The Effects of Environmental Management and Debt Financing on Sustainable Financial Growth in the Tourism Industry
In: Sage open, Band 10, Heft 3
Environmental management and sustainable financial growth are currently hot topics in academic research. This article examines the relationships among environmental management, debt financing, and sustainable financial growth in the Chinese tourism industry. The results show that environmental management and debt financing have promoted sustainable financial growth, and the overall effect of debt financing on sustainable financial growth has been affected by environmental management. After employing different methods of controlling the endogeneity, these conclusions are still robust. We also examine the mediating effect and threshold effect on environmental management, debt financing, and sustainable financial growth, and the results reveal that debt financing can mediate the effect of environmental management on sustainable financial growth and that there is nonlinear impact of debt financing on sustainable financial growth in different thresholds of environmental management. The analysis results show that the presented policy proposals promote the development of tourism companies from the aspects of debt financing and environmental management.
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