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27373 Ergebnisse
Working paper
The Place of Knowledge in Social Work Activity
In: The British journal of social work
ISSN: 1468-263X
The Place of Intuition in Social Work Activity
In: Australian social work: journal of the AASW, Band 40, Heft 3, S. 5-10
ISSN: 1447-0748
Arbeitseinstellung und Arbeitstätigkeit 1990
Einstellungen zur Arbeit, gegenwärtige Arbeitsbedingungen und
erwartete Veränderungen in der Arbeitstätigkeit nach der
deutsch-deutschen Vereinigung, Interessenvertretung im Betrieb.
Themen: Teilnahme an wissenschaftlichen Umfragen; Interesse für
Vereinigungsbestreben von DDR und BRD; Einstellung zum
Leistungsprinzip und zu Gewerkschaften; Wertorientierungen
(Skala); Vereinbarkeit von Berufstätigkeit und Familie;
Zuversicht hinsichtlich der persönlichen und gesellschaftlichen
Entwicklung; Angst vor Umweltkatastrophen, Gewalt und Aggression;
Zunahme von Ausländern; Befürchtungen hinsichtlich der
Verschlechterung der Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen in der
Zukunft; Übereinstimmung zwischen Qualifikation und Tätigkeit;
Tätigkeits- und Betriebswechsel in den letzten 2 Jahren und
Gründe dafür; Erwartung negativer Auswirkungen der
Marktwirtschaft auf eigene Arbeitssituation; Bereitschaft zu
beruflicher Mobilität, Qualifizierung, Umschulung u. a. für
Erhalt des Arbeitsplatzes (Skala); Akzeptanz verschlechterter
Arbeitsbedingungen bei drohender Arbeitslosigkeit (Skala);
Erwartungen an Arbeitsinhalt und Arbeitsbedingungen (Skala);
Stellenwert der Arbeit im Leben; Verbundenheit mit der
gegenwärtigen Arbeit und ihren Bedingungen (Skala);
Arbeitsanforderungen; Bewertung eigener Leistung; soziale
Beziehungen im Arbeitskollektiv (Skala); Möglichkeit zur
schöpferischen Problembearbeitung (Skala) und Zeitaufwand in der
Arbeit und Freizeit dafür; Gründe für schöpferisches Arbeiten
(Skala); Erwartungen an ökonomische, soziale, demokratische
Bedingungen im Betrieb (Skala); erlebte Interessenvertretung im
Betrieb; Präferierung eines Betriebsrates; Einflußnahme des
Betriebsrates (Skala); präferierte Interessenvertretung
Jugendlicher; Ziele der Interessenvertretung; Vergleich der
Interessenvertretung Werktätiger in der DDR und der BRD;
Erwartungen an Vorgesetzte (Skala); Ausüben von beruflichen
Leitungsfunktionen; Interesse an Kenntnissen des westlichen
Managements; Erwartungen zur Stellung der Geschlechter nach der
Vereinigung; zukünftige Rolle der Frau und Einstellung zum
Hausfrauendasein; Mitglied in Gewerkschaft, in Partei oder
politischer Organisation; präferierte Mittel der Durchsetzung der
Interessen gegenüber der Betriebsleitung.
Social Control of Voluntary Work Activity: The Gift Horse Syndrome
In: Sociology of work and occupations, Band 6, Heft 4, S. 379-403
Work activities which are highly valued are often reserved for performance by "pro fessional" workers. The presumption is that such workers perform at higher levels, are more highly motivated, and are subject to strong mternal social control. A notable exception to this pattern is found in the prevalence of voluntary first aid squads. The examination of such squads allows numerous theoretical and pragmatic questions to be raised concerning the exercise of social control over important, but voluntarily performed, work. At the theoretical level, the issues ofprofessionalism, motivations, and social control are examined. On a more practical plane, various costs and benefits associated with voluntary provisions of emergency medical services are discussed. Finally, conclusions are offered concerning the theoretical nature of the so-called "gift horse syndrome," and other applications are identified.
Community Influences on Schooling and Work Activity of Youth in Pakistan
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, Band 37, Heft 4II, S. 915-937
The schooling and work activities of youth remain fundamental
to their human capital development. Yet we have limited understanding of
factors influencing these activities in Pakistan and elsewhere. The bulk
of research on children's work and schooling looks primarily to
household-level factors to explain current rates. As such, activities'
of youth are viewed as a product of family strategies for confronting
poverty. On the other hand, the influences at the community level on
work and schooling of youth have received relatively little attention
and remain largely undeveloped in the literature. Further, work and
schooling activities remain are usually investigated separately in the
analyses. Most studies focus on either the work activities or schooling
of youth, despite recent appeals to examine these activities
simultaneously [DeGraff, Bilsborrow and Herrin (1993); Mahmood, Javaid
and Baig (1994) and Weiner and Noman (1997)].
A System for Monitoring Social Work Activity with the Frail Elderly
In: The British journal of social work
ISSN: 1468-263X
Child Health and Maternal Work Activity: The Role of Unobserved Heterogeneity
In: Eastern economic journal: EEJ, Band 33, Heft 1, S. 43-64
ISSN: 1939-4632
Children's Health and Maternal Work Activity: Estimates under Alternative Disability Definitions
In: The journal of human resources, Band XXXVIII, Heft 3, S. 522-556
ISSN: 1548-8004
Mail carriers' routes: Managerial standards, collective regulation and work activity strategies
In: Sociologie du travail, Band 48, S. e1-e21
ISSN: 1777-5701
In: Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta: naučnyj žurnal = Tomsk State University journal of economics. Ėkonomika, Heft 38, S. 82-90
ISSN: 2311-3227
Filipino Elderly Living Arrangements, Work Activity, and Labor Income as Old-age Support
This paper explores how elderly labor income can be expanded as a financing source for elderly consumption in the future through increase in elderly work activity. It examines elderly living arrangements and other factors that may influence elderly participation in work activities. The prospects of increasing elderly work activity in the future is assessed based on past and possible future trends in the following three factors, among many others: elderly health status, household headship by the elderly, and employment opportunities for the elderly, particularly household entrepreneurial activities.Alternative scenarios of increases in elderly labor force size (based on assumed changes in the factors) were used in simulations and results show that the higher the increase in labor force size (1) the higher the increase in aggregate labor income, (2) the higher the proportion of consumption that can be covered by own labor income, (3) the higher the elderly deficit age cut-off, and (4) the larger the decline in the aggregate lifecycle deficit of the elderly. What can government do to encourage more elderly to continue working? Government action can focus on two areas: elderly health and well-being, and elderly employment opportunities and enabling environment. The government can finance and fully implement provisions in existing laws and public programs that address the two areas such as those articulated in the Senior Citizen's Acts (1992 Republic Act 7432 and 2003 RA 9257) and the Philippine Plans of Action for Senior Citizens (1999-2004 and 2006-2010).
Cleaning Up After Globalization: An Ergonomic Analysis of Work Activity of Hotel Cleaners
In: The Dirty Work of Neoliberalism, S. 129-149
Economic Performance and Work Activity in Sweden after the Crisis of the Early 1990s
In: NBER Working Paper No. w12768