Open Access BASE2011

Cooperation and decentralization in Madagascar : states, international organizations and transnationality ; Coopération et décentralisation à Madagascar : Etats, organisations internationales et transnationalité


Since 1960, Madagascar has been a Republic which was sorely lacking in financial and human resources. This made him dependent on global geopolitical context and alliances that resulted. Its evolution reflects the great changes that took place in the world: the neo-colonial period, the period of the Cold War, the structural adjustments in the 1980's and finally the multipolar world that began in the 1990's. A major challenge and a failure of successive models of cooperation was, the local, regional benefit and with the involvement of the population. To understand this situation, the study returns from the various international and national environments and responsibilities, on the other hand, traces the actions of cooperation in the various Malagasy local authorities between 1993 and 2005. If this results in a fairly homogeneous distribution of the activities of multi and bilateral cooperation on the national territory with fields and areas of intervention-specific cooperation, the search for this spatial equilibrium is difficult despite the efforts encouraging steps participatory involving the population, given by the political instability since the advent of the Third Republic. This situation highlights new actors, transnational cooperation, NGOs and decentralized cooperation, especially on the local level with actions addressing priority social issues and humanitarian emergencies, through short-term programs. Currently, the only cooperation that is really effective because of the political events that happen in Madagascar. Remain the unknown about the new forms of sub regional cooperation, trade with countries that are emerging today. They're still secondary actors, but their development prospects are enormous. ; Madagascar, indépendant en 1960, est une République à qui manquent cruellement des moyens financiers et humains. Cette situation l'a rendue dépendant des contextes géopolitiques mondiaux et des alliances qui en ont découlés. L'évolution de la Grande île reflète les grands bouleversements qui se sont ...

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