Open Access BASE2021

MFMET A2.1.1: Metrology Methodology


This report was written as part of activity 2.1.1 from the EMPIR Establishing Metrology Standards in Microfluidic Devices (MFMET) project. The three-year European project commenced on 1st June 2021 and focused on providing a generic methodology of accurate measurement of a particular quantity in a microfluidic device by utilising standardised methods and reference documents, e.g. VIM & GUM. For more details about this project, please visit The document provides a description of a generic methodology of accurate measurement of a quantity by utilizing standardized methods and reference documents, e.g. VIM (International Vocabulary of Metrology) & GUM (Evaluation of measurement data – Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement). ; This project (20NRM02 MFMET) has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme."

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