Critica y utopia en el pensamiento de Emmanuel Levinas
In: Estudios políticos: revista de ciencia política, Heft 15, S. 71-93
The state's existence depends on the concept of sociality. Emmanuel Levinas (eg, 1993) has proposed a new sociality, derived from the human condition, based on a responsible relationship with the Other, & unlimited by a sovereign subject or an abstract rationality. This contrasts with Martin Heidegger's notion that one should operate at the state's margins & withdraw into the self. Levinas's position constitutes an ethical criticism of the state by reassessing the possibility of utopia. Utopia is not a futuristic fantasy; it questions the limits & possibilities of society by reminding people of their responsibility toward others. Adapted from the source document.
Spanisch, Kastilisch
ISSN: 0185-1616
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