23 Ergebnisse
Impacts of municipal experiences of child and adolescent participation according to local technicians ; Impactos de las experiencias municipales de participación infantil y adolescente según los técnicos y técnicas locales ; Impactos das experiências municipais de participação de crianças e adolesce...
This article presents and analyses part of the results of the first phase of the one research. The main objective of this work is to analyse the perceived impacts by the technical professionals of the participation experiences in the municipality at a double level: the beneficiaries (children and adolescents) and the community. To this end, a self-administered survey was carried out via the internet, with a sample of 191 technical figures from 179 municipalities across Spain, belonging to the networks Child Friendly Cities (CAI.Unicef) and/or the International Association of Educating Cities (IAEC). A statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS V. 25 and, for the qualitative information derived from the open or semi-closed answers, a content analysis was developed. The main results achieved are: at the level of children and adolescents, the experiences of child and adolescent participation (CAP) in the municipality mainly have an impact on the development of knowledge (rights and duties), skills (participatory competence) and values (self-esteem, confidence) in children and adolescents. However, they have a weak impact on the consolidation of child and youth participation as a right, on the translation of this right into public policies and on governance, especially with the administration. At the community level, the impacts of the CAP can be grouped into three types: i) the promotion of opportunities for children's participation in the community; ii) the improvement of the municipality; and iii) education for participation. The main constraints and challenges to be faced, intensified by the pandemic crisis, are to strengthen the image of children and adolescents with full rights of expression and decision making; and to ensure political will committed to the continuity and sustainability of CAP programmes. ; Este artículo expone y analiza parte de los resultados de la primera fase de una investigación[1]. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es indagar en cuáles son los impactos percibidos por parte de las figuras técnicas, de las experiencias de participación en el municipio a un doble nivel: los destinatarios (NNA) y la comunidad. Para ello, se desarrolla un estudio de encuesta autoadministrada a través de internet, a una muestra de 191 figuras técnicas, procedentes de 179 municipios distribuidos a lo largo de toda España, pertenecientes a las redes Ciudades Amigas de la Infancia (CAI.Unicef) y/o a la Asociación Internacional de Ciudades Educadoras (AICE). Se realizó un análisis estadístico con el SPSS V. 25 y, para la información cualitativa derivada de las respuestas abiertas o semicerradas, se desarrolló un análisis de contenido. Los principales resultados alcanzados son: a nivel de infancia y adolescencia, las experiencias de participación infantil y adolescente (PIA) en el municipio impactan principalmente en desarrollar conocimientos (de derechos y deberes), habilidades (competencia participativa) y valores (autoestima, confianza) en la infancia y la adolescencia. Sin embargo, inciden débilmente en la consolidación de la participación infantil y juvenil como derecho, en la traducción de éste en las políticas públicas y en la gobernanza, especialmente, con la administración. Y a nivel de la comunidad, los impactos de la PIA pueden agruparse en tres tipos: i) el fomento de las oportunidades de participación de NNA en la comunidad; ii) la mejora del municipio; y, iii) la educación en la participación. Las principales limitaciones y retos a afrontar, intensificados por la crisis pandémica, son fortalecer la imagen de la infancia y la adolescencia con plenos derechos de expresión y decisión; y garantizar una voluntad política comprometida con la continuidad y sostenibilidad de los programas de PIA. ; Este artigo apresenta e analisa parte dos resultados da primeira fase dunha investigação. O principal objectivo deste trabalho é investigar quais são os impactos percebidos pelas figuras técnicas, das experiências de participação no município a um duplo nível: os destinatários (crianças e adolescentes) e a comunidade. Para este efeito, foi realizado um estudo auto-administrado através da Internet, a uma amostra de 191 figuras técnicas de 179 municípios distribuído por toda a Espanha pertencentes às redes Cidades Amigas da Criança (CAI.Unicef) e/ou a Associação Internacional de Cidades Educadoras (IAEC). Foi realizada uma análise estatística utilizando o SPSS V. 25 e, para a informação qualitativa derivada das respostas abertas ou semi-fechadas, foi desenvolvida uma análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados alcançados são: ao nível das crianças e adolescentes, as experiências da participação infantil e adolescente (PIA) no município têm um impacto principalmente no desenvolvimento de conhecimentos (de direitos e deveres), competências (competência participativa) e valores (auto-estima, confiança) nas crianças e adolescentes. Contudo, têm um fraco impacto na consolidação da participação das crianças e jovens como um direito, na sua tradução em políticas públicas e na governação, especialmente com a administração. A nível da comunidade, os impactos do PIA podem ser agrupados em três tipos: i) a promoção de oportunidades de participação das crianças na comunidade; ii) a melhoria do município; e iii) a educação para a participação. As principais limitações e desafios a enfrentar, intensificados pela crise pandémica, são reforçar a imagem das crianças e adolescentes com plenos direitos de expressão e decisão; e garantir uma vontade política empenhada na continuidade e sustentabilidade dos programas do PIA.
EdX Insights' Metrics from a Socio-Constructivist Pedagogical Perspective
In: In A. Volungeviciene & A. Szűcs (Eds.), EDEN 2018 Annual Conference: Exploring the micro, meso and macro — Navigating between dimensions in the digital learning landscape (pp. 53–60)
Impactos de las experiencias municipales de participación infantil y adolescente según los técnicos y técnicas locales ; Impacts of municipal experiences of child and adolescent participation according to local technicians
[ES] Este artículo expone y analiza parte de los resultados de la primera fase de una investigación. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es indagar en cuáles son los impactos percibidos por parte de los/as técnicos y técnicas de las experiencias de participación en el municipio a un doble nivel: los destinatarios: niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) y la comunidad. Para ello, se desarrolla un estudio de encuesta autoadministrada a través de internet, a una muestra de 191 figuras técnicas, procedentes de 179 municipios distribuidos a lo largo de toda España, pertenecientes a las redes Ciudades Amigas de la Infancia (CAI.Unicef) y/o a la Asociación Internacional de Ciudades Educadoras (AICE). Se realizó un análisis estadístico con el SPSS V. 25 y, para la información cualitativa derivada de las respuestas abiertas o semi-cerradas, se desarrolló un análisis de contenido. Los principales resultados alcanzados son: a nivel de infancia y adolescencia, las experiencias de participación infantil y adolescente (PIA) en el municipio impactan principalmente en desarrollar conocimientos (de derechos y deberes), habilidades (competencia participativa) y valores (autoestima, confianza) en la infancia y la adolescencia. Sin embargo, inciden débilmente en la consolidación de la participación infantil y juvenil como derecho, en la traducción de éste en las políticas públicas y en la gobernanza, especialmente, con la administración. Y a nivel de la comunidad, los impactos de la PIA pueden agruparse en tres tipos: i) el fomento de las oportunidades de participación de NNA en la comunidad; ii) la mejora del municipio; y, iii) la educación en la participación. Las principales limitaciones y retos a afrontar, intensificados por la crisis pandémica, son fortalecer la imagen de la infancia y la adolescencia con plenos derechos de expresión y decisión; y garantizar una voluntad política comprometida con la continuidad y sostenibilidad de los programas de PIA. [EN] This article presents and analyses part of the results of the first phase of a re-search project. The main objective of this work is to analyse the perceived impacts by the technical of the participation experiences in the municipality at a double level: the benefi-ciaries (children and adolescents) and the community. To this end, a self-administered survey was carried out via the internet, with a sample of 191 technical figures from 179 municipalities across Spain, belonging to the networks Child Friendly Cities (CAI.Unicef) and/or the Interna-tional Association of Educating Cities (IAEC). A statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS V. 25 and, for the qualitative information derived from the open or semi-closed answers, a content analysis was developed. The main results achieved are at the level of children and ad-olescents, the experiences of child and adolescent participation (PIA, acronym in Spanish) in the municipality mainly have an impact on the development of knowledge (rights and duties), skills (participatory competence) and values (self-esteem, confidence) in children and adoles-cents. However, they have a weak impact on the consolidation of child and youth participation as a right, on the translation of this right into public policies and on governance, especially with the administration. At the community level, the impacts of the CAP can be grouped into three types: i) the promotion of opportunities for children's participation in the community; ii) the improvement of the municipality; and iii) education for participation. The main constraints and challenges to be faced, intensified by the pandemic crisis, are to strengthen the image of children and adolescents with full rights of expression and decision making; and to ensure political will committed to the continuity and sustainability of CAP programmes.
Ciudadanías: Significados Y Experiencias. Aprendizajes Desde La Investigación (Citizenships: Meanings and Experiences. Learning from Research)
In: Gil-Jaurena, I., Ballesteros, B., Mata, P., & Sánchez-Melero, H. (2016). Ciudadanías: significados y experiencias. Aprendizajes desde la investigación. Foro de Educación, 14(20), 283-304. doi: 10.14516/fde.2016.014.020.014
Child‐Led Participation: A Scoping Review of Empirical Studies
In: Social Inclusion, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 32-42
ISSN: 2183-2803
Children's participation is a universal right recognised by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This right corresponds to an image of children as social actors because of their relevant role in achieving inclusive, equitable, and sustainable development. Participation can take different forms and levels of involvement: consultative, collaborative, and child‐led. This study aimed to explore types and results of child‐led participatory practices. A scoping review was carried out to find out what evidence is available on child‐led participatory experiences. Based on 674 identified papers, a total of 33 studies met the inclusion criterion. The qualitative analysis employed in this review allowed us to explore the depth and themes of these experiences. The results obtained showed that the experiences analysed differed in (a) the research design and data collection methods of the studies, (b) the age of the participating children, (c) countries in which the experiences took place, (d) specific topics, and (e) outcomes. Moreover, they all shared a non‐adult‐centric view of children's capacities for transformative action. The review has contributed to improving our understanding of children's transformative capacities based on the possibilities offered by adults when they adopt a child‐rights approach and integrate co‐participatory approaches, encouraging us to rethink childhood from other cultural codes inspired by equality, recognition, and agency.
Evaluación de la Enseñanza Universitaria: La UNED en el Plan Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad de las Universidades en España (Evaluation of Higher Education: UNED in the National Plan for the Quality Evaluation of Spanish Universities)
In: RIED - Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 65-89
Where are the Students? Social and Learning Practices in Digital Settings
In: Conference proceedings, Heft 1, S. 201-207
ISSN: 2707-2819
The aim of the study is to understand the role of social presence in digitally mediated learning processes and, consequently, to improve the design of the courses we teach at UNED. The spaces of greatest interaction between students are social networks and mobile instant messaging services, not only for social purposes but also for learning. That is why we are researching about students' practices in those spaces while they are studying. In this paper, we present preliminary findings identifying if those social interactions happen within the online courses or in other digital spaces.