Relationship maintenance: theory, process, and context
In: Advances in personal relationships
"This book serves as a contemporary attempt to bring together the vast literature on relationship maintenance with contributions from scholars across different fields who study diverse facets of relationship maintenance. We open the book with a brief chapter that is organized around the six most basic yet critical questions that cut across all research: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. In the first section ('who'), we discuss the types of people who perform relationship maintenance as well as differences across people. The 'what' section identifies the central definitional issues that continue to plague the field. The third section ('when') highlights the conditions under which people perform maintenance as well as the relationship challenges the prompt it. The 'where' section identifies the small body of literature on geographic differences in relationship maintenance. The 'why' section covers the principal theories that explain engagement in relationship maintenance activities. The final section comments on 'how' maintenance activities sustain or enhance relationships. That is, it outlines the correlates, mediators, and moderators that explain the mechanisms by which maintenance operates. We conclude our chapter with a brief overview of the organization of the book"--