The Concepts of National Identity Research: Their Similarities and Differences
In: Obščestvo: filosofija, istorija, kulʹtura = Society : philosophy, history, culture, Heft 9
The paper dwells upon the main concepts of national identity study. The actuality of the pointed issue is connected with the growth of national awareness in the society. The terms "ethnos" and "nation" have been analyzed in the research, because these terms are sometimes mistakenly used in scientific literature as synonymous. Also it is pointed out, that understanding of national character nature depends on the conception the authors hold. Pursuing this aim the analysis of the main ethnologic conception was conducted within the work, such as primordialism, constructivism, and instrumentalism. It is emphasized that if within the framework of primordialism the natural and geographical conditions for the formation of mentality come to the fore, while representatives of constructivism and instrumentalism indicate that the creative and political elite, through the creation of mythology, contribute to the formation of ethnicity with the help of the mass media.
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