
Disarmament diplomacy and human security: regimes, norms, and moral progress in international relations

In: Routledge global security studies



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This book assesses how progress in disarmament diplomacy in the last decade has improved human security.In doing so, the book looks at three cases of the development of international norms in this arena. First, it traces how new international normative understandings have shaped the evolution of and support for an Arms Trade Treaty (the supply side of the arms trade); and, second, it examines the small arms international regime and examines a multilateral initiative that aims to address the demand side (by the Geneva Declaration); and, third, it examines the evolution of two processes to ban a

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World Affairs Online



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Disarmament diplomacy and human security: regimes, norms and moral progress in international relations

In: Routledge global security studies Volume 23



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