Aufsatz(elektronisch)1. September 1996

Equal opportunities versus managing diversity: Another challenge for public sector management?

In: International Journal of Public Sector Management, Band 9, Heft 5/6, S. 62-72

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Highlights the recent growth in the concept of managing diversity as an alternative to equal opportunities, and considers whether the difference between them is simply one of semantics or of material substance. Assesses the nature of these differences and considers their impact on organizations and their relationship to each other. Explores issues through case studies of two comprehensive schools whose structure is typical of many public sector organizations. Presents findings on the conditions and culture in which women's management careers are successfully progressed in the public sector and the extent to which these reflect equal opportunities or managing diversity approaches to the issue of gender. Concludes by assessing the implications of findings for strategy and policy in the field.

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