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2881617 Ergebnisse
In: Foreign affairs: an American quarterly review, Band 62, Heft 5, S. 1242
ISSN: 2327-7793
In: A Day in an Ecosystem Ser.
In: International studies quarterly: the journal of the International Studies Association, Band 42, Supple, S. 317
ISSN: 0020-8833, 1079-1760
The first edition of Tropical Rain Forests: an Ecological and Biogeographical Comparison exploded the myth of 'the rain forest' as a single, uniform entity. In reality, the major tropical rain forest regions, in tropical America, Africa, Southeast Asia, Madagascar, and New Guinea, have as many differences as similarities, as a result of their isolation from each other during the evolution of their floras and faunas. This new edition reinforces this message with new examples from recent and on-going research. After an introduction to the environments and geological histories of the major rain forest regions, subsequent chapters focus on plants, primates, carnivores and plant-eaters, birds, fruit bats and gliding animals, and insects, with an emphasis on the ecological and biogeographical differences between regions. This is followed by a new chapter on the unique tropical rain forests of oceanic islands. The final chapter, which has been completely rewritten, deals with the impacts of people on tropical rain forests and discusses possible conservation strategies that take into account the differences highlighted in the previous chapters. This exciting and very readable book, illustrated throughout with color photographs, will be invaluable reading for undergraduate students in a wide range of courses as well as an authoritative reference for graduate and professional ecologists, conservationists, and interested amateurs.
In: Mershon International Studies Review, Band 42, Heft 2, S. 317
In: Cambridge tropical biology series
Our knowledge of the ecology of tropical rain-forest trees is limited, with detailed information available for perhaps only a few hundred of the many thousand of species that occur. Yet a good understanding of the trees is essential to unravelling the workings of the forest itself. This book aims to summarise contemporary understanding of the ecology of tropical rain-forest trees. The emphasis is on comparative ecology, an approach that can help to identify possible adaptive trends and evolutionary constraints and which may also lead to a workable ecological classification for tree species, conceptually simplifying the rain-forest community and making it more amenable to analysis
In: Discover the World's Biomes Ser
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Chapter 1: The Eating Machines -- Chapter 2: The Tropical Rain Forest Biome -- Chapter 3: Tropical Rain Forest Communities -- Chapter 4: Tropical Rain Forest Plants -- Chapter 5: Tropical Rain Forest Animals -- Words to Know -- Learn More -- Index -- Back Cover
World Affairs Online
In: Oxford Biology