The dietetic workforce distribution geographic atlas provides insight into the inequitable access for dietetic services for people with type 2 diabetes in Australia
AIM: Dietetic intervention delivered by Accredited Practising Dietitians is demonstrated to improve clinical outcomes of type 2 diabetes. The aim of the present study was to assess the accessibility to dietetic intervention for people with type 2 diabetes in Australia. METHODS: Prevalence data and dietitian workforce distribution data were sourced from Diabetes Australia and Dietitians Association of Australia, respectively. Geographical information system mapping and statistical analysis were used to compare the ratios of dietitians to people with type 2 diabetes across the states of Australia and by index of socio‐economic advantage and disadvantage in each state. RESULTS: An inequitable distribution of the dietetic workforce and that of the people with type 2 diabetes across Australia was demonstrated. An uneven distribution of the workforce is evidenced across states when compared to the distribution of type 2 diabetes prevalence; with New South Wales having a better ratio than Victoria and South Australia. Maps and prevalence data revealed the dietetic workforce was mostly concentrated in affluent urban centres whereas the type 2 diabetes prevalence rates were higher in rural and remote areas and in areas of lower socio‐economic status. CONCLUSIONS: This research highlights the need to address the limited access to dietetic intervention for those in rural, remote and disadvantaged areas which also have the greatest need. The financial burden of treating diabetic complications on the national health budget necessitates government initiatives. These should include better use of telehealth dietetic consultations and incentives for dietitians to work in rural, remote and disadvantaged areas.
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