

In: Res publica: politiek-wetenschappelijk tijdschrift van de Lage Landen ; driemaandelijks tijdschrift, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 28-50

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The role of experts in pol'al life is currently expanding. Despite the hopes entertained by socialist thinkers, an everincreasing absence of PO is noted, in the decisions taken by the State. Whatever the reasons for this state of affairs (lack of information, interest, or skill, etc), examples are abundant, & the impossibility of believing in the 'governing democracy', to combat or counterbalance the dangers of technocracy, follows, It is said, however, that the excessive development of a technocracy is not to be feared, not only re technical & human order, but also re the generalized opposition of gov's, admin, pressure groups & SC's. The final decision in pol'al matters belongs to all of these groups in common & none of them intends to renounce this power. The task of the politician is to rank the data communicated to him by experts, & to make necessary decisions, vis-a-vis pol'al imperatives. He must call on the advice of technicians, & it would be hoped that this aid be made obligatory, by legislation. The reign of the technocrats is not yet an immediate danger; personal liberties will be menaced only when the politicians, having become specialists of a truly 'pol'al sci', will enjoy the same powers as the wise governors of the Platonic city. Tr from IPSA by J. Atkins.

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