Communicating the law in statutory youth protection settings
In: Nordic Social Work Research, Band 8, Heft 3, S. 262-272
ISSN: 2156-8588
2206 Ergebnisse
In: Nordic Social Work Research, Band 8, Heft 3, S. 262-272
ISSN: 2156-8588
In: Child & family social work, Band 12, Heft 3, S. 229-238
ISSN: 1365-2206
ABSTRACTDespite efforts made by management and caseworkers to promote active parental participation in the protective context, fathers or other male figures are often brushed aside from intervention. This paper presents the results of qualitative research on methods used by youth protection caseworkers (n = 22) working with stepfather families. The main objective is to identify items that encourage or discourage stepfather involvement in psychosocial interventions. Results showed that certain items do not apply solely to stepfathers, but influence youth protection caseworker decision‐making from a broader perspective. Particular characteristics associated with being a stepfather significantly influence involvement practices espoused by caseworkers, notably the absence of legal status and biological connection with the mother's children.
In: Child abuse & neglect: the international journal ; official journal of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Band 16, Heft 3, S. 441-445
ISSN: 1873-7757
In: Journal of social distress and the homeless, Band 28, Heft 2, S. 115-122
ISSN: 1573-658X
In: Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung: Discourse : Journal of Childhood and Adolescence Research, Band 18, Heft 3, S. 315-330
ISSN: 2193-9713
Der Beitrag stellt zunächst die Rechte von geflüchteten Kindern in Deutschland und deren zugrundeliegenden gesetzlichen Normen dar. Daraufhin werden anhand der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention einzelne Lebensbereiche, wie beispielsweise Unterbringung, Bildung und Gesundheitsversorgung, rechtlich beleuchtet und dargelegt, ob die damit verbundenen Rechte und Ansprüche auch in der Praxis durchgesetzt werden können. Hier werden konkrete Probleme benannt und die unterschiedliche Lebenssituation von begleiteten und unbegleiteten Kindern und Jugendlichen aufgezeigt.
The article is devoted to the study of "youth protection" as a separate criterion for restricting the right to information. During the research a wide range of general scientific and special-legal methods of scientific cognition was used, in particular: the method of dialectical logic, comparative-legal, formal-legal and system-structural methods of scientific research. Their application allowed to explore this topic in the unity of legal form and social content. The conducted comparative legal study of the legislation and law enforcement practice of "youth protection in the field of mass media" of Ukraine and Germany allows to make the following conclusions and proposals to strengthen its regulatory and institutional support. The absence of a comprehensive mechanism for the protection of youth in the media in Ukraine is stated. Instead, there is a fragmented set of elements of this mechanism, which does not allow for systematic protection of young people from harmful information coming from different media. It is proved that the German model of "protection of youth in the media" is quite effective and consists of a normative component, primarily in the form of a special Jugendschutzgesetz - JuSchG (Federal Law "On Youth Protection") and an institutional component, which is presented primarily by the BundesprüfstellefürjugendgefährdendeMedien (BPjM) (Federal Inspectorate for Mass Media Harmful to Youth). The necessity of strengthening normative and institutional support of "protection of young people in the field of mass media" in Ukraine is substantiated. It is proposed to develop and adopt a special law "On the Protection of Children in the Media", which will be the legal basis for the protection of young people in this area in Ukraine. Institutional support is proposed to be strengthened through the creation of a separate state inspection for media that are harmful to children, which should be subordinated to the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. This subject of public administration should ...
In: Journal of European studies, Band 39, Heft 3, S. 353-370
ISSN: 1740-2379
The year 1926 marked the passage of Germany's Law to Protect Youth from Worthless and Obscene Publications. In combination with the Reich Motion Picture Law of 1920, this legislation sought to shelter minors from the corrupting forces of cultural narrative and imagery. As the discourse surrounding these laws attests, the terms of Germany's so-called 'cinema debate' were ambivalent, and discussions about films thematizing crime were especially complex. Whereas many detective and crime films were condemned for glorifying delinquency, brutalizing the senses and exposing youth to excessive details about criminal activity, educational films and films that sounded a warning were viewed by reformists as ideal means to teach moral responsibility and good citizenship. This paper explores the purported connection between visual imagery, sensual—psychological stimulation, crime and censorship during the early years of the Weimar period.
In: Children and youth services review: an international multidisciplinary review of the welfare of young people, Band 28, Heft 5, S. 511-534
ISSN: 0190-7409
Crisis management principles that have been in place and proven for decades by commercial companies and corporations, tested at great expense, apply equally to all non-commercial entities, governmental, religious, political, as well as to individuals. There is no deviation from them, as crises in today's world are determined by the media, not the entity or institution itself. Every crisis can become an opportunity for change, strengthening, improvement, purification and even victory. The condition is a professional approach to the problem. A crisis can also be the beginning of the end, a failure. The biggest enemy of success in this situation is lack of knowledge how to act properly, mistakes in communication and management of resources. However, avoiding responsibility, hiding facts, manipulating information, being too quick and inconsiderate, resorting to falsehood, hypocrisy, and calculated behaviour will not facilitate success either. The article will analyse the institutional actions of the Catholic Church in Poland for the protection of children and adolescents in the context of the classical principles of crisis management applied in a crisis. ; Crisis management principles that have been in place and proven for decades by commercial companies and corporations, tested at great expense, apply equally to all non-commercial entities, governmental, religious, political, as well as to individuals. There is no deviation from them, as crises in today's world are determined by the media, not the entity or institution itself. Every crisis can become an opportunity for change, strengthening, improvement, purification and even victory. The condition is a professional approach to the problem. A crisis can also be the beginning of the end, a failure. The biggest enemy of success in this situation is lack of knowledge how to act properly, mistakes in communication and management of resources. However, avoiding responsibility, hiding facts, manipulating information, being too quick and inconsiderate, resorting to ...
Child psychological maltreatment (CPM) was incorporated into the Quebec Youth Protection Act (YPA) in 2006. At that time, various civil-society actors were invited to present to Parliament their views on these legislative changes. The objective of this article is to document the social representations mobilized by the stakeholders in the parliamentary committee in relation to the inclusion of CPM in the Quebec YPA. After explaining our research objectives, questions, and methodology, we will discuss our results, in particular about the distinctive nature of children as a representational object. This specificity will be analyzed in order to better understand the type of communication it generates and the corresponding hegemonic representation of parents. Specifically, implications related to the representational dynamics identified are discussed in relation to our collective capacity (or incapacity) to debate sensitive issues such as child abuse.
In: Social Sciences: open access journal, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 22
ISSN: 2076-0760
Rural Indonesian villages are defined by unique institutional dynamics in public service innovation, one of which manifests in juvenile justice administration where traditional governance meets modern legal structures. These institutional arrangements position villages as sites of public service innovation at the intersection of competing normative orders, especially regarding youth protection standards and cultural practice maintenance. We address patterns of public service innovation and institutional adaptation in rural juvenile justice systems through the systematic analysis of practices across five villages in East Java. Through consolidating stakeholder interviews and justice proceeding observations, our analysis shows how communities innovate in public service delivery by negotiating between formal requirements and informal mechanisms while integrating distinctive legal traditions and maintaining institutional legitimacy across multiple domains. The examination identifies two central patterns in public service development. First, processes of normative integration emerge through systematic institutional synthesis where communities innovate service delivery approaches while preserving cultural coherence. Second, these innovation processes correspond to variations in resource distribution, traditional authority configurations, and state presence across geographic and social contexts. We document how unspoken institutional practices and innovative service arrangements shape justice negotiations between community and state spheres, particularly in mediating youth protection within traditional normative frameworks of public service delivery.
"Parental skills" are basic to any intervention for the protection of young people. However, the concept itself is controversial and indeterminate, subject to interpretation by a wide range of specialists, with an equally wide range of training backgrounds and methodologies. Nevertheless, although the evidentiary weight of the expert assessments of behaviours has been questioned by many legal scholars, the courts systematically continue to call on them. This failure to examine the skills and working methods of such experts has resulted in the formalization of a system of benchmarks that has been built up insidiously over time, creating a context that leads legal activity to contribute to the upholding of social inequalities. ; Les « compétences parentales » sont au coeur de l'intervention en protection de la jeunesse. Notion controversée et indéterminée, les compétences parentales font l'objet de l'interprétation d'une variété d'experts aux formations et aux méthodes de travail diverses. Alors que la force probante des expertises sur le comportement est mise en cause par de nombreux juristes, les tribunaux continuent systématiquement d'y avoir recours. L'absence d'examen des compétences et des méthodes de travail des experts a pour effet la formalisation d'un système de critères qui s'est mis en place au fil du temps, de manière insidieuse. Un contexte par lequel l'activité judiciaire contribue à la formalisation d'une norme de la mère normale.
In: Societies: open access journal, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 114
ISSN: 2075-4698
Child psychological maltreatment (CPM) was incorporated into the Quebec Youth Protection Act (YPA) in 2006. At that time, various civil-society actors were invited to present to Parliament their views on these legislative changes. The objective of this article is to document the social representations mobilized by the stakeholders in the parliamentary committee in relation to the inclusion of CPM in the Quebec YPA. After explaining our research objectives, questions, and methodology, we will discuss our results, in particular about the distinctive nature of children as a representational object. This specificity will be analyzed in order to better understand the type of communication it generates and the corresponding hegemonic representation of parents. Specifically, implications related to the representational dynamics identified are discussed in relation to our collective capacity (or incapacity) to debate sensitive issues such as child abuse.
In: Sucht: Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis, Band 56, Heft 6, S. 397-398
ISSN: 1664-2856