
Human health and ecological integrity: ethics, law and human rights



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1. Life, health and the environment : the denied connection / Laura Westra -- 2. Keeping nature alive : ethical principles on the environment and human health in state statutes / Katy Kintzele -- 3. Human rights, environmental duties : an ecological interpretation of international law / Megan J.M. Mitchell -- 4. The common heritage principle and public health : honouring our legacy / Prue Taylor -- 5. Aldo Leopold's concept of land health : implications for sound public health policy / Paul Carrick -- 6. Valuation of ecosystem services as an instrument for implementation of the European landscape convention / Joseph Sejak, Pavel Cudlin and Jan Pokorny -- 7. Less energy, better health? / Jack P. Manno -- 8. Canada's "rogue nation" position on asbestos / Colin L. Soskolne and Kathleen Ruff -- 9. Public health and primary prevention : past and present opportunities and barriers / Vladimir Bencko and John Quinn -- 10. Public healthcare in the time of transition : the need to revert to basics / Donald W. Spady -- 11. Migrants' access to healthcare in the Czech Republic : ethical challenges / Helena Hnilicova and Karolina Dobiasova -- 12. Gender, violation of human rights and mental health / Yuliya Lyamzina -- 13. The efficiency of cost-control policies in healthcare : does economic efficiency imply sustainability? / Tomas Zeleny -- 14. Ethical obligations of individuals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions / Donald A. Brown -- 15. Domains of climate ethics / Konrad Ott and Christian Baatz -- 16. Climate change and law : a constitutional perspective / Antonio D'Aloia -- 17. International groundwater law / Joseph W. Dellapenna -- 18. Environmental protection and the human right to water: complimentarity and tension / Owen McIntyre -- 19. State sponsored hate discrimination : the challenge to human rights at home and abroad / Kathleen Mahoney -- 20. The protection of cultural landscapes and indigenous heritage in international investment law / Valentina S. Vadi -- 21. "Some for all, forever" : a southern perspective on poverty, access to water, environmental health and the north-south divide / Louis J. Kotze -- 22. Are cows "climate killers"? / Franz-Theo Gottwald -- 23. Food security, public health, financial regimes and international law / John Quinn and Vladimir Bencko -- 24. Re-examining health protection in international environmental regulation / William Onzivu -- 25. The human impact on the ecosystem : past, present and future / Brunetto Anton Chiarelli -- 26. Introducing the rule of ecological law / Geoffrey Garver.

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Human health and ecological integrity: ethics, law and human rights

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