Open Access BASE2011

Abstracts 4th CICA-STR International Conference



Current world circumstances related to political violence and terrorism have become the first agenda item for many governments. This situation has led to the formation of research groups on every continent, groups that aim to elucidate the sociological, biological, psychological, economic and political roots of aggression, political violence and terrorism. Researchers and thought leaders from more than 20 countries were present in Cartagena at the 4th Annual CICA/STR International Conference on Aggression, Political Violence and Terrorism: An Interdisciplinary Approach for a Peaceful Society, organized by Coloquios Internacionales sobre Cerebro y Agresión (CICA), the Society for Terrorism Research (STR), and Instituto de Estudios Psicobiosociales e Intevencion en Violencias (IEPSIV).




Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group

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