Open Access BASE2021

Agricultural land market regulations in the EU Member States


The objective of this report is to provide an overview of agricultural land market regulations in the EU MS. This report builds upon the framework developed by Swinnen, Van Herck and Vranken (2014a) to provide comprehensive and structured analyses of the different agricultural land market regulations across MS. The report describes the situation of land market regulations as it was in 2020 in 22 MS. The analyses of agricultural land market regulations provided in this report are based on information obtained from the MS country experts using the following three tools: (i) structured questionnaires, (ii) semi-structured group interviews and (iii) country reports. The input compiled by land market experts through these tools is based on MS legislation and other relevant documents (e.g. official documents and academic literature) that contain information on agricultural land market regulations and/or their implementation.




Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union



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