- 29. Economic policy / Malcolm Sawyer -- 30. Effective demand / Mark Setterfield -- 31. Efficient markets hypothesis / Mark Hayes -- 32. Employer of last resort / Pavlina R. Tcherneva -- 33. Employment / Engelbert Stockhammer -- 34. Environmental economics / Adrian Winnett -- 35. Environmental policy / Neil Perry -- 36. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium / Donald W. Katzner -- 37. Exchange rates / John T. Harvey -- 38. Expectations / Éric Tymoigne -- 39. Export-led growth / Arslan Razmi -- 40. Financial instability hypothesis / Louis-Philippe Rochon -- 41. Financial markets / Jörg Bibow -- 42. Financial reform / Aldo Barba -- 43. Financialization / Till Van Treeck -- 44. Fiscal policy / J.W. Nevile -- 45. Full employment / William Mitchell and Martin Watts -- 46. Fundamentalist Keynesians / Bill Gerrard -- 47. Galbraith's economics / Stephen P. Dunn -- 48. Gender / Colin Danby -- 49. Germany and Austria / Torsten Niechoj -- 50. Global financial crisis / Stephanie Blankenburg -- 51. Growth and income distribution / Carlo Panico -- 52. Growth theory / Steve Keen -- 53. Households / Zdravka Todorova -- 54. Income distribution / Thomas I. Palley -- 55. Inflation / John Smithin -- 56. Innovation / Jerry Courvisanos -- 57. Institutionalism / Steven Pressman -- 58. International economics / Robert A. Blecker -- 59. International financial reform / Leanne Ussher -- 60. Investment / Tracy Mott -- 61. Italy / Andrea Pacella and Guido Tortorella Esposito -- 62. Japan / Toichiro Asada -- 63. Joan Robinson's economics / Maria Cristina Marcuzzo -- 64. Journal of post Keynesian economics / Phillip Anthony O'Hara -- 65. Kaldorian economics / A.P. Thirlwall -- 66. Kaleckian economics / Jan Toporowski -- 67. Keynes's general theory / Paul Davidson -- 68. Keynes's treatise on money / Giuseppe Fontana -- 69. Keynes's treatise on probability / Rod O'Donnell -- 70. Latin American structuralism / Gerardo Fujii -- 71. Liquidity preference / Stephanie Kelton (née Bell) -- 72. Macroeconomic methodology / Jesper Jespersen -- 73. Marginalism / Harry Bloch -- 74. Market governance / Tuna Baskoy -- 75. Microfoundations / Steven Fazzari -- 76. Monetary policy / Peter Howells -- 77. Money / L. Randall Wray -- 78. Money manager capitalism / Yeva Nersisyan -- 79. Multiplier / Andrew B. Trigg -- 80. New classical economics / Alessandro Vercelli -- 81. New Keynesian economics / Wendy Cornwall -- 82. New neoclassical synthesis / Sebastian Dullien -- 83. Non-ergodicity / Stephen P. Dunn -- 84. Open systems / Andrew Mearman -- 85. Pluralism in economics / Rob Garnett -- 86. Price rigidity / Jordan Melmiès -- 87. Prices and pricing / Gyun Cheol Gu and Frederic S. Lee -- 88. Production / Amitava Krishna Dutt -- 89. Profits / Elizabeth Webster -- 90. Rate of interest / Massimo Pivetti -- 91. Regional monetary policy / Carlos J. Rodríguez-Fuentes -- 92. Saving / Robert Pollin -- 93. Say's law / Claudio Sardoni -- 94. Socialism / Howard J. Sherman -- 95. Sraffian economics / Gary Mongiovi -- 96. Stagflation / Mark Setterfield and John Cornwall -- 97. Stock-flow consistent modelling / Tarik Mouakil -- 98. Sustainable development / Jerry Courvisanos -- 99. Technology and innovation / Amaia Altuzarra -- 100. Time in economic theory / John F. Henry -- 101. Time-series econometrics / Flavia Dantas -- 102. Tobin tax / Philip Arestis -- 103. Transition economies / Christine Rider -- 104. Traverse / Peter Kriesler -- 105. Uncertainty / Murray Glickman -- 106. Underconsumption / J.E. King -- 107. Unemployment / Mathew Forstater -- 108. University of Missouri--Kansas City / Frederic S. Lee -- 109. Wage deflation / Jan Priewe -- 110. Wage- and profit-led regimes / Eckhard Hein -- 111. Walrasian economics / M.C. Howard -- 112. Welfare economics / Tae-Hee Jo.
Die folgenden Links führen aus den jeweiligen lokalen Bibliotheken zum Volltext:
Visions of the kingdom : Edinburgh 1910 and thehistory of Christianity -- Expectations of a new age -- An evangelical crusade founded on 'the science of missions' -- Edinburgh 1910 in retrospect -- Edinburgh 1910 and the history of ecumenism -- A representative conference -- Christianity on the cusp of transfiguration -- Origins and preparations -- The 'third Ecumenical Missionary Conference' -- J.H. Oldham and George Robson make their presence felt -- Deciding on the model for Edinburgh 1910 -- Broadening the base of planning -- Shaping the eight commissions -- The central advisory committee and its secretary -- Changing the title of the conference -- The inclusion of national christians and the exclusion of faith and order -- Oldham gets to work -- The financing of the conference -- Carrying the Gospel to all the world : defining the limits of christendom -- A mission to all humanity -- Commission I and the problem of statistics -- The conference hangs in the balance -- Oldham in New York -- Resolving the hard cases -- The anglican position clarified -- Evangelical reactions -- Negotiations with the Archbishop of Canterbury -- The unity of christendom preserved but at what price? -- The conference in session -- Conference logistics -- The opening of the conference -- The assembly hall of the United Free Church of Scotland -- The conference programme -- The conduct of debate -- The spirituality of the conference -- Give us friends! : the voice of the younger churches -- The non-western presence at Edinburgh -- The virtual absence of Africa -- The missionary societies and indigenous representation at Edinburgh -- Cheng Jingyi and the call for a united church in China -- Christianity and the national spirit : four voices from Japan, Harada Tasuku, Honda Yoitsu, Ibuka Kajinosuke and Chiba Yugoro -- Yun ch'iho and Christian nationalism in Korea -- S. Azariah and the challenge of inter-cultural friendship -- Pleas for an Asian theology -- The church of the three selves -- A church-centric conference -- The three-self principle : rhetoric and reality -- Church organization and the native mind -- The remuneration of national workers -- Failures in self-support -- Issues of Christian nurture and discipleship -- Theology and spiritual life -- The aims of mission education : cultural accommodation and the Catholicity of Christianity -- The brief composition and mode of operation of Commission III -- The American reception of the British drafts of the Commission III Report -- An anglophone perspective -- Defining the purposes of mission education -- Education as a form of evangelism -- Education as a strategy for a three-self church -- Education as the diffusion of Christian influence -- Education as the key to Catholicity -- The legacy of the Commission III Report -- Fulfilment and challenge : Christianity and the world faiths -- Previous scholarship on Commission IV -- The membership of Commission IV -- The theology and religious perspective of Commission IV -- The relation of Hinduism to Christianity -- T.E. Slater and the case for concentration on higher Hinduism -- The influence of Alfred George Hogg -- The relation of Isam to Christianity -- The religions of Japan and China -- Animistic religions and the neglect of Africa -- Assessing Edinburgh's theology of fulfilment -- Missions, empire and the hierarchy of civilization -- Missions and governments : the membership of Commission VII -- A hierarchy of civilization -- Missionaries and politics -- The colonial view of missions -- The impact of the Commission VII Report -- Missionary co-operation : its limits and implications -- The dilemma of Edinburgh : missionary co-operation or the promotion of Christian unity -- Existing instruments of missionary co-operation -- The German proposal for an International Missionary Commission -- The Commission Viii meeting of 21-23 December 1909 -- The American circular letter -- British hesitations overcome : Walter H. Frere, John H Ritson, and the birth of the idea of the continuation committee -- The Commission VIII debate and the creation of the continuation committee -- The legacy of Edinburgh 1910 -- Missionary perceptions of east, west, and south -- Race and culture -- The pursuit of church union in Asia -- The role of women in mission -- New patterns of missionary study and training -- Co-operation in mission : new initiatives in Britain -- Western ecclesiastical divisions and the changing contours of world Christianity
1. Constructing transnational studies / Sanjeev Khagram and Peggy Levitt -- 2. Transnational relations and world politics : an introduction / Joseph S. Nye, Jr. and Robert O. Keohane -- 3. "Conclusions" and "Post Scriptum" from Dependency and Development in Latin America / Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Enzo Faletto -- 4. The homeland, Aztlan / El otro Mexico / Gloria Anzaldua -- 5. Global ethnoscapes : notes and queries for a transnational anthropology / Arjun Appadurai -- 6. The real new world order / Anne-Marie Slaughter -- 7. "Introduction" and "the state and the global city" from globalization and its discontents / Saskia Sassen -- 8. Discipline and practice : "the field" as site, method, and location in anthropology / Akhil Gupta and James Ferguson -- 9. Methodological nationalism, the social sciences, and the study of migration : an essay in historical epistemology / Andreas Wimmer and Nina Glick Schiller -- 10. Assimilation and transnationalism : determinants of transnational political action among contemporary migrants / Luis Eduardo Guarnizo, Alejandro Portes and William Haller -- 11. "Introduction" from forces of labor : workers' movements and globalization since 1870 / Beverly J. Silver -- 12. "Transnational struggles for water and power" and "dams, democracy, and development in transnational perspective" / Sanjeev Khagram -- 13. Breakthrough to history / William H. McNeill -- 14. The world system in the thirteenth century : dead-end or precursor? / Janet Lippman Abu-Lughod -- 15. The historical sociology of race / Howard Winant -- 16. The Black Atlantic as a counterculture of modernity / Paul Gilroy -- 17. Of our spiritual strivings / W.E.B. Du Bois -- 18. The cosmopolitan perspective : sociology of the second age of modernity / Ulrich Beck -- 19. The nation-state and its others : in lieu of a preface / Khachig Tololyan -- 20. "Nigerian Kung Fu, Manhattan fatwa" and "the local and the global : continuity and change" / Ulf Hannerz -- 21. Introduction : transnational feminist practices and questions of postmodernity / Inderpal Grewal and Caren Kaplan -- 22. "Transnational projects : a new perspective" and "theoretical premises" / Linda Basch, Nina Glick Schiller and Cristina Szanton Blanc -- 23. The local and the global : the anthropology of globalization and transnationalism / Michael Kearney -- 24. The study of transnationalism : pitfalls and promise of an emergent research field / Alejandro Portes, Luis Eduardo Guarnizo and Patricia Landolt -- 25. Conceptualizing simultaneity : a transnational social field perspective on society / Peggy Levitt and Nina Glick Schiller -- 26. Systemic religion in global society / Peter Beyer -- 27. Introduction : religion, states, and transnational civil society / Susanne Hoeber Rudolph -- 28. Theorizing globalization and religion / Manuel A. Vasquez and Marie Friedmann Marquardt -- 29. Locations of culture / Homi K. Bhabha -- 30. Interstitial subjects : Asian American visual art as a site for new cultural conversations / Elaine H. Kim -- 31. Cultural reconversion / Nestor Garcia Canclini -- 32. Living borders / Buscando America : languages of latino self-formation / Juan Flores and George Yudice -- 33. World society and the nation-state / John W. Meyer ... [et al.] -- 34. Norms, culture, and world politics : insights from sociology's institutionalism / Martha Finnemore -- 35. Do regimes matter? Epistemic communities and Mediterranean pollution control / Peter M. Haas -- 36. Cross-national cultural diffusion : the global spread of cricket / Jason Kaufman and Orlando Patterson -- 37. Transnationalism, localization, and fast foods in East Asia / James L. Watson -- 38. "Introduction" from transnational corporations and world order / George Modelski -- 39. Imperialism, dependency, and dependent development / Peter Evans -- 40. The organization of buyer-driven global commodity chains : how U.S. retailers shape overseas production networks / Gary Gereffi -- 41. "Flexible citizenship : the cultural logics of transnationality" and "afterword : an anthropology of transnationality" / Aihwa Ong -- 42. Bringing transnational relations back in : introduction / Thomas Risse-Kappen -- 43. World culture in the world polity : a century of international non-governmental organization / John Boli and George M. Thomas -- 44. Social movements and global transformation / Louis Kriesberg -- 45. Conclusions : advocacy networks and international society / Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink -- 46. The challenges and possibilities of transnational feminist praxis / Nancy A. Naples -- 47. Global prohibition regimes : the evolution of norms in international society / Ethan A. Nadelmann -- 48. Transnational organized crime : an imminent threat to the nation-state? (transcending national boundaries) / Louise Shelley -- 49. "Introduction" from New and Old Wars : organized violence in a global era / Mary Kaldor -- 50. Smuggling the state back in : agents of human smuggling reconsidered / David Kyle and John Dale