Ökonometrischer Test von Zeitverteilungsparametern zur Bestimmung der Determinanten der Arbeitsmarktpartizipation von Frauen im ländlichen Bangladesch. (DÜI-Bsn)
Der Autor führt Regressionsschätzungen zur statistischen Einschätzung des Einflusses von Ausbildung auf die Produktivität von Kleinbauern in Bangladesch durch. (DÜI-Bsn)
The study seeks to identify the factors that may affect the role of women in the rural areas of a developing country and the possible impact of these factors on fertility. Discussion of the possible linkages between female status, fertility and time-use patterns of women , review of literature concerning the hypotheses discussed above, data sources and their characteristics, results of econometric estimates, conclusions. (DÜI-Nlt)
This article examines the effect of group-based credit used to finance self-employment by landless households in Bangladesh on the seasonal pattern of household consumption and male and female labour supply. This credit can help smooth seasonal consumption by financing new productive activities whose income flows and time demands do not seasonally covary with the income generated by existing agricultural activities. The results, based upon 1991/92 survey data, strongly suggest that an important motivation for credit programme participation is the need to smooth the seasonal pattern of consumption and male labour supply. (InWent/DÜI)