Open Access BASE1773

The general gazetteer: or, Compendious geographical dictionary [electronic resource] : containing a description of all the empires, kingdoms, states . in the known world; together with the government, policy, customs, manners, and religion of the inhabitants; the extent, bounds, and natural productions of each country; and the trade, manufactures, and curiosities, of the cities and towns; their longitude, latitude, bearing and distance in English miles from remarkable places; as also the sieges they have undergone, and the battles fought near them : including an authentic account of the counties, cities, and market-towns in England and Wales; as also the villages, with the days on which the fairs are kept


Pages not numbered (following p. xvi). ; Maps wanting. ; In double columns (following p. xvi). ; "Qui mores hominum multorum vidit & urbes--Hor." ; Electronic reproduction. ; Mode of access: Internet. ; 44




London : Printed for J. and F. Rivington, T. Carnan, and F. Newbery, junior [and 8 others]

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