Open Access BASE2016

Marshall J. Breger & Gary J. Edles, Independent Agencies in the United States—Law, Structure, and Politics


Roberta S. Karmel, Centennial Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Dennis J. Block Center for the Study of International Business Law at Brooklyn Law School, reviews Marshall J. Breger & Gary J. Edles new book Independent Agencies in the United States: Law, Structure, and Politics. Professor Karmel examines and evaluates each chapter of Independent Agencies in the United States: Law, Structure, and Politics from her own unique perspective based on her experience as a staff member and, later, commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission, director of the New York Stock Exchange, and member of the National Association of Securities Dealers (now the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA")). Professor Karmel concludes that the book is well-written, well-researched, and fairly balanced and a helpful guide to the study of agencies in the United States.

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