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Origins and Destinies: Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in America


Introduction. 1. Origins and Destinies: Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in American History--Silvia Pedraza. 2. Origins and Destinies: Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in Contemporary America--Ruben G. Rumbaut. COLOR AND CASTE. NATIVES AND AFRICANS. 3. North American Indians and Demography of Contact--Russell Thornton. 4. From Sundown to Sunup: Slavery and the Making of the Black Community--George P. Rawick. 5. Farewell--We're Good and Gone: The Great Black Migration from the PostBellum South--Carole Marks. LATIN AMERICANS. 6. Mexican Americans: Their Civic and Political Incorporation--Ricardo Romo. 7. Migration, Community, and Culture: The United States-Puerto Rican Experience--Hector A. Carrasquillo and Virginia Sanchez-Korrol. 8. Family, Economy, and the State: A Legacy of Struggle for Chinese American Women--Esther Ngan-Ling Chow. 9. The Other Issei: Japanese Immigrant Women in the Pre-World War II Period--Evelyn Nakano Glenn and Rhacel Salazar Parrenas. PRE-WORLD WAR I WAVES OF EUROPEAN MIGRATION. NORTHWEST EUROPEANS. 10. The Protestant Establishment: Its History, Its Legacy--Its Future?--Howard G. Schneiderman. 11. German-Americans: Paradoxes of a "Model Minority"--Walter Kamphoefner. 12. Erin's Children in America: Three Centuries of Irish Immigration to the United States--Hasia Diner. SOUTHERN AND EASTERN EUROPEANS. 13. Italian Americans: A Century of Ethnic Change--Richard D. Alba. 14. Mobility and Continuity among Eastern European Jews--Steven J. Gold and Bruce Phillips. 15. From Peasant to Worker: The Polish Immigrant in the United States--Dominic Pacyga. THE WATERSHED: THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT AND ITS AFTERMATH 16. The Civil Rights Movement: A Social and Political Watershed--Aldon Morris and Cedric Herring. 17. Que Viva La Raza: The Many Faces of the Chicano Movement, 1963-1971--James Diego Vigil. 18. American Indians and Political Protest: The "Red Power" Years--Stephen Cornell. CONTEMPORARY WAVES OF LATIN AMERICAN AND ASIAN MIGRATION. LATIN AMERICANS. 19. Borders and Bridges: Undocumented Immigrants from Mexico and Central America--Leo R. Chavez. 20. Cuba's Refugees: Manifold Migrations--Silvia Pedraza. 21. Dominicans in the United States: First- and Second-Generation Settlement--Sherri Grasmuck and Patricia Pessar. ASIANS. 22. Filipino Americans: Many and Varied--Benjamin V. Carino. 23. The Entrepeneurial Adaptation of Korean Immigrants--Pyong Gap Min. 24. A Legacy of War: Refugees from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia--Ruben G. Rumbaut. CONTEMPORARY ISSUES OF IMMIGRATION, RACE, AND ETHNICITY IN AMERICA. URBAN DESTINIES. 25. New York as an Immigrant City--Frederic M. Binder and David M. Reimers. 26. Los Angeles: Explosive Diversity--Mehdi Bozorgmehr, Georges Sabagh, and Ivan Light. 27. Miami Spice: The Ethnic Cauldron Simmers--Guillermo J. Grenier and Lisandro Perez. 28. Washington, D.C.: The Changing Social Landscape of the International Capital City. COLOR AND CLASS. 29. The First Americans: American Indians--C. Matthew Snipp. 30. The Health of the African American Population--David R. Williams. 31. The Wages of Race: Color and Economic Opportunity in Chicago's Inner City--Marta Tienda and Haya Stier. SELF AND OTHERS. 32. Language Acquisition and Loss Among Children of Immigrants--Alejandro Portes and Richard Schauffler. 33. Optional Ethnicities: For Whites Only?--Mary C. Waters. 34. The Complexity of Racial Attitudes in America--Howard Schuman and Charlotte Steeh. 35. Contesting the Meaning of Race in the Post-Civil Rights Movement Era--Michael Omi and Howard Winant. EPILOGUE.


eScholarship, University of California

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