43 Ergebnisse
Mortality salience effects fail to replicate in traditional and novel measures
Mortality salience (MS) effects, where death reminders lead to ingroup-bias and defensive protection of one's world-view, have been claimed to be a fundamental human motivator. MS phenomena have ostensibly been identified in several hundred studies within the "terror management theory" framework, but transparent and high-powered replications are lacking. Experiment 1 (N = 101 Norwegian lab participants) aimed to replicate the traditional MSeffect on national patriotism, with additional novel measures of democratic values and pro-sociality. Experiment2 (N = 784 US online participants) aimed to replicate the MS effect on national patriotism in a larger sample, with ingroup identification and pro-sociality as additional outcome measures. The results showed that neither experiment replicated the traditional MS effect on national patriotism. The experiments also failed to support conceptual replications and underlying mechanisms on democratic values, processing speed, psychophysiological responses, ingroup identification, and pro-sociality. This indicates that the effect of death reminders is less robust and generalizable than previously assumed.
The worldview of redemptive violence in the US
In: Palgrave studies in religion, politics, and policy
The Worldview of Redemptive Violence in the US is based on research that documents the existence of a dominant worldview within the US that supports the myth of redemptive violence, i.e. the concept that a nation can use its military (violence) to improve the human condition (redemption). Evidence is presented from the building blocks of worldview, namely collective memory, history, symbols, religion, and legends and myths. This worldview, however, leads to policies that support excessive military spending and a default position in which to use the military to solve international conflict. These policies are unsustainable, immoral, and ineffective given the realities of the world in the early decades of the 21st Century. Alternatives are presented in order to encourage the current recessive worldview that supports conflict resolution, cooperation, collaboration and peaceful efforts to solve humanity's biggest existential concerns: global climate change, pandemic poverty and an overabundance of weapons.
The Hindutva paradigm: Integral Humanism and quest for a non-Western worldview
"Seven decades ago, a new global order emerged. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic rages across the planet, those older ways of being are under unprecedented stress. Already, a new world order is taking shape--one that will put long-standing agenda items like trade, commerce and defence on the backburner. In a post-pandemic world, they will be edged out by issues like climate change, holistic healthcare, education for innovation and creativity, as well as the management of frontier technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, blockchain and big data. Human dignity and human rights will be critical issues in this modern reality. To represent the changed actuality of the twenty-first century, global governance needs fresh ideas and novel institutions. More than five decades ago, Deen Dayal Upadhyay articulated a coherent economic philosophy, at the core of which was human-centric development. In the Hindutva Paradigm, author and thinker Ram Madhav provides clarifying insights into the reasoning of a philosopher who has remained an enigma through the decades. At the crossroads where we stand, this refreshing and stimulating philosophy could be the answer to managing the new world order."
World Affairs Online
Keyboard warriors: the production of Islamophobic identity and an extreme worldview within an online political community
"The far-right English Defence League (EDL) is a strange product of global and local dynamics, most prominently the 'War on Terror'. While the EDL has become well known for its high-profile Islamophobic demonstrations within local communities, the bulk of its day-to-day activity occurs online within its social networking sites, between supporters - referred to as 'keyboard warriors'. 'Keyboard warriors'' activities are confined to the virtual realm and they are unlikely to attend EDL events in physical space, such as demonstrations. This book explores the kind of Islamophobic identity that is produced by EDL supporters within the networking sites, and focuses on how this identitty is constructed around insecurities that are central to the lives of this populations"--Back cover
The taming of the red dragon: the militarized worldview and China's use of force, 1949-2001
In: Foreign policy analysis: a journal of the International Studies Association, Band 9, Heft 4, S. 387-407
ISSN: 1743-8586
World Affairs Online
Turkey's nuclear onset: Military policy, techno-nationalism trends and defence industrial capabilities
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has recently stated that there is no reason why Turkey should not have nuclear warhead-tipped missiles, at a time when other nations also possess such a deterrent. The Turkish president's remarks sparked heated debates as to Ankara's possible military policy shifts and related nuclear objectives. In the 2010s, Turkey accomplished a number of outstanding achievements in the defence sector, especially in unmanned systems development. Ankara is also pursuing a ballistic missile programme (the Bora missile) which saw its operational debut back in May 2019. However, in the short term, the Turkish defence technological and industrial base (DTIB) lacks the capacity to support military-grade nuclear proliferation, nuclear warhead design and strategic ballistic missile production. More importantly, present indicators suggest no backtrack from Turkey's non-proliferation commitments. Rather, the 'nuclear missile' rhetoric essentially highlights Ankara's geopolitical worldview.
Testing the causal relationship between religious belief and death anxiety
In: Religion, Brain & Behavior, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 57-68
Religion has long been speculated to function as a strategy to ameliorate our fear of death. Terror management theory provides two possible causal pathways through which religious beliefs can fulfil this function. According to the "worldview defence" account of terror management, worldviews reduce death anxiety by offering symbolic immortality: on this view, only people who accept the religious worldview in question should benefit from religious beliefs. Alternatively, religious worldviews also offer literal immortality, and may do so independently of individuals' worldviews. Both strands of thought appear in the terror management theory literature. In this paper, we attempt to resolve this issue experimentally by manipulating religious belief and measuring explicit (Study 1) and implicit (Study 2) death anxiety. In Study 1, we found that the effect of religious belief on explicit death anxiety depends critically on participants' own religious worldviews, such that believers and non-believers reported greater death anxiety when their worldview is threatened. In Study 2, however, we find that religious belief alleviates implicit death anxiety amongst both believers and non-believers. These findings suggest that religious beliefs can alleviate death anxiety at two different levels, by offering symbolic and literal immortality, respectively.
Turkey's nuclear onset: military policy, techno-nationalism trends and defence industrial capabilities
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has recently stated that there is no reason why Turkey should not have nuclear warhead-tipped missiles, at a time when other nations also possess such a deterrent. The Turkish president's remarks sparked heated debates as to Ankara's possible military policy shifts and related nuclear objectives. In the 2010s, Turkey accomplished a number of outstanding achievements in the defence sector, especially in unmanned systems development. Ankara is also pursuing a ballistic missile programme (the Bora missile) which saw its operational debut back in May 2019. However, in the short term, the Turkish defence technological and industrial base (DTIB) lacks the capacity to support military-grade nuclear proliferation, nuclear warhead design and strategic ballistic missile production. More importantly, present indicators suggest no backtrack from Turkey's non-proliferation commitments. Rather, the 'nuclear missile' rhetoric essentially highlights Ankara's geopolitical worldview. (author's abstract)
Bakhtinian thought and the defence of narrative: overcoming universalism and relativism
In light of continuing global issues including the prevalence of various levels and forms of inequality and increased environmental destruction, there is a growing recognition of the limitations, epistemological, political, social, cultural, ethical and ecological, of the modes of thought that have dominantly governed and continue to govern our worldview. The modernist project, despite various attempts to give voice to those previously denied, has come under criticism for tendencies to totalise experience and overlook or exclude differences. On the other hand, the postmodernist glorification of difference and tendency to isolate and fragment has generated a kind of debilitating uncertainty in the form of absolute relativism rendering any pursuit of meaning meaningless. Alongside the recognition of these limitations are attempts to overcome the negative affects of these modes of understanding and to create new ways of understanding ourselves, our relationship to others, human and non-human and to the larger world process in which we find ourselves. Despite the supposed opposition between the modern and postmodern projects, the two share in common the tendency to undermine another mode of understanding that by its very nature both precludes and succeeds them. The mode of understanding referred to is narrative understanding which has the potential to pave a middle way between modernity's totalising exclusions and postmodernity's fragmenting nihilism, furthermore when the narrative approach is seriously undertaken it becomes clear that the formerly polarised dominant modes of thought are both apart of a wider more heterogenous process. The following article examines and highlights in detail some of the problems surrounding the modern and postmodern modes of thought in order to demonstrate the usefulness of narrative theory in overcoming these problems. In order to augment the defence of narrative theory this article also draws considerably from the work of Mikhail Bakhtin whose philosophy, it will be argued, both compliments and enhances narrative understanding and has considerable potential in generating a more inclusive and creative understanding of humanity, its relationships to others and to the world in which it is inextricably linked.
"Šiuolaikinės rusų kalbos asmenis įvardijantys daiktavardžiai kaip pasaulėvaizdžio atspindis (pagal "XXI amžiaus aiškinamąjį rusų kalbos žodyną. Aktuali leksika") ; Картина мира в зеркале существительных со значением лица в современном русском языке (по данным толкового словаря русского языка начала...
The objective of the PhD Thesis is to reconstruct a fragment of the worldview and to reveal the changes related thereto based on qualitative and quantitative data on nouns identifying a person in individual thematic groups at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries recorded lexicographically. Part One describes the theoretical basis of the research, provides a detailed overview of the methodology and the research methods, and defines the key concepts that are used as a scientific research tool. Part Two analyses nouns used to denominate religion-related persons, the titles of the cult servants and the names of persons who belong to the other world or are related thereto. Part Three of the Thesis analyses the spectrum of the modern political world in the hypertext of the vocabulary. Part Four analyses economic lexic and the worldview.
"Šiuolaikinės rusų kalbos asmenis įvardijantys daiktavardžiai kaip pasaulėvaizdžio atspindis (pagal "XXI amžiaus aiškinamąjį rusų kalbos žodyną. Aktuali leksika") ; Картина мира в зеркале существительных со значением лица в современном русском языке (по данным толкового словаря русского языка начала...
The objective of the PhD Thesis is to reconstruct a fragment of the worldview and to reveal the changes related thereto based on qualitative and quantitative data on nouns identifying a person in individual thematic groups at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries recorded lexicographically. Part One describes the theoretical basis of the research, provides a detailed overview of the methodology and the research methods, and defines the key concepts that are used as a scientific research tool. Part Two analyses nouns used to denominate religion-related persons, the titles of the cult servants and the names of persons who belong to the other world or are related thereto. Part Three of the Thesis analyses the spectrum of the modern political world in the hypertext of the vocabulary. Part Four analyses economic lexic and the worldview.
"Šiuolaikinės rusų kalbos asmenis įvardijantys daiktavardžiai kaip pasaulėvaizdžio atspindis (pagal "XXI amžiaus aiškinamąjį rusų kalbos žodyną. Aktuali leksika") ; Картина мира в зеркале существительных со значением лица в современном русском языке (по данным толкового словаря русского языка начала...
The objective of the PhD Thesis is to reconstruct a fragment of the worldview and to reveal the changes related thereto based on qualitative and quantitative data on nouns identifying a person in individual thematic groups at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries recorded lexicographically. Part One describes the theoretical basis of the research, provides a detailed overview of the methodology and the research methods, and defines the key concepts that are used as a scientific research tool. Part Two analyses nouns used to denominate religion-related persons, the titles of the cult servants and the names of persons who belong to the other world or are related thereto. Part Three of the Thesis analyses the spectrum of the modern political world in the hypertext of the vocabulary. Part Four analyses economic lexic and the worldview.
"Šiuolaikinės rusų kalbos asmenis įvardijantys daiktavardžiai kaip pasaulėvaizdžio atspindis (pagal "XXI amžiaus aiškinamąjį rusų kalbos žodyną. Aktuali leksika") ; Картина мира в зеркале существительных со значением лица в современном русском языке (по данным толкового словаря русского языка начала...
The objective of the PhD Thesis is to reconstruct a fragment of the worldview and to reveal the changes related thereto based on qualitative and quantitative data on nouns identifying a person in individual thematic groups at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries recorded lexicographically. Part One describes the theoretical basis of the research, provides a detailed overview of the methodology and the research methods, and defines the key concepts that are used as a scientific research tool. Part Two analyses nouns used to denominate religion-related persons, the titles of the cult servants and the names of persons who belong to the other world or are related thereto. Part Three of the Thesis analyses the spectrum of the modern political world in the hypertext of the vocabulary. Part Four analyses economic lexic and the worldview.
Does the Awareness of Mortality Shape People's Openness to Violence and Conflict? An Examination of Terror Management Theory
In: Political psychology: journal of the International Society of Political Psychology, Band 40, Heft 1, S. 111-124
ISSN: 1467-9221
Terror management theory (TMT) proposes that evoking death‐related thoughts (mortality salience; MS) in individuals or groups can lead to stronger worldview defence and greater support for extremist violence. In three experiments, we tested whether an MS manipulation, and associated moderators, increased support for extremist violence. In Australian university students, Study 1 found no statistically significant main or moderated effects for MS on measures of extremist violence. However, participants exposed to the MS manipulation reported increases in conservative religiosity (belief in divine power). In Study 2, the MS manipulation had no significant effect on support for extremist violence for Australian university students primed with an antiviolent extremism norm. And in young Australian Jewish people (Study 3), the MS manipulation did not increase support for violence against migrants. However, there was an increase in support for policies that act to fight against violent extremism in Iraq and Syria in those exposed to the MS manipulation. Across three studies, we find little support for the hypothesis that MS results in increased support for violent extremism. Larger more methodological sound studies are needed to address inconsistencies in the evidence surrounding TMT and the MS hypothesis, at least in regards to violence and extremism.