Open Access BASE2014

Regional aspect of agribusiness SMEs development in Serbia: Opportunity to reduce unemployment ; Regionalni aspekt razvoja MSP agrobiznisa u Srbiji - šansa za smanjenje nezaposlenosti


Changes of the political and economic concept initiated during the 1980s and still ongoing have significantly altered the strategy of agribusiness development. The direction has switched from the development of the agro-industrial complex that is focused on socialization of agriculture and creation of large corporate business systems towards a completely opposite concept, which implies privatization and development of small and medium enterprises. Current state of small and medium size agricultural entrepreneurship in Serbia is far below its potential and below satisfactory. Underused economic potential of agriculture is a great opportunity for the development of both SMEs and the agribusiness. The ranking of districts based on the prominence level of examined parameters will enable a formation of related groups and a determination of similarities or differences in the observed regions. In this study, we used cluster analysis to determine how the districts in Serbia are grouped according to development level of small and medium agribusiness enterprises in order to obtain insight into the current state of regional development of this sector, as well as into the possibility for developing the least developed regions in Serbia. Cluster analysis yielded five homogeneous groups, whereby each cluster has its own special characteristics in terms of prominence of certain observed indicators. ; Promene političkog i ekonomskog koncepta koje su započete osamdesetih godina prošlog veka i traju do današnjeg dana bitno su promenile strategiju razvoja agrobiznisa. Sa koncepta razvoja agroindustrijskog kompleksa usmerenog ka podruštvljavanju poljoprivrede i stvaranju korporativnih velikih poslovnih sistema, prešlo se na sasvim suprotni koncept, odnosno privatizaciju i razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća. Nivo razvijenosti malog i srednjeg preduzetništva u poljoprivredi Republike Srbije je daleko ispod mogućeg i zadovoljavajućeg. Veliku šansu za mala i srednja preduzeća, a samim tim i za razvoj agrobiznisa, predstavlja nedovoljno iskorišćeni ekonomski potencijal koji poseduje poljoprivreda. Rangiranje okruga prema stepenu ispoljenosti ispitivanih pokazatelja omogućiće formiranje srodnih grupa, te definisanje sličnosti ili razlike posmatranih regiona. Klaster analiza je metod koji će utvrditi kako se grupišu okruzi u Republici Srbiji prema nivou razvijenosti malih i srednjih preduzeća iz oblasti agrobiznisa i tako dobiti uvid u trenutno stanje regionalne razvijenosti ovog sektora, te mogućnosti razvoja najnerazvijenijih područja u Srbiji. Analizom grupisanja izdvojeno je pet homogenih grupa okruga, pri čemu svaki klaster ima specifičnosti u pogledu izraženosti pojedinih od posmatranih indikatora.

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