Open Access BASE2019

Development of French Civil Society: The View of a Statistician ; Развитие гражданского общества Франции: взгляд статистика


International audience ; profit sector throughout its millennial history. Ап analysis of the French civil society nowadays is made on the basis of the System of nationalaccounts concept using the most recent statistics on this sector ignored by the statistical system two decades ago. The number, size and human resources of civil society organizations (CSOs) are analysed first, then - their financial resources by public and private origin and theireconomic contribution and social impact .The final part of the research deals with recent1 trends and issues. The evolution of the French non-profit sector during the Millenniumdecade is outlined. Then focuses on the impact of the financial, economic and social crisis on the French third sector is highlighted.The sharing of educational, health and social services provision between the state, the local governments and the civil society obviouslydepends on functions that have been devolved to local governments as well as on the level of externalization or subcontracting which authoritiesconsider to be relevant. Recourse to the non-profit sector makes it possible to reduce public employment, which is very high in France. Grassroots associations provide local services adapted to the local population through voluntary work. That is the reason why the central and localgovernments and social security affords an almost total financing to the welfare CSOs and a partial financing to the others while the publicsector regulates the CSOs and guarantees universal access to the services provided as well as the equal treatment of all users.The whole civil society sector - associations and foundations - is currently looking for its place in the public sphere, either in closepartnership with public authorities or within the social and solidarity economy with the cooperatives and the mutual societies. Civil societyorganizations have demonstrated ; В статье описаны две долгосрочные тенденции, оказавшие значительное влияние на развитие некоммерческих организаций (НКО) Франции на протяжении ...

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