Period during the late ХХ century – the beginning of the ХХІ century is marked by high number of social and political conflicts all over the world. Obviously, natural and environmental disasters, a wave of post-Soviet revolutions, endless wars, and terrorist actions led to the spread of ethnic conflicts. Consequently, the attention of progressive members of the scientific world, politicians, and educators focused on the problem of xenophobia as a new phenomenon for the beginning of the third millennium. This notion is associated with the unfriendly attitude to all foreign, strange and unfamiliar which at the same time is a sign of cultural limitations of a modern person. In turn it encouraged foreign and native scientists to develop and introduce new ways of tolerant coexistence of different nations and nationalities, both within one state, and on a global scale. We consider organization of educational work in this direction to be one of the best ways to overcome the ethnic conflicts.
Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка
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