In Indonesia, with the recent eruption of local struggles over resources and now with the new decentralization reforms, there is renewed interest in the role of customary adat institutional arrangements in village government, land tenure, and forest management. On the basis of research carried out in one locality in Sumatra over 1996-99, this article considers the nature of local institutional arrangements, how they have evolved under various conditions, their complex interaction with the parallel State order, their response to economic fluctuations, and how particular institutional patterns lead to certain environmental outcomes. This article finds that as farmers adjust to the economic and political dynamics and the changing scarcity and value of different resources in this site, the adat arrangements are constantly renegotiated. Adat customary orders are tied to local notions of identity and associated notions of appropriateness, and as such constitute patterns of social ordering associated with both implicit deeply held social norms and more explicit rules. Considering the institutional pluralism characteristic of this area, this article concludes that, while the State and adat regimes often compete to control the direction of social change, they also constantly make accommodations, and in some respects need to be considered as mutually adjusting, intertwined orders.
In Indonesia, with the recent eruption of local struggles over resources and now with the new decentralization reforms, there is renewed interest in the role of customary adat institutional arrangements in village government, land tenure, and forest management. On the basis of research carried out in one locality in Sumatra over 1996-99, this article considers the nature of local institutional arrangements, how they have evolved under various conditions, their complex interaction with the parallel State order, their response to economic fluctuations, and how particular institutional patterns lead to certain environmental outcomes. This article finds that as farmers adjust to the economic and political dynamics and the changing scarcity and value of different resources in this site, the adat arrangements are constantly renegotiated. Adat customary orders are tied to local notions of identity and associated notions of appropriateness, and as such constitute patterns of social ordering associated with both implicit deeply held social norms and more explicit rules. Considering the institutional pluralism characteristic of this area, this article concludes that, while the State and adat regimes often compete to control the direction of social change, they also constantly make accommodations, and in some respects need to be considered as mutually adjusting, intertwined orders.
Abstract Background, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared by WHO as a global pandemic and in Indonesia it is declared as a type of disease that causes public health emergencies and non-natural disasters. Judging from the situation of the spread of COVID-19 which has almost reached all provinces in Indonesia with the number of cases and/or the number of deaths increasing and having an impact on the political, economic, social, cultural, defense and security aspects, as well as the welfare of the people in Indonesia, it is necessary to countermeasures, including prevention and control. Gresik Regency is one of the regions in East Java where there has been a significant and rapid increase and spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases so that it is included in the red zone. As of Tuesday, July 21, 2020, Gresik Regency recorded 1,495 Covid-19 cases, of which 887 patients were still being treated, 479 patients recovered, and 129 patients died. Efforts to prevent the spread of covid-19 by applying discipline to health protocols and increasing body immunity, increasing the immune system through the use of medicinal plants such as;Temulawak, basil and moringa. Aim, provide knowledge to the community of Sukondono Village, Gresik Regency about the use of herbal plants as immunomodulators during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods; (1) socialization is carried out by the community service team from the Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik with the ranks of the Government in Gresik Regency. (2) implementation of activities using lecture, practice, and discussion methods. (3) the evaluation of the activities was carried out 2 times, namely pre-test and post-test. The results of the evaluation were analyzed using a paired sample T test with a limit of significance (α 0.05). Service activities in Sukodono sub-district, Gresik district, with a total of 40 participants. Results, based on the pairet analysis of the T test, the average value of the pre-test was 57,025 and the post-test was 72,950. While the value of sig 2 tailed shows 0.000 < 0.05. Conclusion, there was an increase in knowledge of participants after being given counseling about the use of herbal plants as immunomodulators during the covid-19 pandemic Keywords: Covid-19,Curcuma, Basil, Moringa
AbstractThe incidence of Malaria in Indonesia until April 2018 shows a total of 10.7 million people living in medium and high endemic areas of malaria. These areas are the provinces of Papua, West Papua and East Nusa Tenggara. At present, the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Health has stated that it is aggressively undertaking efforts to eliminate malaria in 2030.Women in pregnancy are considered vulnerable to suffer from malaria in these endemic areas. Malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum and or Plasmodium vivax during pregnancy is 88.2 million (70%) of 125.2 million pregnancies in the world. 54.4 million those pregnancy women came from Malaria endemic areas in Asia Pasific. This paper is a literature review by reporting the results of exploration of articles with keywords: pregnancy, malaria and macronutrients deficiency. Macronutrient deficiency in the presence of maternal malaria infection causes fetal growth and could affect both immune-competence and long-term health. Joint efforts by public health professional with interest in nutrition and parasitologist (Malaria experts) are needed to determine the burden and to find its solution. Keywords: malaria, nutrition, infants AbstrakKejadian Penyakit Malaria di Indonesia, hingga April 2018 menunjukkan sebesar 10,7 juta penduduk yang tinggal di daerah endemis menengah dan tinggi Malaria. Daerah tersebut adalah provinsi Papua, Papua Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. Saat ini pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes) menyatakan sedang gencar melakukan upaya-upaya eliminasi Malaria pada tahun 2030. Ibu hamil dianggap rentan menderita Malaria di daerah-daerah endemis tersebut. Kejadian Malaria akibat Plasmodium falciparum dan atau Plasmodium vivax selama kehamilan sebanyak 88,2 juta (70%) dari 125.200.000 kehamilan di dunia. 54.4 juta jiwa ibu hamil yang terjangkit berasal dari kawasan endemik Malaria di Asia-Pasifik.Tulisan ini merupakan kajian pustaka dengan melaporkan hasil eksplorasi artikel-artikel dengan kata kunci: pregnancy (kehamilan), Malaria dan deficiency macronutrient (kekurangan makronutrien). Keadaan kekurangan makronutrien dan adanya infeksi maternal malaria menyebabkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi terhambat, meningkatkan resiko terkena infeksi dan kematian pada bayi dan balita, juga kesehatannya di masa yang akan datang. Perlunya kerjasama ahli-ahli parasitologi dan kesehatan masyarakat dengan spesialisasi nutrisi untuk menentukan besarnya masalah dan merancang solusinya. Kata Kunci:malaria, nutrisi, bayi
Poverty is a national program to encourage the Indonesian government, but until now still not yet fully resolved. East Java as part of the Indonesian government which is a reflection of the state of the Indonesian economy still has a poverty rate that is high enough. Therefore in this study aims to develop a strategy that we can do with the container cooperatives and cooperative role in the joint effort to alleviate poverty. This study uses content analysis technique theme (Thematic Analysis Contein) with the results of research that states that the role of cooperatives as a forum to alleviate poverty is necessary for optimalisasikan. Because poverty rates are decreasing but in fact turned out to rural poverty line continues to increase. The role of cooperatives that provide many economic benefits to its members will be able to liberate its members to escape from the poverty trap. This will be marked by rising incomes and rising purchasing power of members members in the consumption of goods. By creating their own cooperative bank financing to cooperative processes and people's bottom will be controlled and directed increasingly to focus on alleviating poverty. Keywords: Cooperative, Poverty, Joint, Eradicate. Kemiskinan merupakan program nasional yang terus digalakkan pemerintah Indonesia, akan tetapi sampai saat ini masih belum teratasi sepenuhnya. Jawa Timur sebagai bagian pemerintah Indonesia yang merupakan cerminan keadaan perekonomian Indonesia masih memiliki angka kemiskinan yang cukup tinggi. Untuk itu pada penelitian ini bertujuan menyusun strategi yang dapat kita lakukan dengan wadah koperasi serta peran koperasi dalam usaha bersama mengentaskan kemiskinan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis isi tema (Thematic Contein Analysis) dengan hasil penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa peran koperasi sebagai wadah untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan sangatlah perlu untuk di optimalisasikan. Karena angka kemiskinan memang mengalami penurunan akan tetapi pada kenyataannya garis kemiskinan di desa ternyata terus meningkat. Peran koperasi yang memberikan banyak keuntungan ekonomi bagi anggotanya akan dapat membebaskan anggotanya untuk terlepas dari jerat kemiskinan. Hal ini akan ditandai dengan meningkatnya pendapatan anggota dan naiknya daya beli anggota dalam mengonsumsi barang. Dengan menciptakan Bank koperasi sendiri proses pembiayaan ke koperasi dan rakyat terbawah akan semakin dapat terkontrol dan terarah untuk fokus mengentaskan kemiskinan. Kata Kunci: Koperasi, Kemiskinan, Bersama, Mengentaskan
Indonesia, as a multicultural country, has a high potential of conflicts among forming elements of its multiculturalism. To minimize potential of conflicts, it is necessary to construct space of co-existence for several identities. State, as an all-encompassing and all-embracing institution should be able to present policies that provide the space. Policy interventions can be taken in preventive, curative, and preservative domains. The problem is that in Indonesia centralistic era many state policies were being monocultural, containing misrecognition, even authoritarian. The situation adds conflict potential. The combination between monocultural policy and State failure in guarding policy becomes key variable in several multiethnic conflict in various regions of Indonesia. In context of centralized politics, East Kotawaringin (Kotim) proved a victorious success in ethnic conflict resolution. Sampit conflict between Dayak and Madurese in 2001 which is known as the most cruel and bloody conflict and claimed a huge amount of victims cleanses Madurese Ethnic from Sampit due to be killed, fled into the forests, or refuge outside Sampit even Central Borneo. Yet the conflict was resolved without leaving some significant problems. Unlike conflict resolutions in other regions e.g. West Borneo dan Ambon where conflict resolutions were intervened by Jakarta, Kotim succeeded in enactment of Local Regulation No 5 Year 2004 on Handling of impacted inhabitants of Ethnic Conflict. In the mentioned Local Regulation the rights of each conflicting party are recognized. Political recognition must be realized or included in a public policy (government or state), so that each party obtain legal certainty. In preparing a public policy concerning inter-group relations in a multicultural society required the participation of each group, so the product of public policy can be understood and accepted by all groups. Implementation of the Regulation involved maximum participation of citizens, community leaders and members of Local Government. The role of Central Government is very minimalist. While conflict resolution in many other regions leaves some serious problems—e.g. lack of formal return for victims in West Borneo ethnic conflict, or fragmentation of areas which homogenous identity of religion post Ambon Conflict—Kotim is able to preserve peaceful atmosphere among heterogenous identity and multicultural community. Key words: local regulation, conflict resolution, political recognition
Timor-Leste é considerada a primeira democracia a se estabelecer como tal no século XXI, sendo que seu passado foi marcado por invasões: Portugal (1515-1975), num primeiro momento e Indonésia (1975-1999) num segundo. Num primeiro momento, com o processo de colonização português, muito pouco se fez para Timor, principalmente ao que se refere a educação, sendo esta uma ação política. Com a invasão indonésia em 1975, após o curto período de independência, foi-se muito investido na construção de escolas, desde a educação infantil até o ensino superior, baseando-se no ensino ideologicamente integracionista. Internamente a luta pela restauração da independência, a Educação foi uma das armas para que assim Timor conquistasse a restauração da independência em 2002. Através da Frente de Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), iniciouse um processo de Educação Popular que teve grande infl uência de Paulo Freire. Esse processo educativo, ligado à conscientização política, baseou-se no conhecimento cotidiano dos próprios educandos e num ensino contextualizado as necessidades da luta. Desta forma, pretendeuse realizar apontamentos acerca da Educação Popular em Timor-Leste, levando em conta a infl uência de Paulo Freire, utilizando-se de material relacionado à história da educação em Timor-Leste e Educação Popular em Timor-Leste, além de entrevistas realizadas com o Professor Dr. Antero Benedito da Silva e com o sr. Alberto, vice residente do movimento social do campo de Timor denominada União dos Agricultores de Ermera (UNAER).Palavras-chave: Educação Popular. Paulo Freire. Timor-Leste.Paulo Freire and popular education in East Timor: a history of liberationABSTRACTEast Timor is considered the fi rst democracy to be established as such in the twenty-fi rst century and its past is marked for invasions: Portugal (1515-1975) at fi rst and Indonesia (1975-1999) in a second. At fi rst, the process of Portuguese colonization, very little has been done to Timor, mainly education which is a political action. After Indonesian invasion in 1975, after the short period of independence, it was-very invested in the construction of schools, from kindergarten to higher education, based on the integrationist ideological education. During this process, internally the struggle for restoration of independence, education was one of the weapons so that Timor conquered the restoration of independence in 2002. Through the Front of Independent East Timor (FRETILIN), began a process of Popular Education which had great infl uence of Paulo Freire. This educational process, linked to political awareness, was based on the everyday knowledge of their own students and a teaching contextualized the fi ghting needs. Thus, the aim was to make notes about the Popular Education in East Timor, taking into account the infl uence of Paulo Freire, using material related to the history of education in East Timor and Popular Education in East Timor, and interviews with Professor PHD Antero Benedito da Silva and with Mr. Alberto, the vice president of the social movement of the countryside Farmers Union of Ermera (UNAER).Keywords: Popular Education. Paulo Freire.East Timor.Paulo Freire y la educación popular em Timor Leste: una historia de liberaciónRESUMENTimor Oriental es considerada como la primera democracia que se establecerá como tal en el siglo XXI, y su pasado estuvo marcado por las invasiones: Portugal (1515-1975), en la primera e Indonesia (1975-1999) en un segundo. En un primer momento, el proceso de colonización portuguesa, muy poco se ha hecho para Timor, se refi ere principalmente a lo que la educación, que es una acción política. Con la invasión de Indonesia en 1975, después del breve período de independencia, se levanta muy invertido en la construcción de escuelas, desde preescolar hasta la educación superior, en base a la educación ideologicamente integracionista. Internamente, la lucha por la restauración de la independencia, la educación era una de las armas para que Timor conquistó la restauración de la independencia en 2002. A través del Frente de Timor Oriental Independiente (FRETILIN), se inició un proceso de educación popular que tuvo gran infl uencia de Paulo Freire. Este proceso educativo, vinculado a la conciencia política, se basó en el conocimiento cotidiano de sus propios estudiantes y una enseñanza contextualizada las necesidades de lucha. De este modo, se pretende llevar a cabo notas sobre la educación popular en Timor Oriental, usando el material relacionado con la Historia de la educación en Timor-Leste y Educación Popular en Timor Oriental, teniendo en cuenta la influencia de Paulo Freire, así como entrevistas con el profesor Dr. Antero Benedito da Silva y el Sr. Alberto, vice residente del campo de Timor movimento social denominado Unión de Agricultores Ermera (UNAER).Palabras clave: la educación popular. Paulo Freire. Timor-Leste.
This book provides practice-oriented insights into the agency of two previously underestimated actors in Southeast Asian regionalism: the ASEAN Secretariat and ASEAN's dialog partners. In doing so, it offers an inside view of the policymaking processes in the ASEAN Political-Security and the ASEAN Economic Community, analyzing the interplay and agency by both actors in agenda setting, formulation, decision-making, implementation, and monitoring. Drawing on a trove of novel data, including never-before analyzed sources and numerous interviews with ASEAN insiders, the book showcases a number of concrete cases of policymaking, including competition and counterterrorism policies. The chapters focusing on the ASEAN Secretariat address aspects related to institutional autonomy, capacity, and reforms within the bureaucracy. In the chapters on ASEAN's dialog partners, the book provides insights into the bilateral management of institutional support programs, as well as the impacts of support on ASEAN's policymaking processes. Lukas Maximilian Müller is Caritas Germany's advisor to the Lake Chad region. Previously, he was a researcher at the Department of Political Science at the University of Freiburg, where he also received his PhD. In addition, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Erfurt as well as an advisor on sustainable development for the Asia-Europe Foundation in Singapore. During his PhD, he was a visiting fellow with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies Indonesia in 2018 as well as with the Habibie Center in 2019. He has published widely on ASEAN, for instance in the Pacific Review, the Contemporary Journal of East Asia Studies, and the European Journal of East Asian Studies.
Intro -- Preface -- Outline of the Book -- References -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- 1 Defence, Foreign Affairs and Public Opinion -- Foreign Policy and Public Opinion in International Relations -- Understanding the Foreign Policy-Opinion Relationship -- Australia and the Making of Foreign Policy -- Defence, Foreign Policy and the Public -- References -- 2 Confidence in Defence and Foreign Policy -- Defence, Security and Public Trust -- Confidence in Defence -- Armed Forces and Society -- Defence Spending -- Conclusion -- References -- 3 The Alliance with the United States -- Negotiating the ANZUS Treaty -- Public Support for the ANZUS Treaty -- Crisis Relations with the U.S. -- The Future of the ANZUS Treaty -- Conclusion -- References -- 4 Forward Defence: Korea, Malaya and Vietnam -- The Korean War -- The Malayan Emergency -- The Vietnam War -- The Legacy of the Vietnam War -- Conclusion -- References -- 5 Overseas Deployments After Vietnam: East Timor and Iraq -- Regional Peacekeeping and Military Intervention -- Peacekeeping in East Timor -- The Iraq War -- Conclusion -- References -- 6 Trade and Relations with Asia -- Australia, Britain and the European Economic Community -- The Shift Towards Asia -- Engagement with Asia: 1980s and 1990s -- The Howard Government and Asia -- Attitudes Towards Indonesia -- Attitudes Towards China -- Conclusion -- References -- 7 Terrorism and Security -- Terrorism and Australia -- The Bali Bombings and Indonesia5 -- Public Concerns About Terrorism -- Government Responses to Terrorism -- Conclusion -- References -- 8 International Engagement -- The Founding of the United Nations -- The UN Security Council, 1946 and 2013 -- Postwar Overseas Aid -- Foreign Aid After the Cold War -- Conclusion -- References -- 9 Conclusion -- References -- Appendix -- References -- References.
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This book paints a portrait of adolescent psychology in 4 major regions: Africa/the Middle East, Asia, the Americas, and Europe. Featuring 24 revised and updated chapters from the International Encyclopedia of Adolescence (2007), readers are introduced to the way the majority of the world's adolescents actually live. Most contributors are indigenous to the country they review. As a whole the book paints an engaging panorama of adolescent life around the world, broadening students' cultural perspective. All chapters follow the same template to make it easier to compare topics across countries: Background (including demographics, ethnic diversity, and political system), Period of Adolescence, Beliefs, Gender, the Self, Family Relationships, Friends and Peers/Youth Culture, Love and Sexuality, Health Risk Behavior, Education, Work, Media, Politics and Military, and Unique Issues. Each chapter contains a map and photos and a list of references and suggested readings. The introductory chapter explains why the countries were selected and introduces the book's common themes. The section on Africa and the Middle East introduces students to teen life in Cameroon, one of the few places left where adolescents go through formal puberty rituals. In addition, readers learn about adolescent life in Ethiopia, Israel, Morocco, Nigeria, and Sudan. Next we travel to Asia -- China, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Here readers see how economic growth in India and China is creating opportunities for young people. In The Americas, readers are introduced to life in Argentina, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and the United States. -- Book Description.
This study aims to explore a problem or issue raised, namely the revaluation of assets in the public sector. The phenomenology used in describing the experiences of state asset managers and financial reports focuses on asset evaluation activities to find the essence of the experiences they face from their point of view. This research was conducted on 3 (three) Technical Implementation Units of the East Java Regional Transportation Human Resources Development Unit with the status of a Public Service Agency (BLU) Work Unit. The data used is primary data from direct interviews with informants supported by audited 2015-2021 financial report data at the East Java level. The informants used are asset managers and the preparation of financial reports from Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesia Madiun, Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya dan Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya. The results of the study found that the revaluation of assets resulted in an increase in the value of fixed assets, especially in the land account which experienced an increase (appreciation). This increase in value affects the value of fixed assets in the Government's balance sheet financial statements. Through the Revaluation of State-Owned Assets (BMN) it encourages improvements in the administration and management of BMN assets, namely being able to determine the cost of maintaining assets appropriately in the post-revaluation period in order to be effective. The results of the revaluation of state-owned assets still require supervision and control in order to continue to provide maximum impact in optimizing the function of assets in order to increase state revenues.
Based on Riskesdas (2018) coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia does not meet the SPM target set by the government which is 80%, coverage in East Java is 40%, in Jember Regency the lowest coverage in Andongsari Health Center is 24.51%, this will affect the scope of child development in the region. East Java Province is targeting 2020 early detection coverage growth of 95% while the current coverage is 53.44%. This study aims to determine the relationship of breastfeeding with the development of children aged 24-36 months through DDST screening in Pontang Village, the working area of Andongsari Health Center, Jember Regency. This type of research is analytic correlation with cross-sectional approach, the population of all mothers who have children aged 24-36 months, obtained a sample of 69 respondents in 6 posyandu with simple random sampling technique. The research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire to assess the history of breastfeeding and a form of DDST to assess progress. Data analysis using chi-square test with SPSS program. The results obtained 51% with a history of non-exclusive breastfeeding, and 49% exclusive breastfeeding. The results of the development assessment were 81% normal, and 19% were suspected. The analysis results obtained p value 0, 241> α (0,05) ie there is no significant relationship between breastfeeding and the development of children aged 24-36 months. Even though the child is given exclusive breastfeeding, child development is not only influenced by breastfeeding, but other internal and external factors can influence.
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a dangerous disease that may cause death within a short time and spread quickly. East Java is the province with the second-highest number of dengue cases in Indonesia. Blitar is one of the contributors to the high number of cases in East Java, with a CFR of 1.2% and Ponggok sub-district is one of the dengue-prone areas. Programs that have been promoted by the government are the 3M Plus Movement and the Eradication of Mosquito Nests (PSN). However, dengue disease still occurs every year because the community lacks the awareness to run these programs regularly and continuously. The purpose of community service through the 65th Airlangga University KKN-BBM program in the Health Sector were 1) increasing knowledge and awareness about DHF disease and its prevention, 2) improving skills in monitoring larvae independently, 3) reducing dengue transmission rates and improving the environmental health of the Candirejo Village community. The method used were the dissemination of knowledge about DHF and its prevention along with jumantik and PSN 3M Plus training. The target of this activity was elementary school students and the surrounding community. The results of the evaluation showed that there were differences in the level of knowledge before and after the socialization of DHF. In addition, the jumantik training was able to encourage students to independently carry out larvae monitoring. The community actively participated and was very enthusiastic in the implementation of PSN. Overall, all the programs carried out are appropriate, easy, and effective ways to prevent DHF.
The fisheries sector is one of the main driver of the national economy. One area of Indonesia that has fishery potential that can be developed is Paciran District, Lamongan Regency, East Java Province. This study was conducted in Kranji Village, which is located in Paciran District and has great pelagic fishery potential. The purpose of this study is to analyze the determination of superior fish commodities from the capture fisheries sector in Kranji Village. The determination of the leading commodities is carried out based on the LQ (Location Quotient) analysis method. The fluctuation of the catch in Kranji Village is affected by various aspects such as natural conditions, the number of fishing gear and government regulations. The fishing season in Kranji Village is divided into: (1) Tuna (Thunnus sp.) season which occurs from October to April with 15 to 20 trips per month; and (2) Goldstripe Sardinella (Sardinella gibbosa) season from May to September with 7 to 12 trips per month. Fishing gear in Kranji Village consists of purse sein, gill nets, cob nets, waring and mini trawlers. This study found that LQ value >1 for 12 fishes species: Bali Sardinella, Goldstripe Sardinella, Torpedo Scad, Longtail Tuna, Eastern Little Tun, Narrow-barred Spanish Mackerel, Giant Fish, Black Pomfret, Dorab Wolf Hearing, Orange-spotted Spinefoot (1.065), Other Fishes (1.057), and Short-bodied Mackerel (1.007). The results indicate that 12 fishes species have a comparative advantage and increasing income and contribution to the economy of Kranji Village.
The launch of the electronic residence card (e-KTP) program has caught the attention of various regional governments in Indonesia, including the South Tangerang City Government. However, after 2011 it was found that many people had not recorded their e-KTP in East Ciputat District, this condition raised questions about the number of residents who had not changed their residence cards. So it is necessary to know the quality of e-KTP services, which is also the purpose of the research. The approach in this study used a qualitative descriptive approach, and data collection used interview, observation, and documentation techniques. From the data on field findings and analysis of the dimensions of service quality, it can be said that the e-KTP service in East Ciputat District is in good quality. Dimensions of Responsiveness (responsiveness), Assurance (guarantee), and Empathy (attention) e-KTP services are implemented and get a good response. The Responsiveness dimension can be seen from employees who are informative and communicative in the e-KTP service process, the Assurance dimension is reflected in the responsibility of employees to ensure the comfort and security of data on e-KTP recipients, and the Empathy dimension is seen from the attention and politeness to the population and the use of good language in e-KTP service. In the Tangibility dimension, there are good facilities and infrastructure, but there is still a lack of information facilities and inadequate parking facilities. Furthermore, in the Reliability sector, there was a delay in receiving e-KTP, so that residents had to wait several days to get an e-KTP.