Seven moralities of human resource management
A. Introducing The Seven Moralities of Human Resource Management B. Human Resource Management and Seven Moral Philosophies 1. Morality 1: Disciplinary Action, Obedience and Punishment: Obedience and Soliciting the Cooperation of Victims 2. Morality 2: Performance Management and Rewards: HRM, Intuitionism, Subjectivism, Hobbes, and Nietzsche 3. Morality 3: Organisational Culture and Workplace Training: HRM, Aristotle, and Modern Virtue Ethics 4. Morality 4: The Legal Context, Fairness and Equality: HR Policies, Regulations, and Organisational Order 5. Morality 5: HRM and Utilitarianism: The Happiness Principle as HRM's Organisational Objective 6. Morality 6: HRM and Universalism: Kant's Ethical Philosophy: Means, Human Resources, and Ends 7. Morality 7: Sustainability and the Natural Environment: Environmental Ethics and Social Ecology 8. Conclusion: Seven Moralities of HRM and an Analysis of HRM Textbooks: Seven HRM Moralities and Seven HRM Areas-- Assessing HRM's Overall Level of Morality