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12379 Ergebnisse
In: WIT transactions on ecology and the environment volume 209
In: WIT transactions on ecology and the environment volume 228, 2018
A new adsorbent for arsenic removal from waterAssessment of silver metal released into wastewater after using a silver deodorant; An experiment on simultaneous operation of nitrification and denitrification of municipal landfill leachate in a single reaction tank; Effect of internal recirculation on reactor models in wastewater treatment; Monitoring micropollutants in surface and subsurface runoff in the Swist river basin, Germany; Water quality checks on River Atuwara, South-West Nigeria; Water supply, sanitation and health risk in a tropical sub-Saharan region
In: WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment Ser. v.182
Water Pollution XII contains the proceedings of the 12th International Conference in the series of Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution. The book will be of interest to scientists, managers and academics from different areas of water contamination.
In: Aquaculture, Resource Use, and the Environment, S. 211-234
In: WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment Ser. v.164
Water Pollution XI contains papers presented at the latest (Eleventh) Conference and includes the following topics: Water quality; Groundwater and aquifer issues; Environmental monitoring and control; Remediation; Pollution prevention; Lakes and rivers; Agricultural contamination; Wastewater treatment and management; Offshore pollution and oil spills; Emerging technologies; Biosensors; Health risk studies; Nano-particles; Socio-economic costs; Biosystems; Education and training.
In: Current history: a journal of contemporary world affairs, Band 59, Heft 347, S. 23-30
ISSN: 1944-785X
In: WIT transactions on ecology and the environment Volume 242
In: Encyclopedia of environmental issues
Intro -- Table of Contents -- Contributors -- Acid mine drainage 1 -- Amoco Cadiz oil spill 1 -- Aqueducts 2 -- Aquifers 4 -- Argo Merchant oil spill 5 -- Ashio, Japan, copper mine 6 -- Best available technologies 7 -- Black Sea 8 -- BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill 9 -- Braer oil spill 12 -- Brent Spar occupation 13 -- Chesapeake Bay 14 -- Chlorination 15 -- Clean Water Act and amendments 16 -- Coastal Zone Management Act 18 -- Colorado River 18 -- Continental shelves 20 -- Cultural eutrophication 22 -- Cuyahoga River fires 22 -- Dams and reservoirs 23 -- Danube River 27 -- Desalination 28 -- Dredging 29 -- Drinking water 30 -- Environment Canada 31 -- Environmental Protection Agency 32 -- Eutrophication 35 -- Experimental Lakes Area 36 -- Externalities 38 -- Exxon Valdez oil spill 38 -- Flood Control Act 40 -- Floodplains 41 -- Floods 43 -- Fluoridation 45 -- Ganges River 47 -- Great Lakes International Joint Commission 48 -- Groundwater pollution 49 -- Gulf War oil burning 50 -- Irrigation 52 -- Kesterson Reservoir 54 -- Klamath River 55 -- Lake Baikal 56 -- Lake Erie 58 -- Leachates 59 -- London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution 61 -- Los Angeles Aqueduct 62 -- Mediterranean Blue Plan 64 -- Mississippi River 65 -- Mono Lake 68 -- Monongahela River tank collapse 69 -- Nile River 71 -- North American Free Trade Agreement 72 -- Ocean currents 74 -- Ocean dumping 76 -- Ocean pollution 78 -- Oil spills 81 -- Pacific Islands 84 -- PEMEX oil well leak 86 -- Polluter pays principle 87 -- Rain gardens 88 -- Rainwater harvesting 89 -- Rhine River 91 -- Riparian rights 91 -- Rocky Flats, Colorado, nuclear plant releases 92 -- Runoff, agricultural 94 -- Runoff, urban 95 -- Sacramento River pesticide spill 97 -- Safe Drinking Water Act 98 -- Santa Barbara oil spill 99 -- Sea Empress oil spill 100 -- Sea-level changes 101.
In: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/umn.31951d015274263
"Sponsored by the South Dakota Water Resources Institute." ; Cover title: Water pollution in South Dakota. ; Includes bibliographies. ; pt. 1. Natural water quality and pollution sources.--pt. 2. Water pollution laws and legislation.--pt. 3. Problems, programs, and needs. ; Mode of access: Internet.